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notinplainsight ([info]notinplainsight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-18 03:17:00

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Entry tags:independents, jack murdock, kalypso

Kalypso was tired enough that she had to sleep. Normally she could just choose not to waste time sleeping, but today she needed to sleep. She had spent the better part of the past two weeks traveling and for her traveling meant between Olympia and Titan. The Eternals of both Earth and Titan needed to be warned of the threat the deviants posed and her cousin’s dream of Thanos.

Interplanetary travel was quite taxing and her stores of cosmic energy were depleted.

She landed on Jack’s fire escape and barely managed to use telekinesis to open the latch and open the window. Jack would be in class right now and wouldn’t be home for a few hours. Kal would use that time to sleep and recharge.

She crawled inside and fell facedown on the bed.

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2010-01-18 09:25 am UTC (link)
Jack nodded. He was glad to hear her father was giving it a real chance. She was worth it. "Maybe the Deviant mess, he'll spend time here with you."

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2010-01-18 09:30 am UTC (link)
Kal looked away at nothing in particular. "Yeah, maybe." All she could think about is how there maybe won't be time after they've dealt with the deviants.

She was new to being an Eternal and not so confident in her abilites, but even Ikaris was worried about these new deviants. Ikaris was one of the most powerful Eternals and when he was worried, well everyone else was too.

"It'd be nice," she added and looked back at him.

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2010-01-18 09:33 am UTC (link)
His calm eyes met hers. "Sweetheart, I can tell when you're holding back and worried."

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2010-01-18 09:40 am UTC (link)
"Ikaris is very concerned about these new deviants. To make a comparison, think of someone like the Hulk being worried about facing someone. Ikaris is one of the most powerful Eternals and he has concerns. The deviants have always outnumbered us, but the one thing we had going for us was that we were immortal and how powers. We could defeat them, even though they have far superior numbers. Now, they have deviants who have powers and are a lot harder to kill. A handful of these new deviants could be a match for a small number of Eternals. For the first time, the tide of the war has shifted in their favor."

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2010-01-18 09:52 am UTC (link)
He nodded in thought as he poured hot water into the mug, added a teabag, and set it in front of her. "The Eternals might need the heroes here to help on this one, even if they don't want it. The teams that showed up to rescue Set's brides didn't do a bad job at it and they're mostly second generation. Get the first generation involved and it could help."

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2010-01-18 09:58 am UTC (link)
Kal shook her head. "No. They will be needed in case we fail. We don't interfere in the mortal world and we keep them out of ours."

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2010-01-18 10:09 am UTC (link)
He turned away to get the pizza out. It was that easy now, was it? Them, us. Theirs, ours.

He tucked those thoughts away. "Do you want some pizza?"

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2010-01-18 10:11 am UTC (link)
"I'd love some," she smiled. "It's been two weeks since I ate."

"Iason and I have told the adult Avengers what's happening, but they are to stay out of it unless we fail."

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2010-01-18 10:21 am UTC (link)
In short order there were two plates on the table and a pizza box centerpiece with steam wafting up to the ceiling. Pizza was inexplicably the one dish that didn't assault any of his enhanced senses.

"And the others?"

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2010-01-18 10:22 am UTC (link)
"Thank you," she said with a smile. "We left that up to them to propagate through the cape community."

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2010-01-18 10:26 am UTC (link)
"I am going to worry about you," he told her frankly.

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2010-01-18 10:30 am UTC (link)
She gave him a small smile. "I know. Just don't worry too much. We Eternals are very hard to kill after all."

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2010-01-18 10:48 am UTC (link)
"Eat, then we'll put in a movie and relax. Something tells me that you'll need as many quiet evenings as possible."

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2010-01-18 10:50 am UTC (link)
"You're the best, do you know that? That sounds like a plan I can get behind."

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2010-01-18 09:27 pm UTC (link)
"As long as you think it, I'm not going to argue." He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. "I'm all about you tonight. Whatever you want."

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2010-01-18 09:49 pm UTC (link)
"You," she smiled and squeezed his hand. "All I want is you."

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2010-01-19 04:41 am UTC (link)
"You got me, sweetheart." He smiled back. "Come on and eat. I'll massage your back while we watch a movie."

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2010-01-19 02:32 pm UTC (link)
"You know how to make a girl an offer she can't refuse."

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2010-01-20 02:45 am UTC (link)
"I'd believe that more if you'd stop talk and start eating," he said with a chuckle. "Keep up the sweet talk and I'll believe it."

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2010-01-20 02:59 am UTC (link)
Kal picked up a slice and then put it back down. "Let's go for a quick flight," she said. She wanted to feel some cold air on her face.

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2010-01-20 03:12 am UTC (link)
He blinked in surprise. Not the craziest idea he'd ever heard, but unexpected at this moment. "Sure. I'll get a coat."

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2010-01-20 03:18 am UTC (link)
Kal smiled and then inhaled a slice of the pizza. She put the rest in the fridge and would eat it later.

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2010-01-20 03:26 am UTC (link)
He got his gloves and scarf, and a hat along with his coat. He was bundling up when he came back. "All set."

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2010-01-20 03:43 am UTC (link)
Kal gave him a smile when he returned. She stood up and went over to the window to the fire escape.

She held out a hand. "Come, my love."

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2010-01-20 04:05 am UTC (link)
Jack took her hand and peered out of the window. It was an indicator of the trust he had in her that he didn't worry about the flight. Getting warm again when they got back would be fun. He was picturing a hot shower with plenty of soap and slippery skin.

"Anything in particular you want to see tonight?"

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(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 04:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 04:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 04:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 05:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 05:07 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 05:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 05:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 05:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 06:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 06:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-20 07:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-20 08:03 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-21 04:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-21 08:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-21 08:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-21 08:59 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-21 09:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-21 07:27 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-21 11:46 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-22 06:23 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]notinplainsight, 2010-01-23 12:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]jackmurdock, 2010-01-27 05:51 pm UTC

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