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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-24 19:40:00

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Current location:The Popular Outcast
Entry tags:inactive - dj whedon, inactive - harry reynolds, inactive - jason reed jr, inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, inactive - pauline argosy, team - x-factor

Welcome to the big time!
The results are in: Everyone wants a piece of X-Factor.

He's gotten offers from Letterman and Leno. Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein want to speak to Jason about joint projects.  Slash and Gene Simmons thinks DJ and Pauline are the future of music. Harry is morphing into a young heartthrob; between the ladies from The View and Oprah, the young man might never know another day of obscurity in his life.

And Julian's thinking he may need to get another phone if the Owner of Suicide Girls doesn't stop trying to blow his up about having Lisa do a shoot for them.  Besides, Maxim wants first dibs.

As for Julian, bumping into Jay-Z at a recent after-party (he can't remember where) landed him a spot in Rihanna's newest video.

X-Factor's star was rising higher with each passing day, and he still hadn't had time to tell the team about X-Factor Plaza yet. He'd have to get them all together, but time was conspiring against them. And there was still the World Tour, actions figures and everyone's solo ventures to discuss. Not to mention his trip to New Orleans to open up another nightclub. 

Julian asks Paulo to call the rest of the team to the Outcast to discuss the next step in their adventure together and set down some rules. This is probably also a good time to give anyone who wants out the chance to get out clean.

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2010-03-25 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Julian looks at everyone in the room and smiles.

"We've all got a lot going on, and I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg, but we've got a few things to discuss.

The first is codenames. We're all going to need one in a bit. I think those will help when we're out and about. Does anyone have a suggestion for theirs, or know what they want?" Julian asks.

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2010-03-26 02:26 pm UTC (link)
Lisa's already set with hers. "Hijacker."

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2010-03-26 04:30 pm UTC (link)
DJ eyes Lisa. Hijacker... in New York. Lovely.

At least this is being broadcast all over, right?

"Since my I.D. is pretty public and all, I think I'll stick with the indie music references and initials and go with Dinosaur Jr."

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2010-03-26 07:48 pm UTC (link)
Pauline giggled slightly.

"Fantasia. And I'd appreciate continuing to avoid my real last name."

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2010-03-26 08:01 pm UTC (link)
What was with the debauchery? Jason didn't care to use a codename. "I'd prefer to not use a codename."

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2010-03-26 08:06 pm UTC (link)
Julian looks at Lisa with a slight wince. "I get the reference and the idea, but that name could be a PR nightmare, especially with the history of this city. Let's consider some options before we commit." he says.

He nods at DJ's and Pauline's choices. "Those will work, and yes, we will be avoiding your personal name, Pauline."

"Really, Jason? Are you certain?" Julian asks.

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2010-03-26 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"I've never kept my powers a secret," he said, "Nothing new is hitting the public eye. Besides my family won't be in any danger."

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2010-03-26 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Lisa seems slightly irked. "I'm a fan of wordplay, so my other idea was just going off my own name and using 'Gravedigger'." She shrugs.

"Whatever you think'll play well. When can I start replying to the modeling offers I've been getting, by the way?"

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2010-03-26 08:29 pm UTC (link)
"Gravedigger has promise. I like it." he says. "You can go ahead and reply to the offers, but let me know so we can get you some legal representation."

He looks to Jason. "All right. No codename for you, Mr. Reed."

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2010-03-26 11:45 pm UTC (link)
Harry hadn’t really thought of a codename and couldn’t come up with anything he liked on the spot. “Sorry but I can’t really think of anything for a codename,” he said.

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