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risky_russian ([info]risky_russian) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-12 20:19:00

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Entry tags:barbie queen, cian daly, dinadan palmer, green lantern dex, lizzy choi, oksana molotova, petra gardner, pippi peppers, team - jli

On Ukranian Membership (open to JLI)
Well, it was strange to be standing there. It was so very muggy there, a far cry from Kiev even in the summer. The heat was oppressive, especially with Oksanas thick uniform (her military uniform, *not* her hero uniform) as she walked into the large building known as the Hall of justice. She knew that she had been accepted, but nothing much beyond that. So she had a bag (which had two spares of her actual costume) and an older uniform of her military days, complete with her standard red beret denoting her Ukranian special forces.

Once she is within the building and passes the necessary security precautions, she's taken...somewhere. She has no idea of the layout of the building.

"Hello?" Oksana called out into the building. This was where she was to meet her perspective teammates, yes?

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2012-10-21 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Petra just smiles and rolls her eyes at her boyfriend's fussing, setting about making sure his bandage is properly set and kissing the top of his head.

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2012-10-21 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"Sorry, Din. Got a bit headlighted myself. Anyway, this is Oksana. She's going by Rasputin."

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2012-10-22 02:45 am UTC (link)
"Pippi really is kind of like a force of nature isn't she," Cian says scratching the back of his head.

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2012-10-22 04:03 am UTC (link)
"The Atom, Dinadan Palmer," he answers Oksana, holding himself with the ease of one long-practiced at conversing while being bandaged by someone else. "Would you prefer to be addressed as Oksana or Rasputin when not in-costume?"

He nods to Barbie and huffs out a breath as he glances over Lizzy and Cian.

"I'll talk to her," he says. "I'll also be sending pictures of adorable animals and fashion disasters to everyone's phones. Make use of whichever seems most appropriate to head off any other such incidents in the future."

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