You're not alone...

Erzulie Dantor


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  • i think me and you would get along great.
    we have alot in common.
  • You seem interesting!|
    I'm always looking for new friends! --> That banner is from the Legally Blonde musical, right?
    • Thank you! I've seen you around this place, and you seem very interesting too!

      Aye, it is. It happens to be my current fandom obsession. :3 I listen to the soundtrack CONSTANTLY, and I have the DVD of when MTV filmed the whole musical. So good!

      I's adding you.
  • I've seen you around and I really think we'll get along great!

    Mind adding me? :D

  • join [info]exquisitely now!
  • Hi! I found you through Rei-chan. I found your username intriuging. It's not often you find the name of one of the Lwa as such. Do you mind terribly if I friend you?
    • I don't mind at all! It's not often you find somebody who could recognize my name as such. I shall add you back.
  • Thanks for taking some interest in my [info]addme entry! Would love to blab about the BSC and SVH!
  • I honestly can't remember if I wrote this to you before or not, but I was looking at your user info and you seem really cool. It seems like we have alot in common. You're also a comic fan, which are becoming harder to find these days. I'm trying to get into RPing, so if you'd be interested, drop me a line on AIM or MSN or something.
  • join [info]equations!!
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