Name: Crescent City Institute
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imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 12th, 2011 04:01 am (UTC) (Link)
With Jenny's head so close to her ear, she could certainly hear the change in her breathing. It was hot, and sound alone was enough to make Sera let out a quiet moan. Every touch seemed soft and perfect.

As Jenny worked her hand up Sera's torso, she couldn't help but tense a little. She barely noticed the shaking of Jenny's hands as hers were shaking slightly too. She reached with one hand around Jenny's back attempting to unhook her bra. She wasn't nearly as quick as Jenny, fumbling around for what seemed like an eternity,

Finally with the clasps unhooked, she reached for the straps and pulled the bra off Jenny, down over her arms. She couldn't take her eyes off Jenny, carelessly flinging the bra somewhere on her floor.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 12th, 2011 10:38 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny backed off a little as Sera undid her bra, pulling back enough to let herself out of it, the garment falling easily from her arms. When it was flung aside, the blonde managed a somewhat embarrassed smile, leaning back in again, lips finding Sera's neck again. "You're not so bad at that yourself," she teased, lightly grazing her teeth against the brunette's ear for a moment.

She was pushing the younger girl back onto the bed slightly, pressing against her, and her whole body seeming to tremble with anticipation as they touched, full skin on skin. It was amazing. Each touch seemed to feel like electricity, giving Jenny a shock followed by a shiver, as she continued to kiss Sera's ear between each little moan of satisfaction.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 12:45 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera's eyes closed as their bodies pressed against one another and her breath deepened. Her legs felt weak, and a shiver of pleasure passed through her as the warmth of Jenny's skin rubbed against her own. With each movement of Jenny's lips on her neck she couldn't hold back the tiny noises trying to escape her.

She pulled Jenny closer. She wanted to touch every inch of her.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 03:01 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny had been feeling briefly chilled when her bra had first been removed, but with every touch from Sera, she felt herself warming up. She arched some against the brunette, letting out a little whimper, and kissing desperately at the side of Sera's neck. She focused there, letting her teeth graze occasionally. The next day, she would claim to be innocent of the mark that was currently being made.

Dragging one hand down the brunette's back, she stopped at the top of Sera's pants, slipping her fingers just past the waistline along her hip. "Do you.. uhm, wanna?" she remembered to ask, stopping herself from moving her hand any further, settling to slightly tickling the skin above her jeans instead.

imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 04:09 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera breathed in deep showing a little hesitation but not moving her hips away from Jenny's fingers.

"I want to." She smiled, reaching her hand down to meet Jenny's. She held her hand in place as if to momentarily stop her from going any further. "This is my first time." Sera quietly whispered up into Jenny's ear. "Don't make fun but I'm kind of nervous."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 04:23 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny relaxed her hand as Sera touched it, smiling a little as she whispered in her ear. "I would never make fun," she whispered back, brushing a light kiss against the brunette's cheek. "You didn't make fun of my stupid undies.. it's only fair, right?" she joked, trying to lighten the mood a little, her fingers still gently stroking Sera's hip.

"I only want to if you're sure," she added seriously, her lips finding Sera's, pressing softly against them. "I want you so bad, but only if you want me to," she murmured before kissing her again. Jenny lips parting slightly, lightly running her tongue along Sera's lower lip, asking for entry.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 04:48 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera's cheeks blushed slightly, still feeling a little embarrassed. "I want you too." She smiled. "So bad." She mouthed the words seductively into Jenny's ear.

She kissed back, sticking her tongue out just enough to graze Jenny's as it passed by, teasingly. She pulled the blonds hand out from her waistband and rolled her to her back. "I wanna be on top for my first time." Sera confessed, feeling her confidence coming back to her.

"Let me fuck you." She whispered just loud enough for Jenny to hear.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 04:59 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny hadn't been expecting Sera to take control so suddenly, but she supposed she couldn't be surprised. There was very few things Sera liked to do without being in control, and now that Jenny thought about it.. sex probably wasn't going to be one of them. It was more than a little helpful that she had always found Sera's confidence to be one of her sexier qualities. Grinning slowly, the blonde looked up at her.

"Whatever you want," she murmured, knowing her face was flushed. She reached her hands up, trying to keep them from shaking too much, and gently cupped Sera's cheeks. She let her thumb graze lazily over the brunette's cheek, and then her lips, still smiling up at her. "Fuck me then," she added simply, giving a little arch of her hips, just trying to entice her.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 04:08 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sera still wasn't completely sure what she was gonna do but was doing all she could to hold back her lingering nerves. She smiled at Jenny, letting herself kiss her thumb as it passed by her lips, her tongue just slightly touching Jenny's finger. It was like she could feel Jenny's words pass through every inch of her body.

She leaned down and kissed Jenny, her teeth gently biting on the older girl's lower lip. Sera moved her mouth to Jenny's collarbone, letting her tongue slide gently crossed it. She arched her back rubbing her body against Jenny's at the same time.

Her mouth trailed down her torso, leaving little kissed behind. Her finger tips passed lightly over Jenny's nipples. Oh my god She couldn't believe she was actually doing this.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 07:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny was more or less left at Sera's whims. If she wanted to be in control, the blonde was more than willing to just lay back and let her do all of the hard work. Gasping some as Sera kissed at her collarbone, one hand moving up to instinctively tug at the younger girl's hair, fingers dragging through it. "That tickles," she reprimanded her, barely in a whisper.

When Sera slid further down, arching against her, Jenny did the same, hips lifting from the mattress. The feeling of Sera's fingers brushing just past her nipples made her gasp again, letting out a little moan of frustration. "Pervert and a tease," she joked, glancing down at her friend with a sheepish little grin.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 08:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I can't be a tease and a pervert." Sera laughed reassuringly, looking up at Jenny from the middle of her stomach where her head still lay gently kissing. "Teasing implies you want it?" Sera grinned back, posing it as somewhat of a question.

Jenny definitely seemed to want it. Sera moved her head down until her lips met the waist of Jenny's pants. "Can I try something?" Sera asked blushing slightly.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 08:17 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I guess you have a point," Jenny breathed, smiling a little as she closely watched Sera working her way down. Every kiss seemed to add to the build-up; she felt flushed all over, a little desperate, and she wanted each touch. She was shaking with slight anticipation, waiting for each one. It was hard to be quiet, though she wanted to be. Easier said than done.

When Sera looked up and questioned her, Jenny blinked slightly. "Of course," she offered, chewing her lip briefly. "I don't care, go ahead."
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 14th, 2011 08:34 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Don't make fun." Sera whispered up once again. She was a little unsure but didn't wait for a response. She pulled at the button on Jenny's pants gently with her teeth, just teasing the blond a little longer. Watching her body move at the whim of each touch was almost more than Sera could take. She tried to breath calmly, but it was hard to stay in control.

Her hands slowly moved to the button, undoing it slowly followed by the zipper. "Scoot your butt up!" She giggled at Jenny, already starting to slide the blonds pants down over her hips.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 14th, 2011 09:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
Jenny did exactly as she was told, lifting her hips slightly and scooting further up the bed. It might have been easier if they were facing the proper direction, but right then, that was the last thing on her mind. When Sera began to slide her jeans down her hips, the blonde whimpered slightly, wiggling a bit to help her out, to get them pulled down faster.

"I won't make fun," she agreed, in a hush little whisper, staring intently down at the other girl. "Just don't tease," she warned, licking at her lower lip, before tipping her head back against the bed and leaving Sera to her devices.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 01:16 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera pulled Jenny's pants off slowly, gently placing a kiss on the inside of each of her thighs. She looked up at Jenny with a devilish grin, she was kind of enjoying being a tease.

Still tugging at the older girls jeans she finally managed them off, dropping them off the side of the bed. All that was left was Jenny's lucky panties. "Here, lets turn the other way." Sera suggested. "Put your head up on the pillow." She laughed, "So I can do this without falling off the side of the bed."
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 15th, 2011 02:19 am (UTC) (Link)
"Why am I not surprised that you're still giving out the commands?" Jenny replied slowly, giggling some as she propped herself up. She quickly shifted around, letting her head fall back onto the pillows at the top of Sera's bed. She knees were bent up from her movement, but once she was comfortable, she fixed Sera with a little smile as she slowly spread her legs apart again.

"This better?" she asked, teasing just a bit. She lifted her hand, lazily trailing her fingers over her bare stomach.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 02:45 am (UTC) (Link)
"Yeah that's better." She managed, her eyes fixed on Jenny. Sera was kneeling on the bed by Jenny's legs, and when Jenny opened her legs she moved up towards her, rubbing her fingers slowly up the inside of Jenny's calf and thigh until she reach the top.

She placed a kiss on the outside of Jenny's panties and pulled at their band with her fingers. She reached under Jenny and pulled them off, slowly over her bottom, letting it drag out a little longer than necessary. Her anticipation building as she enjoyed the view.

Leaving Jenny's panties still hooked to on foot, she moved her head up again getting her first look at Jenny's vagina. She just starred for a moment but then let her tongue graze gently against the top of Jenny's leg, just a few inches short.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 15th, 2011 03:02 am (UTC) (Link)
"Thought you might like that," Jenny replied softly. She shivered as Sera moved between her legs, reaching her hand down and grasping the brunette's hair. She pulled gently, fingers tangling in a bit as Sera leaned toward her, brushing against her with her tongue, and giving Jenny the shivers all over again. If she had been standing, she was sure she'd have slumped down long ago on such trembling legs.

The touch was close, but not quite good enough.

Though the lick did draw a little moan out of the blonde. "Sera, don't tease," she warned her playfully, sounding a little breathless, as she gave the other girl's hair another little pull. "Be good."
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 03:25 am (UTC) (Link)
"Impatient, are we?" Sera whispered, her head peeking up at Jenny from between her legs. She moved her lips across to Jenny's other thigh, gently letting her mouth slip on Jenny's clit as she passed over it. She kissed the inside of Jenny's other leg and let her tongue work back to the middle.

Moving her tongue slowly up and over Jenny's clit again she lingered there flicking her tongue slowly. She was just kind of winging it not entirely sure what to do.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 15th, 2011 03:44 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny licked her lips, letting her head tip back against the pillows again. "I'm never impatient," she murmured softly, giggling a little as Sera kissed her thighs. It brought back that feeling of warmth, starting in the pit of her stomach and working down into her legs.

Almost as soon as Sera's attention moved to her clit, Jenny was whimpering again, hips slightly lifting from the bed, anything to get firmer contact. The hand tangled in Sera's hair never left, just tensing and releasing their grip with each lick, followed closely by the little noises escaping her.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 04:06 am (UTC) (Link)
When Jenny arched her hips up Sera pushed harder back with her tongue, slowly increasing the pressure and she reached her hand up and slide her fingers over Jenny's breast, gripping on it slightly as she continued to work her tongue against Jenny.

With each little noise Jenny made Sera got more into it, moving her tongue faster and just a little farther each time. Jenny tasted good, and she could feel her wetness bumping slightly against her chin as she moved her jaw.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 15th, 2011 04:33 am (UTC) (Link)
Jenny was lost in a world all her own. With each movement Sera was making Jenny's body was reacting, tensing and moving, trying to buck against her lips and tongue. She released Sera's hair at least, stretching her arms up over her head instead, making some weak grabs at the headboard, fingers dragging slowly down it's surface each time she missed her grip.

"Fuck," she breathed, panting a little, eyes closed tight. "Fuck," she repeated, unable to articulate much beyond that. It had been a long time since she had been close with anyone like this, and with Sera, it felt even more amazing.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 05:07 am (UTC) (Link)
Sera increased her efforts even further when the older girl reached up to the headboard. She felt in complete control. She wrapped her free arm around Jenny's leg, pulling her face even further between Jenny's legs. Sera was breathing heavily almost in sync with each move Jenny's body made, tasting her with each movement her tongue made. Her light moans were muffled against Jenny's vagina.

She flicked her tongue down just briefly, poking gently at the hole, as if to tease the blond once more. Looking up at Jenny again with that devilish grin.
867_5309 From: [info]867_5309 Date: January 15th, 2011 06:27 am (UTC) (Link)
The grin went right over Jenny's head. She was too absorbed elsewhere, eyes still closed tightly, and head arching up slightly from the pillow as Sera teased her. It wasn't fair, and she made a little whimper of protest, hips jerking slightly in response. Her breathing was ragged, everything feeling intense, and wearing her out.

"D-Didn't you wanna fuck?" she murmured, smiling lazily, shifting her hips against the younger girl's mouth, groaning lightly as Sera's lips brushed against her clit again. "It's probably g-good.. like, wet, I mean," she added, teeth pulling at her lower lip.
imperfectly From: [info]imperfectly Date: January 15th, 2011 07:45 am (UTC) (Link)
"I thought I'd start with something different." Sera replied, just looking up long enough to shoot Jenny a quick smile, she ran her tongue down along Jenny's pussy once again. "I didn't see you complaining." Sera giggled resting her head on Jenny's hip.

She slid her hand gently along Jenny's leg. She let her fingers gently touch Jenny, feeling just how wet she was. Sera went weak, she felt like every inch of her body was shaking, and she had to remember to breath. "Y-yeah it's definitely good." Sera grinned, slowly and easily sliding in just one finger. Holy Jesus Christ you have no idea how hot you are. Sera mumbled heavily against the older girls hip, working her finger inside.

Apart from a few noises and their heavy breathing the house and her room had been completely quiet so when Sera first heard the ring tone on Jenny's phone she couldn't help but jump a little. Pouting slightly at Jenny she started to search the bed and floor for the ringing phone. Where did she throw Jenny's pants again?
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(no subject) - [info]imperfectly
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(no subject) - [info]imperfectly
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(no subject) - [info]imperfectly
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(no subject) - [info]imperfectly
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