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all_powerfull ([info]all_powerfull) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-02 13:55:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, iris west, npc - aquaman, npc - mera, plot - "call of cthulu", tyler darnell

Happy Birthday, Cait
The entire world is reeling from the aftermath of the near disaster with an elder god's rise. Nowhere is more hurt than San Francisco, including Titan's Tower, and the ravaged bay. Normally, he tries to be very careful not to overuse his powers, tries not to leave the world too affected. But this is special - its both home, and its just before Cait's birthday. As such, all of his normal rules are off.

First there's the city. He isn't so bold as to try and fix the trauma and pain and all, but he can blanket the area with positive psychic impressions, and push people towards good dreams and limit the nightmares. Its a start. Then there's the damage done - using Calculator's memory of everything he's seen while above the city, he slows time until he's effectively moving at 99.999% of light speed, and begins transmuting everything back the way it was - but clean, lacking all the dirt and wear and tear, making the city as new as if everything had just been built. Even at his speed, it takes most of a day.

Then he turns his attention to the Bay - its been most ravaged of all. Death and decay fill it, lifeless fish and other creatures float on the water and litter the sea floor. Somewhere between ocean master's magic and bending time, he starts by accelerating the processes, the decayed things rot away, and become fertilizer in very little time. The spawn slime and acid is disintegrated so things can grow anew, and for good measure, he takes decades of pollution with it. With Poison Ivy's powers, he grows new plant life, then speeds its growth, rebuilding the shattered ecosphere.

Ocean Master's magic and telepathy helps him locate examples of the sea life that should live there, this time leaving out all the invasive species that had moved along the coast. He teleports a few breeding pairs of everything that should be there from elsewhere, restocking the bay. There's not near as much life there as before, but there's the bare bones for recovery.

He's given her not just San Francisco back, but renewed the city, and especially the Bay, and helped the people towards some kind of recovery, but there's one step left.
Reaching out into the ocean, he finds what he's looking for - and he returns a pod of Pacific White-Sided Dolphins to the Bay area, working just one bit of magic. One of the pregnant females undergoes just a little bit of magic, boosting her health and suitability as a mother, and the timescale is time-sped up just right.

When Cait wakes up tomorrow morning, amidst all of the astounded other headlines and reports of various signs of hope will be one that should stand out to her - just to make sure, he plants a suggestion in the lead editor's head, and makes sure there's a good photograph of the pod in the Bay, used as a sign of hope and renewal for the damaged region, making sure when she wakes, there'll be a newspaper nearby with a photo and large headline about the birth of a brand new baby pink dolphin in San Francisco Bay.

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2010-03-10 04:33 am UTC (link)
"Deep sea diving!"

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2010-03-10 04:34 am UTC (link)
Cait smiled. "Works for me." Anything was better than flying. It just...she shuddered at the thought.

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2010-03-10 04:37 am UTC (link)
Ty surrounds Iris in a yellow suit, not quite skintight but close, transparent enough she can see through it easily, but providing life support. "You'll be able to use your speed to keep up with us underwater, no problem. Let me know if you need anything." he says, before teleporting them outside over the water.

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2010-03-10 04:39 am UTC (link)
Iris nodded, smiling. "Okay!" Deep sea diving with a girl that could talk to fish. This was SO COOL.

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2010-03-10 05:04 am UTC (link)
Cait was in the water a second after teleporting. It always felt good to be back in the water even if she had been out of it only a short while. She checked the surrounding area for any signs of dolphins or whales. Iris would probably love to be up close and personal with either.

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2010-03-10 05:11 am UTC (link)
Ty also dives into the water, equally as home in the air, on the ground or in the water. Or in space, for that matter. He lets Iris take control of the construct over her, just giving it flippers so she can get around easier.

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2010-03-10 06:05 am UTC (link)
It took Iris a minute to get used to her dive-suit, but soon she's swimming alongside of Cait and Ty, not a care in the world.

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2010-03-10 06:12 am UTC (link)
It doesn't take long for a pod of dolphins to appear. They were quite happy to see Cait and the humans. They playfully swam around and did jumps and flips out of the water.

Cait laughed and grabbed the dorsal fin of one. She motioned for Iris and Ty to do the same.

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2010-03-10 06:28 am UTC (link)
Iris giggled, grabbing a hold of the dolphin's fin.

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2010-03-10 06:44 am UTC (link)
Ty settles back to watch the others play, finally getting a bit of a smile on his face.
//Let me know if you need any changes made to your suit, Iris. Totally customizeable.//

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2010-03-10 06:52 am UTC (link)
Cait held on for the ride. To her this was a common thing, but she knew it was a treat for Iris. There was a smile on her face though.

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2010-03-10 06:53 am UTC (link)
Iris held on, laughing and smiling. This was fun!

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2010-03-10 06:55 am UTC (link)
Ty creates a number of toys and obstacles both at the surface and below the water, not ordering the dolphins to try any of them, but letting them play with what they will, play about obstacle courses and so on, giving Cait and Iris that much more they can do to interact with the animals.

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2010-03-10 07:26 am UTC (link)
Cait played for awhile and then was content to talk quietly with each of the dolphins one by one while Iris and the others played.

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2010-03-11 03:54 am UTC (link)
Iris was having the time of her life, playing with some of the younger dolphins.

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2010-03-11 03:58 am UTC (link)
Ty watches the girls play, creating more yellow water toys for the dolphins, and particularly for Iris, giving her more ways to interact with the pod.

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2010-03-11 08:15 am UTC (link)
Cait talked to the older dolphins and watched Iris play. She looked at Ty and smile.

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