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learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 1st, 2011 12:32 am (UTC) (Link)
"As I fully expect," she nodded. "I intend to get many much booze," she grinned. "And the bad jokes will only get better."

She snorted and smacked herself in the face with her palm, shaking her head. "Of course," she laughed. "I will lei everyone but yours will be the most special," she joked.
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 5th, 2011 10:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
Point proven. Keegan grinned, both at the facepalm at his own horrible joke, and at the response that followed. "Aww," he drew the word out, "I get to be the special lei."

Although the point was proven, it didn't stop him from continuing. Nearly. He couldn't resist the chance to be a little more lewd. With a waggle of his eyebrows, he asked, "So... does this mean you'll get to lei Rowan too?"
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 5th, 2011 10:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You sure do," she said shaking her head.

"Absolutely," she giggled. "Rowan gets two leis from me because I think she's coming out early," she joked.
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 5th, 2011 11:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
For a moment, Keegan was surprised he didn't get slapped for that one.

Well, if the joke got back to Rowan, he might.

Still, Keegan managed to force a pout onto his face instead of laughter, digging the toe of his sneaker into the dirt. "Aww. You girls get all the good leis."
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 6th, 2011 12:02 am (UTC) (Link)
She shook her head, giving a good laugh. "Oh Keegan," she said after she settled down from laughing. "Don't get jealy," she said with a mock girlie voice. "Girls will be girls."
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 6th, 2011 12:47 am (UTC) (Link)
He laughed too, and after crushing out his second cigarette of the evening, he moved to put his arm around his friend's shoulders. Just for a moment. "Oh, I won't get jealous, Meka. I just want pictures."
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 6th, 2011 12:56 am (UTC) (Link)
On this one Keegan did earn a little elbow to the side. "Yeah well I'm not one who leis and tells," she laughed. "Besides, pictures are like the ultimate not classy thing ever."
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 6th, 2011 01:05 am (UTC) (Link)
Ah, there it was. Keegan released Meka and stepped to the side after getting elbowed, setting his hand on his side for the moment. "Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying. And you know classy should never be permitted to describe me."
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 6th, 2011 01:26 am (UTC) (Link)
"Fair enough, but I can elbow the shit out of him for trying," she said taking out another cigarette with a big grin.

"You my dear friend are not classy," she laughed. "But us nerds are the pinnacle of classy," she said shaking her head. "Yeah, Meka Palakiko, classiest bitch on the planet."
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 6th, 2011 01:35 am (UTC) (Link)
Meka only gained a wide smile to the first statement. Or threat. Keegan preferred to look at it like a statement, though.

"Oh, totally. The epitome of class, standing out here in the woods swearing and smoking," Keegan snickered, and looked at his pack as if he was debating a third. It was almost worth it as it would be another while before he could get out.

"Rowan is just as classy," he said as he pulled out another. One more before he headed back. "Ya know, dating me and all."
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 6th, 2011 02:10 am (UTC) (Link)
"See? Told you," she laughed. "Real, true class. Fucking Queen of Sheba."

"She is though," Meka grinned. "I think she brought your classy level up, like..." she hold out her hand, showing just a little space between her thumb and forefinger. "This much," she teased.
howemuchtrouble From: [info]howemuchtrouble Date: April 7th, 2011 12:52 am (UTC) (Link)
Keegan laughed, letting the laughter fade a bit before he put the cigarette between his lips and lit it.

"I... wasn't aware I had any class to begin with," he added as an afterthought, letting the smoke come out with his words. "Good to know I at least have a little now. Minimal though it may be."
learntofly From: [info]learntofly Date: April 7th, 2011 01:58 am (UTC) (Link)
She laughed kindly. "Well my friend, I think we all have a small amount of class, no matter how minuscule it may or may not be," she grinned.

She puffed on her cigarette with a shit eating grin on her face. "Still... a cinco de mayo luau is a pretty classy idea."
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