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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-15 20:44:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars", team - darkstars

Entering Eden Prime
A few days after the battle at Iagos, the Elusive Man calls for the team's presence in the War Room as they Normandy II makes its way to the Eden Prime system. They're a bit behind schedule for his taste, but he likes the reports he received of their battle at Iaogs. They fought decently as a team and accounted themselves well in saving the children being held by the slavers. The Elusive Man has his people looking out for the Black Sun Mercenaries and their operations now; if necessary, he'll have some of his other operatives begin to destroy their operation.

For now, the team needs to get back to work.

In the War Room, the team will find the holographic image of the Elusive Man before them, cloaked in darkness as he watches them with emerald green eyes.

"It's good to see you all in fighting form. The situation with the Collectors has escalated while our attention was elsewhere. A Cerberus Colony called Eden Prime recently failed to make contact for its monthly status report. The colony is made up of humans, Tamaraneans and a few Rannians." the Elusive Man says. Presently, his image fades and everyone present sees a small fleet of cuttlefish-shaped ships entering Sector 1115 forty-eight hours ago.

"Those are Collector Ships. We have very little information on them currently, so anything that you can obtain will be helpful. Cyrus' facility with machines may prove useful to you all, so I want him on the ground team on this mission. Cyrus, you'll need to obtain any information regarding the Collections from the Cerberus Database located in the Main Communications Array in the Northern part of the colony.

Otherwise, help the colonists defend themselves and drive the Collectors back. Are there any questions?" he asks.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 12:43 am UTC (link)
Alerron isn't fully recovered from the lead, but he knows that Cyrus needs the help.

"You will have the time you need, but work quickly." he says, sprinting for the door. It's not as fast as his usual sprint, but he's still gone in an eye-blink.

The moment Alerron feels the sun on his face, his world changes. He feels better by the second and smiles as he sees the foot soldiers approaching.

He starts firing off starbolts at them, incinerating bodies and body parts as he rushes forward to confront them. a group of ten try to pile on top of him, bashing him with kicks and punches as more swarm upon him.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 12:46 am UTC (link)
The foot soldiers bash the organic before them, readying themselves to tear him limb from limb in their pursuit of others. More and more soldiers attack him, hoping to hold him down under their weight. No organic can stop them.

It does not compute when the organic roars primitively and throws all of them off in every direction, then opens up with fire from his eyes, terminating their operating sequences with lethal precision.

Still, they do not feel fear. They continue to attack.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 01:21 am UTC (link)
Cyrus was getting a good look at them through the security feeds. He made sure to get a copy because this was pretty much unreal.

Then he worked at the defenses. He muttered soft encouraging words to the computer. Like he was coaxing the family dog, really.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 02:29 am UTC (link)
Alerron punches the foot soldiers, smashing heads and tossing them about like rag dolls, but for every five he takes on, one or two slip past him. He incinerates several with his starbolts, but others manage to slip by.

He can't let them get to Cyrus and the others.

He speeds backward toward a pair that are racing to the bunker doors, grabs them by the neck and tosses them back toward the way they came at high speed. He knocks several of them over as though they were bowling pins.

Just when he thinks he's making headway, another small ship lands.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 02:32 am UTC (link)
The Elite Soldiers have never met a being that cannot destroy and depart from their ship with rifles ready and trained on the organic.

They begin firing at Alerron, who takes the blasts easily, but has to make a target of himself so that they don't focus on the building.

Meanwhile, the Foot Soldiers continue to rush him, as Alerron opens up with a powerful blast of his starbolts to incinerate thirty of the foot soldiers in one blast.

"Cyrus! We need those turrets up now!" Alerron yells.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-04 05:25 pm UTC (link)
"Oh it" he yelps. He can feel his implants going into over drive at the urgency in Aleeron's voice.

His head spins as suddenly the defense is ready to go. Turrets start targeting and firing on the attacking Collector soldiers. Cyrus tries very hard to stay aware of what is going on but he is lost in the echo of the defense grid and the fact it is going off on the Collectors fast and hard.

He ends up bracing himself against the computer not wanting to fall when he still needs to make sure it keeps working, He knows now his implants are going to stand out sharply against his skin when the others find him latter. They are straining to do what needs to be done.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-05 01:40 am UTC (link)
When the turrets go off, Alerron mimics them, firing off more starbolts at the Collectors' soldiers as they charge forward. Dust and smoke gather in the area until there is silence on the field.

Alerron looks about, feeling a bit winded from the expenditure of energy, but from what he can see, the foot soldiers are gone.

The sound of precision marching draws his attention next.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-05 01:43 am UTC (link)
The Elite Soldiers take aim at the turrets and fire as quickly as possible trying to take them down before they can devastate their ranks again.

"Cyrus. Get down to the bunker with the others. Go." Alerron says, waiting for them Collectors to attack again. One of the Elites, however, steps forward to speak to Alerron directly.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-05 01:46 am UTC (link)
The Collector General eyes Alerron curiously, raising his hand in a gesture that is meant to convey a greeting.

"Organic, you have caused more destruction to our people than many we have met in our journeys to this universe. We are greater than any you could hope to send against us. Your attacks are futile.

Surrender the other organics of this colony and you will be afforded the honor of being made into one of us." the Collector General says.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-05 02:32 am UTC (link)
"Aleeron?" Cyrus is surprised. But he nods even if his leader can't see him. His implants disconnect and he is running towards the bunk.

"Katmia," he says over the comm. "I'm on my way. Can I be allowed in? The turrets are on-line. Aleeron will need back up I think."

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-05 04:45 pm UTC (link)
Katima motioned to the other women to stop for a moment.

"Hurry, Cyrus, but you can get in. Hurry. I'll go to Alerron." She turned to Mar'i. "It's going to be fine, Cyrus will be here momentarily. I'm going go go help."

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-06 03:50 am UTC (link)
"I am not interested in your deal, Collector. Leave this galaxy now and do not return. If you do, we will destroy your kind without mercy." Alerron says.

"You will get only this one warning before you reap the consequences of what you have sown." he tells the Collector.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-06 03:59 am UTC (link)
"Arrogant insect. We have forgotten more about warfare than organics will every know. Your kind will be used as fuel for our new soldiers." the Collector General taunts.

"But /you/ will be dissected alive so that we can duplicate your unique powers to enhance our soldiers as we take this universe star-by-star. You will helpless to stop us." he threatens.

"Elite Soldiers...bring him to the ship, but do not spoil him greatly. I want to hear him beg for his existence." the Collector General says, turning to go back to the ship.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-06 04:00 am UTC (link)
The Elite Soldiers take aim with their weapons and open fire.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-07 01:36 am UTC (link)
Less than a minute later, thirty-one men arrive and wait for orders.

"Let's move!" Shepard says, taking the group down the tunnel and into the main area, likely bumping into Cyrus along the way.

When Shepard sees Cyrus, she smiles, having met the kid several months ago during a holographic transmission with the Elusive Man.

"Mr. Cyrus, good to see you. You're pretty good with hacking, right?" she asks.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-07 01:46 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, Commander. It's a thing I'm good at," he agrees finding himself brighten.

"Why? I thought I was supposed to duck back into the bunker." But if she needs him, he's all hers. She has the air of someone he can trust.

"But if you need me, I'm yours, ma'am," he supplies just so she knows.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-08 02:08 am UTC (link)
Shepard hands Cyrus a flash-drive.

"My tech guys worked up a virus that might slow the Collectors down before they died, but they didn't think they could get it to the main ships in orbit. I'm thinking you might know a way.

If we can jam up their communications, we might be able to summon our own reinforcements. What do you think?" she asks.

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-08 02:16 am UTC (link)
And he gets an idea.

"Get me to my shuttle, and I can do it. I just need to bounce it off of the Normandy. They'll try to intercept it. When they're doing that?" Oh how he bounces.

"I can hack them." He glances out that way. "It's gonna be dangerous though."

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Re: Cyrus and Alerron
2010-11-08 02:27 am UTC (link)
Shepard grins.

"Dangerous is my middle name, Cyrus. We're going to move in exactly one minute. You need to be ready to move with us." she says, giving hand signals two four of the men under her command.

"They'll lay down some cover fire while we sneak out the back way. Be ready to run." she says.

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