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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-13 20:07:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

The Flowers Job
Sarah had needed to do a very simple job. Get into a party a gangster was throwing and plant some bugs. Her employer was trying to gather intelligence and wanted to make sure that he was covering all of his bases. Honestly was was far too easy for her to find a way into the party. Invitations were easy to get her hands on and with the right dress no one really wanted to ask questions either.

Guards were so easy to flirt past. Especially when she was putting out all the stops. She thought she might even check out the safe while she was here. This was proving to be an incredibly easy and fun job for the thief. She should just try really hard to not tempt fate.

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2012-02-15 04:39 am UTC (link)
She grabs their stuff and flies inside quickly. Too bad it's going to be very cramped in there.

But hey so long as they make no noise they'll be fine.

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2012-02-15 04:48 am UTC (link)
It doesn't help that even though he has a rather lean build, he's quite tall. And it's very cramped in there for a guy of his height. Add in another person, even though she didn't take up much space, and it was worse. Well...not so bad considering how closely she was pressed against him.

He hods his breath and waits for whoever it is to leave. He hopes they leave. Soon.

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2012-02-15 05:00 am UTC (link)
The person is searching for something. They're not at all quiet about it either. Sarah just holds her breath and stays still as she waits for the owner to conclude their business.

And she is so glad that she's smaller than Robin.

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2012-02-15 05:09 am UTC (link)
As much as he wants to go out there and knock the person out, they need to stay hidden. But having her pressed against him like this was very distracting.

The person passes awfully close by the closet while looking for something. He holds his breath, hoping they don't open the closet. He was already running through plans of what to do if it came to that.

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2012-02-15 05:16 am UTC (link)
They find what they're looking for after five more minutes pass. Sarah can feel her leg cramping up just a bit from being pressed into the wall of the closet and having to stay perfectly still.

Once they can move again she makes sure to stretch up against him.

"We're safe now."

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2012-02-15 05:21 am UTC (link)
Yes that stretching was distracting. And it didn't help that he'd just been shut in a tiny closet with her for the past few minutes. He tells himself to think of something else.

Kittens would do.

"I guess so." Now to get out of this closet.

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2012-02-15 05:31 am UTC (link)
Yeah no it won't be that easy. She presses her mouth against his and lets her hands wander. She'll get her keys back and cop a feel while she's at it.

Perfectly reasonable of her.

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2012-02-15 05:38 am UTC (link)
Wait...she didn't want to get out of this closet now? Well here he was trying to be good too...oh to hell with it.

He kisses her back and wraps his arms around her as best he can, then lets his hands wander lower for a slight grope. If she was going to be teasing him and coping a feel all while taking back her keys...well two could play at that game.

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2012-02-15 02:08 pm UTC (link)
Hey it was as good a reason as any to kiss him. Besides, she figured that they'd want to get out of such cramped quarters eventually. She just needed to draw this out long enough to get what she wants.

Plus it's fun winding him up.

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2012-02-16 01:34 am UTC (link)
He lets it continue until his innerBatman, which he's managed to ignore and muffle the whole night, becomes very loud. What was he doing? As much as he enjoys this, he's aware of the danger. And this, as innerBatman was so nicely lecturing him in his head, was reckless and he had to stop it at some point before he let it get too far.

Reaching around her he pushes open the closet door and they both stumble out. He takes a step back to put some space between them and casually smiles, as if he hadn't been having an internal argument, "So I guess we've determined you don't have any stolen goods on you. Unless of course that dress isn't yours."

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2012-02-16 01:41 am UTC (link)
"I could always bring you the sales receipt," Sarah says with a hand sliding to rest on her hip. She's looking pretty amused. Of course he had affected her just as much as she affected him. She was just very good at hiding that unless he got a real good look at her eyes.

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2012-02-16 01:50 am UTC (link)
"I might need to see it. What will I have to do if you can't prove it?" He's smirking a bit and amused by the effect on her, but he's still not sure what he should do. Let this continue? It was harmless so far...

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2012-02-16 01:56 am UTC (link)
".....Figure out where I'm hiding it," she teases and can't help that quick wink she sends his way.

She wouldn't mind continuing. She though he got them out of the closet because it was cramped. "Of course that might end in you breaking into some of my safe houses trying to find it... Can't have that."

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2012-02-16 02:02 am UTC (link)
"What makes you think I haven't already broken into a few?" He's hasn't put so much space between them that it's noticeable that he's hesitant about something, but it's certainly not as close as they were before. Still, this was all so confusingly complicated. Maybe it was better to cut it off now...or just screw innerBatman and let it run.

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2012-02-16 02:09 am UTC (link)
She looks far too smug. "Not the important ones."

He looks like he can't decide if he's going to hmm, how best to put it? Shiver her timbers or leave before they do something he's acting like he might regret. She doesn't think he will. Silly man. They keep playing all over the city.

She just doesn't know if he can handle all of her.

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2012-02-16 02:20 am UTC (link)
"You can't be sure," he smirks.

Luckily he can't read her mind right now. It wouldn't help his dilemna here. He needed to consder his options and having her looking like that wasn't exactly the best way to make a decision. At least not one with his head.

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2012-02-16 02:29 am UTC (link)
She chuckles softly. "I figure you might follow me anyways so..."

She steps forward smirking softly. "Watch my back on my way there? It's far enough from where we are now that if you didn't take my card I'd be taking a cab so.... rooftop express for me."

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2012-02-16 02:50 am UTC (link)
"Rooftop express in that?" Skeptical look is definitely there. He doesn't step away from her advance but at the same time doesn't move any closer. He's still feeling a little divided.

He'd figure it out later though. Pulling out her card he smiles, "Well...I'll give it back to you just so you won't be out in the cold like that. But...I still haven't heard what you were doing at the party in the first place."

Yes he was well aware that he was ruining whatever mood this way but...oh hell he had no idea what he was doing.

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2012-02-16 03:04 am UTC (link)
"I've done worse," she says with an entertained looking smile.

Now that has her shaking her head. "Sorry. No can do. You'd make the experience moot if I told you. And that would cost me."

She smirks up at him. "Nice try though."

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2012-02-16 03:13 am UTC (link)
"That would have been fun to see..."

He shrugs, "Had to take a chance. You're back to work pretty quickly since the whole shooting thing." Well now he's wondering what she was doing there. She hadn't stolen anything...scouting? He'd look into it.

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2012-02-16 03:27 am UTC (link)
"Trust me, you'd see so much more in that situation."

She smiled softly. "I couldn't stay away. My Employer was very convincing. He even apologized for my injury."

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2012-02-16 03:33 am UTC (link)
Oh to hell with it. He'd figure this all out when he got back to the manor. No reason to ruin the night.

"Sounds like fun. Why don't you do it more often?"

"Well it was his fault partially. If he wants a thief he needs to make sure his doesn't get shot," he frowns.

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2012-02-16 03:46 am UTC (link)
"I don't know... could be dangerous," she says with a shrug. "Gotham isn't like Turkey."

She can't help but smile and place a hand on him teasingly. "You're just upset I didn't get returned to you in the same condition I left."

Now she's flirting again. She presses a kiss against his cheek. "Thank you for worrying."

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2012-02-16 03:49 am UTC (link)
Thomas tilts his head and looks interested, "Turkey?"

"Well I went through all that trouble to have you in perfect condition and what do I get back? They got you shot. I need to have words with your boss about proper thief treatment." He shoots her a small smile, "What did you expect?"

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2012-02-16 03:54 am UTC (link)
"One of my favorite countries. France and Egypt tie for a close second," she offers with a soft smile.

"Is he going to have to start signing agreements with you?" She's trying so hard to not laugh. Then she softly kisses his cheek again. "Let me get my shoes on. We really should go."

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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 03:59 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 04:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 04:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 01:04 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 10:18 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 10:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 10:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 10:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 10:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 10:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 10:56 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 11:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 11:07 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 11:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 11:15 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 11:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-16 11:23 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-16 11:52 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 12:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 12:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 12:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 01:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 01:36 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 01:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 01:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 02:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 02:11 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 02:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 02:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-17 03:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-17 03:10 am UTC

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