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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-27 23:00:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, iris west, jayhawk, mourning dove, tyler darnell

I'm Wide Awake and You're Still My Dream
There was the sudden intake of breath and Cait gasped, expecting water not air. For a second it felt like she was suffocating, but then her body adjusted to breathing air. She coughed a few times and drew in deep breaths. She was alive again.

Cait opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She looked around. None of her surroundings were familiar. At all. It wasn't Atlantis or Titans Tower. Where in Hades was she?

What happened? She remembered Oceanus' attack and the darkness and cold settling over her when he killed her. Then...gods of the sea...the walking nightmare. Attacking Atlantis. Killing so many and watching her father die by having his heart ripped out by his wife.

Ty. Tears formed in her eyes and spilled out at the thought of him as the memories of the walking nightmare came rushing back. Cait had used his love for her against him. By Dis, did she really do all of that? Did she cause so much death and destruction?

Ty. Where was he? She sat up and looked around searching frantically for Ty. Shouldn't he be here? He didn't die. She knew he didn't. She had watched William Hand take over, but it didn't kill him. He had to be alive. Cait reached out to him with her mind.

Ty, my love. Where are you?

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2011-03-30 03:31 am UTC (link)
"She's... alright, physically... it was hard everywhere. Her ring... she had to try and help... she's going to be struggling, both with separating herself from the ring again, and all the things she saw and the city went through."

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2011-03-30 03:35 am UTC (link)
Cait helped him into the bed and /fussed/ over him a bit. "Maybe we should go stay with her for awhile," Cait suggested. "Help her through this." It would also delay going to Atlantis, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

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2011-03-30 03:37 am UTC (link)
"That... might be a good idea. She could use some help. Finding a therapist with any room on the schedule after all that's happened will be tough, but us just being there might do some good."

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2011-03-30 03:41 am UTC (link)
"Then we'll go as soon as you feel up to it," Cait said settling that topic. "But for now, you are going to rest and I am going to be right here next to you." She sealed the promise with a kiss and sent the love she felt for him across the bond they shared.

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2011-03-30 04:27 am UTC (link)
Well, let my healing factor work, anyway, and try not to stress it. I still don't sleep... but you could use some rest, if you want to curl up with me for a while.

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2011-03-30 12:52 pm UTC (link)
"I don't /need/ to rest, but curling up with you sounds really good." Cait kissed him once more and then very carefully climbed into the bed and lay next to him.

"I love you."

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2011-03-30 06:09 pm UTC (link)
I love you too.

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