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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-15 20:44:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars", team - darkstars

Entering Eden Prime
A few days after the battle at Iagos, the Elusive Man calls for the team's presence in the War Room as they Normandy II makes its way to the Eden Prime system. They're a bit behind schedule for his taste, but he likes the reports he received of their battle at Iaogs. They fought decently as a team and accounted themselves well in saving the children being held by the slavers. The Elusive Man has his people looking out for the Black Sun Mercenaries and their operations now; if necessary, he'll have some of his other operatives begin to destroy their operation.

For now, the team needs to get back to work.

In the War Room, the team will find the holographic image of the Elusive Man before them, cloaked in darkness as he watches them with emerald green eyes.

"It's good to see you all in fighting form. The situation with the Collectors has escalated while our attention was elsewhere. A Cerberus Colony called Eden Prime recently failed to make contact for its monthly status report. The colony is made up of humans, Tamaraneans and a few Rannians." the Elusive Man says. Presently, his image fades and everyone present sees a small fleet of cuttlefish-shaped ships entering Sector 1115 forty-eight hours ago.

"Those are Collector Ships. We have very little information on them currently, so anything that you can obtain will be helpful. Cyrus' facility with machines may prove useful to you all, so I want him on the ground team on this mission. Cyrus, you'll need to obtain any information regarding the Collections from the Cerberus Database located in the Main Communications Array in the Northern part of the colony.

Otherwise, help the colonists defend themselves and drive the Collectors back. Are there any questions?" he asks.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-13 06:01 pm UTC (link)
And somehow he makes it to the shuttle. He lands in the sea and starts working. He can feel his implants start to communicate with the shuttle as he starts to open up the comms.

He makes it look like he is sending data to the Normandy. Then smirks because it is disguised quickly as tactical information. The Collectors shouldn't be able to say no.

They do wish to dominate this planet after all.

"All your base belong to us," he says with a chuckle.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-14 04:10 am UTC (link)
Mar'i continued firing at the ship, though she stopped when her starbolts had little effect.

"There's some sort of shield around it, I think! We need to figure out how to take it down!"

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-14 04:18 am UTC (link)
Aleea's weapon has even less effect than Mar'i's.

The ship was big, impossibly big... but very real and very dangerous.

She swooped to avoid fire from the ground troops. "It's got to have a weak spot somewhere..."

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-14 04:44 am UTC (link)
"If Earth movies are to be believed all evil space villain ships have some sort of structural weakness in an access duct or an exhaust system."

Katima set her ring to start looking for such things.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-16 02:08 am UTC (link)
The Collector General is monitoring the transmissions from Eden Prime and notes it the moment that Cyrus' transmission appears to be going to another ship in the system.

The Collector Ship intercepts the information and beams it to the rest of the ships in their squadron, but the Collector General realizes too late that he's been fooled.

"It's a trap!" he yells, as the Cyrus Virus spreads and begins destroying his systems. He immediately starts containment procedures, trying to keep the virus from spreading to the rest of the fleet.

The World Breaker ship, however, is the first to fall. The ship's shield shimmer, then vanish completely, something that everyone will notice immediately.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-16 02:09 am UTC (link)
The Elite Soldiers stop moving all at once and freeze in place, unable to move as the code is beamed into their systems as well.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-16 02:10 am UTC (link)
"The shields are down!" Alerron yells. "We must strike now!"

He fires a full-strength volley of starbolts at the World Breaker ship, immediately seeing damage to the hull.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-16 02:21 am UTC (link)
Katima positions herself and fires off a string of continuous blasts, both ring and staff engaged to do maximum damage.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-16 02:26 am UTC (link)
Aleea set her weapon for maximum firepower, firing precision shots.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-18 04:05 am UTC (link)
Cyrus gives a loud whoop. He feels great. He just did what should have been pretty damn hard.

He is proud of himself. And he doesn't really know if the weapon he has will have the range to hit the World Breaker.

Still. It looks like they won!

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-19 04:27 am UTC (link)
The World Breaker ship cannot stand up to the team's onslaught without its shields and soon, the behomoth is crashing to the ground. Shockwaves echo throughout the area as the ship hits the ground in several large pieces.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-19 04:33 am UTC (link)
The Collector General is able to contain the Cyrus Virus, but at great cost. Most of his small fleet's weapons are offline and they barely have the ability to make it to lightspeed.

"Retreat." he orders, and the other ships turn tail and vanish from Eden Prime while a fury burns in the Collector General's mechanical heart.

These organics were prepared for them and found counter measures for their weapons. This has never happened before. They will strike again and soon, but the Collector General must speak to his master.

Before now, only one organic has ever managed to defy them and live to tell the tale. It cannot be that these organics have developed the same ability, especially when on one of them calls upon a power similar to the ring that the last one used.

The organics will pay for this rout in the blood of their people...but today, they have a victory.

"Enjoy it, while it lasts, Organics. You have drawn the notice of beings infinitely greater than you and you will go to your deaths lamenting your actions." the Collector-General says.

His ship vanishes, leaving Eden Prime to Cerberus.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-19 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Aleea let out a victory whoop.

"We did it!"

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-20 02:37 am UTC (link)
Katima borrowed a gesture she'd picked up on Earth.

She flipped the retreating Collectors the bird.

Then she went to find Alerron.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-21 04:23 am UTC (link)
"Great Xhal..." Mar'i said. The fight had taken a bit out of her, but she was more or less intact.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-22 12:50 am UTC (link)
This was great! Cyrus was quite glad that they won. She was going to just stay put though. He was very tired and shuttle was a good place to rest.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-22 03:12 am UTC (link)
Alerron lands and falls to his knees. He's very tired, and would like to sleep for a week, but he's glad that they did it.

Perhaps Cerberus will find something useful that they can adapt to fight the Collectors from this point forward.

Right now, Alerron just needs time to recharge and welcomes Katima's presence at his side.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-22 03:19 am UTC (link)
"Beloved," she said softly as she kneels with him, hear arms going about him to give him her strength.

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-22 11:30 pm UTC (link)
Aleea dropped out of the sky, landing easily. This had been a tough fight, but they'd pulled through it, helped a lot of people.

If only they'd been in time to help even more...

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Re: Communications Base (Regroup)
2010-11-23 02:33 pm UTC (link)
"Hello, my love. Are you well?" he asks.

"We must regroup and make sure that everyone is safe. Then we need to contact the Elusive Man. Something about all of this does not sit well with me. I would like to question him.

First, though, let us make sure our teammates are well." Alerron says.

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