Morgan: happy
dreamsick@graves ([info]dreamsick) wrote in [info]graveshallooc on May 26th, 2008 at 08:35 pm
Err...I think there's been a miscommunication
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]notvanillachai)

Ok. I think I need to clarify something.

I think people are misunderstanding my law here. Nowhere is Chai saying Weavers can't weave. All he's saying is that they should get permission first. I apologize if this is unclear. Normally I wouldn't say anything about it till it passed or failed but several people seem to thing he's trying to ban weaving. All he's saying is don't go into someone head univited. Should I have worded this better maybe? Because I don't want people voting no because they think he's about to outlaw weaving.

I understand Weavers have to weave to meet life matches. But can't they just get permission to get in someone's head before they do it?

EDIT: While speaking with Sass, we found what might be the crux of the problem. We need clarification on how Weave magic works. She thought dreams were kind of made and just sent out. I thought they were woven with specific people in mind, ie, the difference between say Ohana sending a dream that happens to land in the mind of the king, as opposed Ohana directly weaving for Chai.

Carol, I think we need to know how it works, because if it's the first, I'd have not written the law this way at all. If its the latter, then the law still stands because if you need to seek out a specific person, then it should take no effort to just say hey can I weave for you? Yes? Cool!

I apologize if I've misunderstood.

SON OF THE EDIT: We kept talking and came up with this:

Sass: I saw weaving as like walking down the street, knitting up some dreams. And some dreams you tossed over your shoulder, and they'd land on some random person and they'd have that dreams. Others would land on the ground and get moved around, blown across the street until they eventually landed on someone. And then there were the special dreams you were knitting for a particular person, and you'd walk down the street but specifically stop at their door, open that door and toss the dream in.
Sass: And that poking about for secrets was less like tossing the dream through the door and more like going THROUGH the door and looking through all their stuff.
Me: ...Ok I totally get that.
Sass: Kind of like a burglar.
voices calling: In which case I'd rephrase it so the the specific dreams were the ones that needed permission. Any dream woven that gets you in someone's head? you need permission for.

Does that make more sense?

THE EDIT RETURNS: It has been brought to my attention there are ways to prevent Weavers from getting into your dreams. Um, yeah I didn't know this? I was never informed, and if I had been, I might not have had to have Chai propose this law.

LOL Carol, you're going to have to answer a LOT of questions when you get on, between this post and my last one.

EDIT FOUR: IN SPACE!: So some thing have been explained and I think I'm going to delete the proposed law, because if I [and Chai] had known this was how weaving worked, the law would never have been proposed.
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