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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-10 00:27:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, npc - mandarin, plot-"from hell with love", plot-"return of lady mandarin", sarah rogers

The Hand of Justice
Hong Kong. Macau. Shanghai.

Lady Mandarin and the Abomination had been busy carrying out the Mandarin's orders. There were pockets of resistance to the Mandarin's control of the Underworld in each city and the two of them were the means by which the Mandarin brought those resisting under his control.

They descended into Beijing and Lady Mandarin set Abomination on the ground before she herself landed.

It was time to carry out her lord's wishes.

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2010-02-10 06:36 am UTC (link)
A beam catches him in the face, knocking him down and blinding him for too long. Angry now, he stumbles to his feet and charges after Sarah where he thinks she is while his sight clears.

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2010-02-10 06:38 am UTC (link)
Rogers was focused on Abomination that she may have forgotten about Lady Mandarin. This would be used to an advantage.

Lady Mandarin fired a few small missiles at the blond.

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2010-02-10 06:41 am UTC (link)
She was a little amazed that actually worked. Before she can follow up though, the missiles hit. She manages to spin the hammer about enough to catch some of it, but the shockwave still sends her reeling, and a piece of shrapnel digs into her leg.

The only up side is that it briefly puts her out of Abomination's path.

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2010-02-10 06:46 am UTC (link)
His sight clears and he shifts toward her, moving fast and sending an awkward blow in the direction of her back and shoulders.

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2010-02-10 06:47 am UTC (link)
With Abomination charging at the blond, Lady Mandarin sent another round of missiles at the Rogers girl. "Give up!" she ordered.

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2010-02-10 06:50 am UTC (link)
The blow strikes home, and she's driven into the ground when she can't whirl about fast enough on her bloody leg.
She rolls with the impact as best she can, coming up from a somersault a few feet away. Seeing the missiles coming, and unable to defend herself from both combatants at the same time, she spins the hammer about, calling up a whirling maelstrom to block her from Anya's sight and confuse her sensors.
Of course, this also sends the missiles spinning and careening crazily about in the tempest in a teapot, but as they begin detonating, she at least hopes as many of them hit or explode near Abomination as are hitting her in the eye of the mini-storm.

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2010-02-10 07:03 am UTC (link)
Blonsky stumbles back when the maelstrom gains force, but an exploding missile sends him to the ground. Another strikes him in the shoulder leaving a blast pattern of shards in his chest and face.

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2010-02-10 07:04 am UTC (link)
Lady Mandarin cannot see and her sensors were malfunctioning. She was out of the fight for a moment.

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2010-02-10 07:08 am UTC (link)
Sarah isn't doing much better than the Abomination. While she wasn't directly hit by any of the missiles, she did take numerous blasts. Her vision is a little foggy, and she has another piece of shrapnel buried in her brow, blood leaking into her field of vision. She also has a number of superficial burns, and a couple not quite so superficial ones.

Still, she kept the hammer whirling, and can now make good use of it. Letting the storm die down, she flings the hammer at the Abomination, and takes to the air, both to get weight off her bad leg, and to keep moving so Anya will have a harder time picking her back up.

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2010-02-10 07:24 am UTC (link)
He's moving to his feet, hurting despite of his tough hide and regenerative powers, determined to finish the job and get back to hunting his wife and child. Raw anger fills him.

The hammer catches him in the chest. He doubles over and grabs for it.

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2010-02-10 07:25 am UTC (link)
With the storm dying down, Lady Mandarin can see again. She tries to blast the blond with repulsors.

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2010-02-10 07:28 am UTC (link)
On one hand, there's no way he can lift the hammer. She knows it. On the other, while he has hold of it, it can't come back to her. She doesn't have sufficient control of it yet to drag something as big as him along.
The first repulsor blast catches her in the ribs, leading to a gritted-teeth scream.
Forcing herself to keep focus, she gets the shield between her and Anya, and dives, trying to crash shoulder-first into the Abomination before he figures out that the hammer won't come off the ground for him. Even if she succeeds, impact at this speed will hurt her plenty too.

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2010-02-10 07:38 am UTC (link)
He just about gives up trying to lift the thing when he's hit hard. It forces an angry roar out of him. He leaves off messing with the hammer and concentrates on getting his hands on the girl.

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2010-02-10 07:40 am UTC (link)
Fatigue and injuries catch up with her there, and she finds herself grabbed just as she was reaching for the hammer. Her hand continues to try and grab it, but its just... out...of...reach.

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2010-02-10 07:48 am UTC (link)
Blonsky doesn't give himself time to think, only starts hitting at her with meaty fists, aiming to cause as much damage as he can and kill the girl for getting in his way.

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2010-02-10 07:49 am UTC (link)
Lady Mandarin waited for an opportunity to strike, but the girl was wrapped up with Abomination. She fired repulsors anyway.

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2010-02-10 08:40 am UTC (link)
Something burns into her side. She feels first the impacts against the shield, then feels herself almost bring crushed under its protection, and the occasional blow getting through. Certainly her jaw dislocates, and a rib cracks under the strain. She feels more blows raining down, and her whole world turns to one focus.

Her hand stretches. Fingertips brush the hammer, but can't quite grab it. She focuses, willing it to come to her hand.

Almost... almost...

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2010-02-10 09:09 am UTC (link)
Blonsky kept on hammering. The repulsor blasts from Lady Mandarin only made him angrier.

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2010-02-10 09:13 am UTC (link)
Lady Mandarin kept firing. She wasn't concerned that she was hitting Blonsky as well as Rogers.

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2010-02-10 09:15 am UTC (link)
Whether she just stretched her hand far enough, or if the hammer responded to her will she'll never know, but her hand closes about the familiar handle even as her vision is blurring worse.

She taps it on the ground even as a massive fist is slamming into her, and the skies open up, lightning arcing down on Blonsky, who is the only shield Sarah has against being hit by her own lightning bolt.

The desperate can't be picky.

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2010-02-10 09:26 am UTC (link)
Lightning hit him squarely in the chest and brought every nerve in his body to agonizing life. Amidst the pain Blonsky was dimly aware of a ripping sensation in his head. Then he was separated, the demon that had brought him a semblance of life was gone and his body was once again dead.

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2010-02-10 09:31 am UTC (link)
Seeing that Blonsky was down, most likely dead again, Lady Mandarin took off and headed back to her lord.

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