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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-29 11:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars"

So This is What We've Got To Work With, Huh?
The man known only as the Elusive Man sits in his chair on the other side of the holographic relay projector, his features wreathed in shadow except for two glowing emerald green eyes. He watches young Cyrus navigate the controls of the Cerberus Ship Normandy II  and admires the fact that the kid can handle it. That was good. After two billions credits worth of technological developments and upgrades, someone had best be able to fly that ship.

"Cyrus, you'll be under Urdrex's command while you two are recruiting the rest of the team. Don't take any unnecessary chances, you two. Find the people in the dossiers and get them to Omega as soon as possible; we don't have time to waste. Another colony has just been hit and if we don't do something about this soon, the rest of the universe is in a lot of trouble.

Are we clear?" the shadowed figure asks, sitting back in his chair.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 01:20 am UTC (link)
Aleea was not a super-hero, this was a fact. She wasn't even, technically, a soldier. But she was the daughter of Rann's greatest hero, had been raised to think and to act.

She'd changed into her uniform and was rocketing toward the bar in under two minutes.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 02:24 am UTC (link)
Stupid human is gonna call him a coward with no balls? He's just gonna have to live with the Elusive Man being pissed off. The human is just gonna have to die.

He picks Rex by the shirt collar...and gets headbutted for his troubles, forcing him to drop Rex.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 02:32 am UTC (link)
Rex falls to the floor and crawls away from the Krogan, going toward the trash can near the bus stop ten feet away. Pulling it out of the ground, Rex lifts it over his head and throws it at the Krogan.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 03:05 am UTC (link)
Aleea swooped down into the scene, all steel will and determination. It didn't take much to figure out who the bad guy was here.

She pulled her ray gun from its holster and fired a short burst at the Krogan.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 03:15 am UTC (link)
Urdrex gets hit with the garbage can and the shot burst. When he sees the second person on the scene, he puts up his hands.

"Ah, the Rannian! Finally! Gone to a lot of trouble lookin' for you, if you're Aleea Strange. My boss has an offer for you." he says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 03:24 am UTC (link)
She kept her weapon pointing at him. "You've got a funny way of getting attention," she said.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 03:37 am UTC (link)
"Hey, ask anyone here; I started out askin' nicely, no threats. Your friend here got mouthy with me, but I was gonna walk away until he called me...well, he used a naughty word.

So I spanked him." Urdrex says.

"Now, I'm willin' to get in my ship," Urdrex says, pointing at the shuttle sitting in the middle of the street, "and leave, but I'm supposed to bring you with me.

And I got a message from my boss that might sway your decision." he says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:03 am UTC (link)
Aleea did a quick check to see if Rex was okay, landing next to him. The Krogan didn't seem hostile, but that didn't necessarily mean much.

"Okay," she said. "I'll listen."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:18 am UTC (link)
Rex is bleeding from his head a bit, and grabs onto a Aleea as soon as she lands.

"Leea...run. He's...it's gotta be a trap. Krogan are mercs and...your old man sent you here..." Rex says, trying to pull himself up.

He's not dying, but he probably doesn't know where he is right now.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:23 am UTC (link)
Rex taps a few buttons on his wrist console and a holographic image appears of the shape of a man wreathed in shadow, except for a pair of green eyes. His voice is heavily modulated so as not to sound anything close to human.

Greetings, Aleea Strange. You may call me The Elusive Man. I represent a vast universal entity that seeks to promote stability in the cosmos, but your aid is needed.

In return, I will tell you why your father sent you to Earth, rather than prepare you for the war that is coming to Rannagar. If you are interested in learning more, please join my associate Urdrex in locating the rest of this team, and then come to the Omega System.

You will learn more there."

The message winks out.

"So, uh...you comin'? Cause I'm gettin' real tired of gettin' stared at." Urdrex says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:30 am UTC (link)
Well. That wasn't good. But she needed to know more about what was happening to Rann, and why this conflict had been so terrible that she couldn't play a part in it. Her instincts said this wasn't the wrong choice.

"Rex," she said. "I've got to go."

She looked at Urdex. "I need to get him home first."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:38 am UTC (link)
"I can wait another hour at the most, but I gotta move the shuttle. Take your friend home and get him sobered up."

"Find Frequency AX63 when you're ready for pick-up." Urdrex says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-08-31 04:04 pm UTC (link)
"I will," she replied.

"C'mon, Rex," she told him, bending down to help him get up to his feet. "Let's get you home."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 01:02 am UTC (link)
Rex grumbles something and holds close to Aleea as she helps him up.

"Don't go with him, Leea. He could...be lying to you." Rex says, still trying to stand up straight.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 01:18 am UTC (link)
"I'm a big girl, Rex," she told him. "I can take care of myself."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Not the point, Space Case. You can't go." Rex tells her.

"Nic...she'll miss you." he says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 02:33 am UTC (link)
"Still got my Zeta-Beamer," she told him. "I'll be back, I promise."

Her voice wavered. She didn't like the idea of running out on her friend that way.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 02:54 am UTC (link)
"I'm...I'm not gonna stop you am I, Aleea?" Rex asks sadly.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 03:13 am UTC (link)
She hesitated. On some level, Aleea really didn't want to leave. She was enjoying Earth, and the company of both Nic and Rex.


She put herself up on her tiptoes and kissed him, impulsively.

"Can't get rid of me that easily. But I need to find out what's happening with my planet."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 03:46 am UTC (link)
The kiss surprises Rex, but he returns it. He and Aleea were never meant for anything more than this, especially when his heart belongs to someone else.

But the dream was always nice.

When the kiss finally breaks, he sits down on his couch.

"You better call if you need anything, Strange. Nic and I will be there when you need us." he says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 03:54 am UTC (link)
A moment to remember, at least. And maybe to fuel her dreams.

"You know I will," she promised him. "And you two take care of each other. And if you need me... call. I'm only a zeta away."

A short time later, she was ready for pick-up.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 04:17 am UTC (link)
Urdrex picks Aleea up on the rooftop of Rex's building in the shuttle.

"All aboard! We're headed out to the main ship and then off to pick up the rest of the team." he says.

"Welcome to the group, Rannian." he says.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 04:24 am UTC (link)
"Who else are we picking up?" she asked, matter of factly.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 12:41 pm UTC (link)
"We got three more to pick-up, but they ain't far. They're in this system, actually, on Ungara. A Daxamite, a Tamaranean and a member of the Indigo Tribe." Urdrex says.

"Go fig on that last one. Boss Man ain't fond of Lanterns, really, but he wants this one.

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar...
2010-09-01 04:31 pm UTC (link)
Quite the collection. Aleea wondered what they all brought to the mix, and, more importantly, what she brought that they didn't.

"Nothing wrong with Lanterns. Rann's had one for years."

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Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]dc_misc, 2010-09-01 11:48 pm UTC
Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]actionlad, 2010-09-02 12:27 am UTC
Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]rannsofaraway, 2010-09-02 12:41 am UTC
Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]dc_misc, 2010-09-02 12:46 am UTC
Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]actionlad, 2010-09-02 12:50 am UTC
Re: Six minutes after Urdrex walked into the bar... - [info]rannsofaraway, 2010-09-02 01:07 am UTC

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