01 January 2009 @ 08:00 pm
!incomplete threads  
The !incomplete tag is great for showing which threads need finishing still. But can we have like an expiry date on it? Say, if the thread hasn't been posted on in a week then consider it closed? I was thinking about it for the thread where Isabelle, Morgan, Miles and Ajax have lunch, but ended up closing it for us anyway. I just get so sick of constantly having to scroll back through posts over and over again.

Also; enough with the backdated posts?
27 December 2008 @ 07:24 pm
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]inthemoment)

As it turns out I am not going to be able to be a part of the chat tonight - I have previous engagements - but I would like to be in the one on the 2nd or 3rd.

Anyway, here are some ideas I had that could possibly be discussed:

-Cat-and-mouse like chase threads with Elliot and Ajax. They could happen in public places so others could join in - it could be quite funny to write/read about.

-I was thinking about how some of us could get our vampire characters together and start some sort of vampire coven...? It just seems like there are quite a few of them but none really interact with each other much, I think it'd be interesting to do something with.

-The discovery of scions! I think this could do a lot for generating plot for those of us with scion characters. It could possibly lead to some craziness in New Meridian - maybe even lead to them having to be tagged (like shifters).

From now until the chat on the 2nd/3rd I will think of some more ideas, this is just some stuff I plucked from my brain.

Feel free to comment here if you have any ideas to bounce off of these. Or new ideas having to do with me/my characters.

28 May 2008 @ 02:44 pm
Oharu doesn't like cops  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravelings)

It came to me today that typing out Law Enforcement Officials is a pain the ass.

Let's call 'em L.E.O.s or leos.