DC Next Generation

In Gotham City @ 09:07 am


Cheshire, one of the world's deadliest assassins, made her way over the rooftops of Gotham City, silently and swiftly, to the Gotham branch of Queen Industries. The assassin had not been seen for quite sometime, which according to the man that had hired, had made her perfect for the job.

Cheshire had been assigned to take out William Connors, an associate and member of Oliver Queen's executive board. She'd take him out quickly, and then move on to her other targets. Her contact was paying her a lot of money to get this done.

When she arrived at her destination, Cheshire began to make her way towards the head office, disposing of any security guards that got in her way, keeping to the shadows.

But in Gotham City, someone is always watching for anything out of the ordinary....

Star City by night @ 09:27 am


Jade Arrow made her way over Star City's rooftops, Calypso and J'anna at her side. She'd been helping Cal settle into Star City and hero life, and had brought J'anna along on patrol with her that evening so Calypso could meet another superhero their age.

Also, she needed backup with her this evening.

Someone had broken into Queen Industries the other night and stolen some important tech. And from what Lian had gathered when she investigated earlier she was able to figure out a couple of clues- one, it was a group that had broken in last night. And two, they hadn't gotten everything that they wanted. From what the security guards had told her as well, they had never seen any villains like these in Star City ever before last night.

Lian took a moment to pause over on the rooftop.

"Okay," she said, turning to Calypso and J'anna, "Let's go over what we know again."

Birthday Hawk (backdated to 6/1) @ 02:21 pm


Well Rex was still pissed and Mom and Dad were not only still in Egypt but they hadn't even called.  Yay for birthday.  Granted the day wasn't over.  It was only noon, but the fact that Rex had grumbled at her when she tried to communicate with him earlier (and yes, fish for presents) wasn't promising.  She did have some money in her purse so she could, in theory go buy her own presents and cake but Rex had also just gone short of equipping her with a tracking device and after the level of Not Happy he'd been after the whole not coming home-going out then making out with Mickey-finding unconscious guy on the floor situation, she didn't want to push her luck.

And there wasn't even beer in the fridge.

"Stupid fucking birthday," she grumbled before pitching herself onto the couch face first, turning on Cartoon Network before burying her face in the cushions.  This was what sucked about having a summer birthday: parents always gone, brother always busy or annoyed because warm weather and feathers do not mix, school out so no friends.  Nicolette chucked her cell phone to the other side of the room.  It wasn't gonna ring anyway.  "Stupid, stupid fucking birthday."

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon @ 07:35 pm


Backdated to May 28th

He waited until she was sleeping, until he could find Katima. Stuck in the Dreamtime the way he was, Avalon was all but helpless in that place. He couldn't leave for he was trapped, he couldn't move around in the Dreamtime due to being tied up.. but one thing that he could do was use his rather unique powers to find his lover and go to her through her dreams.

Unable to control someone's dreams himself, Dreamwalking was always a risk for him. If he managed to walk into a nightmare, he could be hurt - it had happened in the past. He could only hope that Katima wasn't troubled while she slept. Not sure what situation he might find himself, he slipped into her dream and then hung back a bit, waiting to see what he might find.

DC Next Generation