Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
page summary
Crescent City Institute - February 6th, 2011
Who: Rowan and OPEN!
Where & When: The commons, Sunday afternoon.
Rating: Safe for work for now. Will update if needed.
Summary: Rowan is out in the commons, practicing her guitar work, when SOMETHING HAPPENS.

She had not been practicing enough with her guitar recently. Rowan decided that when she went to practice as a way of trying to relax a bit. The whole thing with these creatures in her dorm had really freaked her out enough, but then the whole thing with what had happened on the hunt... and well, she needed to calm down a bit. So she had taken her guitar out to an out of the way spot on the commons and started to play a bit, running through chord progressions as a way of warming up, going by memory through the finger placements of each one that she knew.

Her fingers felt stiff as she started out, and it was then that she decided that she had not been putting enough effort into this as she used to. So she set herself to work, going over every practice song and every exercise she had ever been taught to that point. She wasn't quite sure how long she was there practicing, but she had finished all of those and was opening up the Smashing Pumpkins songbook that had also been a part of her overly-extravagant Yule gift when she saw someone approaching.

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Characters: Jenny and Ella.
Setting: Sunday, at the mall food court.
Content: SFW and adorable.
Summary: Ella has decided to take her sister out and see what's up with her. Boy scouting is clearly the way to do this. Jenny not sure if want, and HEART TO HEART BONDING ENSUES.

Teenagers, we don't know anything, how was I to know that what we carved in stone would be so temporary? )

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