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Jason "Tech" Landon ([info]thisismyweapon) wrote,
@ 2011-09-07 21:52:00

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Home in Louisiana once agan
After their trip to the prison, Jason was happy that he and Sammy were pulling up to Gran's place to spend some time. He loved his old home, but damn if he didn't love it more because Sammy was with him. Gran met them out on the back porch and smiled, looking spry for a woman who'd had a heart a attack just a year ago.

"Hi, Gran! I brought your favorite secret agent to see you again." Jason grins, going to get their bags.

"I see that, Jason. Be a dear and handle the luggage while I work on getting this poor girl fed. Sammy, you look like skin and bones." Gran frets.

Jason tries not to laugh, giving Sammy an "I-told-you-so" look.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-02 06:03 am UTC (link)
Sammy bit her tongue to keep from saying anything else, or attempting to try to pause time to see if they managed to calibrate a collar to something other than the x-gene. Chances were that if they were this well informed, they might have surveillance to document any abnormalities that would show up if she paused time and moved around. Even the slightest sudden shift of position would show up on a digital image.

She settled for another glare. It couldn't hurt to be seen as a green agent with a personal issue. They'd underestimate her.

Still, somebody was going to cease breathing over what happened to Jason. In that, she had to admit that Jake Landon was right. She was a killer. Just not the sort he assumed.

"You do that."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-02 06:08 am UTC (link)
A young woman appears several minutes later with a folded leather body-suit and a weapon for Sammy. The girl doesn't look her in the eyes, except to speak.

"When you're ready, I'm to lead you to the conference room." she says quietly.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-02 06:16 am UTC (link)
"Igor didn't untie my hands," Sammy said. Leather? Were they kidding or just perverts? "You'll have to do it or get some big strong guy with low brain power in here."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-02 06:19 am UTC (link)
The young woman brandishes a pocket knife and cuts Sammy's bonds, then leaves the cell to let her dress privately.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-02 06:26 am UTC (link)
With the room surveillance in mind, Sammy was out of her few clothes and into the leather body suit in a matter of minutes.

She took extra time to examined the gun. Not hers, and not as advanced as what she was used to. Jason had changed all her expectations for firearms.

Outside the door, she gestured the girl to lead the way.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-03 04:54 am UTC (link)
Sammy is led down a series of halls in the dark until she arrives inside a lighted war room not unlike her father's on the SHIELD helicarrier. In the room is the man from her cell.

On the screen before her is none other than her brother, Mikel.

"Samantha. Glad you could make it. I hope you're not going to try anything stupid. Your little accomplice would suffer for it and you don't want that, do you?" he asks.

"Have a seat."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-03 11:30 am UTC (link)
Sammy stood staring at the screen. In all her mental chatter, she really hadn't expected Mikel to be behind it all. He was supposed to be in the Vault. That's where Dad said they'd put him after the Zodiac mission failed. After her own brother turned her into his Capricorn.

"Why would I do something stupid? Doesn't /my/ big brother have only my best interests at heart?" she asked with heavy sarcasm. "I said I'd kill you if you ever took a free breath again. Now I'll have to make good on it."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-04 03:08 am UTC (link)
"Are you still sour about that whole Capricorn thing, Samantha? Would it help if I apologized? I know that killing me would make you happy but Jason Landon's safety is more important to you than killing me." Mikel says.

"Mr. Delgado is here to help you with you task of getting Jacob Landon out of jail. S.H.I.E.L.D. will fall, Samantha. You know it and so do I. Maybe you should take the chance to get back on my side before everything falls apart." he says.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-04 07:09 am UTC (link)
"You're thirty years older than me, and still completely stupid, Mikel. Maybe you should take the chance to get back on my side before I become director of SHIELD because you're going to fail. Again. Dad won't be around to clean up after you forever."

She didn't bother looking at Igor. "Why do you want Jake Landon? Have you read his file? I've talked to the man and I know that you've already done the one thing that's guaranteed to make him angry."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-06 12:44 am UTC (link)
"Yours isn't know but to do, Samantha." he says.

"Suffice to say, Jacob Landon owes me a favor and I'm collecting on it." he says.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-07 02:17 pm UTC (link)
Pressing Mikel anymore wouldn't be productive. She knew she already made him uneasy. He would never know if she was in the room with him, or if his next breath would be his last. Not while she still breathed. She turned her mind to what little information provided on the task ahead. First she would get Jason out of this mess. Then she would come back to clean house. Mikel obviously didn't realize she was spiked. She would access that information when she returned to SHIELD and get his location.

"Yeah, right. Tell you what. I'll make sure that whatever's left of you gets a nice funeral when he's done. I'll even throw in Igor here." She shot Delgado a smirk. "Dead or alive."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:02 pm UTC (link)
Delgado returns the smirk. "You're a feisty one. It's almost attractive. Almost." he says.

"Do the job and Jason gets to walk away with all of his body parts, Samantha. Though I suspect he's going to rethink his relationship with you. I mean, he's the second...'teammate' you've nearly gotten killed on your watch, right? That's not something a man can just push aside easily." Mikel says.

"Delgado, make sure she doesn't screw this up." he says, before the screen goes dark.

Delgado looks at Sammy. "Ouch. You're a regular black widow, aren't you?" he asks.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:21 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, just what she needed. Nothing was said about Igor being returned in the same condition, though, and he was already running the risk of getting shot. She might shoot him anyway because his boss was being a jerk.

"Only when necessary. This one is all Mikel's fault. Jason would be fine if it wasn't for your interference, and you better believe I'll make sure his brother knows. Now, are you actually useful or does Mikel keep you around to make himself think he has minions? I want to get this over with."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:28 pm UTC (link)
"We're ready to move out when you are, Samantha." Delgado says.

"Do you need a layout of the prison complex or a briefing of what we intend?" he asks.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:33 pm UTC (link)
"You don't call me Samantha," she said very coolly. "My name is Fury. The only Fury here with any guts."

"Give me what intel you have."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:38 pm UTC (link)
"As you say, Fury." Delgado says, reaching into his coat and producing a Kindle-like tablet.

"The schematics of the prison are there. Landon's cell is in the Southwest quadrant of the prison. We'll create a diversion on two sides while you take a small group of people and free Landon. A chopper will meet you at the rendezvous point two miles to the south, in the forest." Delgado says.

"Once you get Landon here, your part in this ends." Delgado says.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 06:46 pm UTC (link)
Her part in this wouldn't end until Jake Landon was back in prison, Mikel was dead, and Jason was safe.

She took the tablet from him. "Your small group won't be able to keep up with me. I'm faster alone."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 07:15 pm UTC (link)
"Not an option. The group goes with you or I do." Delgado says, staring her down.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-08 09:28 pm UTC (link)
Sammy remained unbowed. She tapped the screen to move the maps around. "You'll do. I only need one person to throw to the guards if it comes down to it."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-09 12:57 am UTC (link)
"You're funny. We're out of here in twenty minutes. The boss man says you can visit with the younger Landon so that you understand what's at stake." Delgado says.

"Don't be late." he tells her, as the young woman enters the room again.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-09 02:11 am UTC (link)
"You should be nice to me. I can get you into all sorts of bad spots. Nobody said you had to come back."

"If I find Jason in anything less than pristine condition, I'm rewriting the agreement."

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-09 04:33 am UTC (link)
"Nineteen minutes." Delgado said, and turned to walk away.

When Sammy was ready, the girl led her from the room and down another corridor toward the opposite end of the building. As they reached the end of the corridor, Sammy could see two guards in front of another door at the end of that hallway. When Sammy and the girl approached, the guards, both men, opened the door and stood aside.

Inside the cell, Jason lay on a cot facing the wall.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-09 05:26 am UTC (link)
She'd been so involved in threatening Mikel and his Igor that one step inside the cell sobered her up to their situation.

"Jason?" She reached for his shoulder. "Jason, are you all right?"

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-11 01:49 am UTC (link)
Jason turns over and Sammy can see what's wrong immediately. There's a large bruise on his temple and his eyes are very glassy. It's not just a concussion; it's a /bad/ concussion.

"Oh, if this is another dream, it ain't a fair one." Jason says, smiling at Sammy blearily, his eyelids fluttering.

He looks like he's going to pass out again. That would be bad.

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Re: Sometime Later....
2012-01-11 05:25 pm UTC (link)
Sammy was on him in a heartbeat, checking his injuries and peering into his eyes.

"Not a dream, Jason, we're in real trouble here. I need you to listen to me." His skin was cool, too cool, his pupils were too big for light. She covered his eyes with her hand and lifted it quickly to see the reaction. Too sluggish. Concussion and shock. So much for Mikel's assurance that Jason would be okay.

"Has a doctor been in to see you? What happened to you after you woke up?"

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Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]thisismyweapon, 2012-01-13 01:14 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-13 04:55 pm UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]thisismyweapon, 2012-01-17 02:39 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-17 02:51 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]thisismyweapon, 2012-01-17 04:41 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-17 04:55 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]thisismyweapon, 2012-01-21 10:52 pm UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-23 12:01 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]alterverse_misc, 2012-01-23 02:31 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-23 02:39 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]alterverse_misc, 2012-01-23 02:42 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]sammyfury, 2012-01-23 03:28 am UTC
Re: Sometime Later.... - [info]alterverse_misc, 2012-01-26 02:34 am UTC

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