26 May 2010 @ 07:02 pm
One Shot: Blue Rain  

Blue Rain


Summary: Who would forget Kwon JiYong’s birthday? Everyone knows his birthday! Nobody forgets his birthday. Especially him. But what happened? Did he forget?! GDTOP. [Yama nashi Ochi nashi Imi nashi]


A/N: For Lady, because she is a whore. Huge thanks to Yamira for doing the parts I can’t do (and proof reading)




Also, dedicated to our otp; don’t get me wrong I love OT5 but sometimes I segment them lolol


Also, this is my first time writing Yaoi, so I did not do those parts (yes, Yamira did it. She’s awesome okay?)




Bzzt. Bzzt.


The sound of the annoying phone vibrating woke Jiyong up. Who in their right mind would want to wake him up at this time? Granted, it was just Eight in the morning but Kwon Jiyong rarely gets any sleep. He does too much Singing, Writing, Composing, Dancing name it, and he does it.


He reached for his annoying phone over at his desk.



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19 February 2010 @ 04:42 pm
Yet to have a title: Chapter 3: Arrival  
Chapter 3


A/N: Finally, yeah?

No Previews because this Chapter is short  )
Current Music: Namie Amuro- TOP SECRET
25 January 2010 @ 08:32 pm
Yet to be Titled: Chapter 2  
Chapter 2

A/N: I should be reading Crime and Punishment but oh well. I'm a lazy bitch :D

Please excuse this chapter for being exessively long. People with amnesia are hard to deal with.

And oh, she was asleep for 3 days and she has been awake for roughly a week (this chapter is set on the 6th day she was awake. Night time.) (Events that had taken place with in this time frame would be explained...hopefully if not I'll dedicate a special chapter 1.5 for it<3)

Thinking fast is also awesome. I wonder how can someone think long paragraphs with in seconds?

EunAe's POV

I was too busy talking to ChunHei to notice someone had opened the door. I was shocked to see someone else inside my room. The first thing I noticed was that this intruder--I mean person is really tall (aside from the fact that he is a man). This man was taller than anyone that I knew (which is just Doctor Jang and ChunHei well excluding the people on that box called television since I never saw them outside outside of that box). First, I thought that ChunHei is already the tallest person that I knew (since she was taller than me, and I was taller than Docot Jang) but this person who just entered my room proved me wrong.

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