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| Games: Hogwarts Blogs (no bio), Hogwarts Blogs Fast Forward (no bio), Euterpe's Corner
( Euterpe's Corner biography )
( OWL scores, June 2000 )
( NEWT scores, June 2002 )
( Sample Entry )Melinda was in a rush as she arrived on the Hogwarts grounds that evening. Having shown a permission slip from Professor McGonagall to one of the Aurors guarding the Entrance Hall, she'd been somewhat interrogated about her reasons for being there, and was thus late. She hoped she would still be able to catch Theo - she needed to tell him how her meeting with Rita Skeeter had gone. The red-head rounded a corner on the way to The Song's office and increased her pace.
Ginny was patroling the halls with a fellow Prefect when she saw another red-head walking quickly down the hall towards her. She recognized her as Melinda Bobbin. The former Slytherin who had been talking about her brother George in the journals recently. Ginny rather thought this girl might like her brother, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. As annoying as her brothers were she didn't want anymore of them marrying bints like Phlegm. She excused herself to her partner and walked towards Melinda with a sweet smile on her face, "Hi, you're Melinda Bobbin, right?"
Melinda had noticed that Ginny had clapped eyes on her from further down the corridor, and the Slytherin in her went on alert. Given that Melinda had never really spoken to Ginny before, and she had recently spent time with one of the younger girl's brothers, she was immediately suspicious of the girl's seemingly sweet expression. Gryffindors could be much more manipulative than they let on.
Her polite and professional smile on her face - she had a feeling Ginny wouldn't appreciate false behaviour, especially when it came from one of her own house - she acknowledged the prefect with a nod. "That's right. And you're Ginny Weasley." This wasn't phrased as a question, just a simple fact - Melinda didn't believe in messing around.
"I am." Ginny nodded, intrigued by the older red-head's straight forward demeanor. Interesting. "What brings you to the school?" she asked politely, she wanted to steer the conversation towards George, but she couldn't jump right in. That'd be far to obvious.
Knowing from previous experiences in the Slug Club and from various statements on the journals that Ginny was a feisty young thing, Melinda decided to err on the side of caution until she knew exactly where she stood with the other girl. "Just a professional visit, actually. I have some documents I need to give to Theodore Nott for "The Song" she said, holding up the manila folder she had tucked under one arm.
"Oh lovely. I'm just headed in that direction on patrol myself." Ginny lied. They'd been heading in the opposite direction for the patrol, but no matter. "Mind if I join you?"
Lovely? Melinda thought to herself as she turned to continue on down the corridor. What on earth's the girl doing? "Of course. I'm not particularly busy on this visit" she added, wondering if Ginny's reaction may clue her in as to what she was up to.
"Great." Ginny chirped. She had a feeling that Melinda wasn't buying her act, she seemed guarded. She might as well just get to the point. Maybe the bluntness would shock Melinda into giving something away. "So, how's my brother George lately?"
Melinda looked a little taken aback, but not shocked, at Ginny's bluntness. Perhaps the two girls were just used to different standards of interacting with strangers, but Melinda was careful not to display what she really thought of the Gryffindor's unsubtlety. "Last I saw of him, he seemed well. Why do you ask?" she said calmly, not wanting to be the one to break and reveal their true intention. She was much too Slytherin for that.
"Well, I noticed on the journals that you'd seen him. He doesn't write much. He's an elusive one." Ginny said conversationally. She just wanted to know what this girl thought of her brother. She wasn't about to play nasty pranks on Melinda if she did like him. She'd leave that to Celia Warrington and the like. Course, Ginny would have no qualms about hexing anyone who broke any of her brothers' hearts. Even Ron. Fred had dated Angelina, but she'd never really known what was going on in George's love life... so seeing a girl mention him had piqued her interest.
Melinda nodded calmly as she strolled along, "I think he's just enjoying life lots at the moment, and I gather that the shop is doing well, so he's probably just busy in London." She turned and looked at Ginny for a moment, knowing that a brief act of thoughtfulness from one of her house may surprise her. "Are you worried about him?"
"Worried about George?" Ginny asked, sounding bemused, "Hardly. Those two can take care of themselves. They're bloody dangerous with those inventions of theirs." What she said was half true; The twins really were borderline dangerous, but that didn't mean she didn't worry about them. She worried about everyone these days.
"Well, good" Melinda added, somewhat relieved that Ginny seemed alright. Counselling the sister of a boy she didn't even know all that well would be a bit weird.
"You must be proud of George and Fred. They've done well for themselves" she said neutrally.
"Yes, I am, actually." Ginny replied, "When they left Hogwarts I thought Mum would kill them. But they're happy... and alive." The Gryffindor had a feeling she wouldn't be getting any information about George out of the older girl tonight, she'd just have to watch the journals carefully. And maybe send George a wheedling owl.
"That's good" Melinda said, smiling at the other girl to let her know she wasn't too much of a big bad Slytherin. "They're both nice boys. I just seem to have bumped into George more often than Fred, for some reason."
"Fred's got a bit more of a temper. They're both nice though." Ginny agreed, "Though, if you, um, continue to, um, run into my brother... don't ever agree to be a test subject for a product. Ever." | comments: 15 comments or Leave a comment  |
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