Morgan: happy
dreamsick@graves ([info]dreamsick) wrote in [info]graveshallooc on May 27th, 2008 at 10:34 am
Hey Gang
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

Just in response to a few things that have happened since yesterday (which considering the amount of playing and new information is A LOT).

There has been A LOT of new information added to the game. I've been keeping up as much as humanly possible for one mod while attempting not to be god-modding (I said it so that you didn't have to). Here's the deal; I don't expect you guys and girls to read EVERYTHING or be able to quote things back to me, but if you have a story idea and think that it may have been addressed in the mod journal at some point, please look it over, or ask me (since I know where to find it).

I've been adding player ideas as well, so I don't want you guys to think I'm stealth bombing you in the night with things I've been coming up with.

Some ideas I have, and some you have (I'm looking at you Joey) haven't been introduced or played out yet. Some of it was meant to be a surprise. Some of it was believed that no one else would be playing a similar plot.

This has caused some frustration and I want to just apologize. RP isn't meant to be stressful. We're here to play and have fun.

I am MORE THAN WILLING to work around ideas to make them work. Like Tim Gunn says. We have creative problems solvers among our players who are more than capable of figuring out how to get our mismatched puzzle pieces to fit together.

Everybody take a deep breath. We'll get through this plot explosion.
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