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temperence ([info]temperence) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-24 16:10:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - alisa lebeau, perenawska, team - champions

Happy Birthday, Alisa LeBeau!
Alisa did not really tell a whole lot of people when her Birthday was, there was no need to, really. It was just a day she was born, no big deal. Though she did manage to tell Corey and Argo about it, since they were close friends. Nick, well... he knew about her Birthday since it was on her work file. But those were the only people who ever knew besides herself, and her twin brother.

Twenty one years. How the time flies. Ennie was away, missing their birthday this year. Well, physically at least. Alisa took every dime she earned from working with Nick and had his new Harley sent to him, with a big red bow on it and a Birthday card. It was the very least she could do for the brother who gave up everything to protect her. Now, she realized there would be no cupcake this year, no present, no Ennie.

A bit down, Alisa decided to throw her own party... even if she was the only guest. On the roof of the Motorcycle shop, she set up an old boom box she found and fixed up on a table. She tuned the radio on the boom box to a rock station that played her favorite bands
, and then walked over to the side of the roof, looking at all of New Orleans, in all it's glory.

"Well... it ain' like Corey's Birthday, but it's a Birthday, neh?" She spoke to herself. "Well, might as well do sumt'ing..." Alisa took out a spy glass she managed to make herself, and began watching all the cars pass by, using a notepad to mark down each kind of car or bike she say, and what color. "Red one.... blue one... anoder red one..."

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2010-04-26 07:22 am UTC (link)
Irina stepped out of a portal and into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw the gathered team.

"Sorry if I'm late, but I've been working. Alisa, happy birthday and this is for you." She held out an envelope with a card in it. Tucked inside the card was a gift card to the local mall worth two hundred dollars. Irina was always generous with gifts.

"I regret I cannot stay and must get back to work, but I didn't want you to think I forgot."

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2010-04-26 07:36 am UTC (link)
"Oh... ta'nk you Irina! You didn' 'ave to!" She would start crying again, if she did not manage to hold herself back from it. Alisa quickly gave Irina a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "You a good friend, too, Irina. Hurry back to work, now... ah don' wan'cha to get in trouble. You should see de face Nick gets me when ah'm late for work!"

Giggling much like a school girl, she then turned back to Nick seeing he brought beer. "Oh? tryin' to get me plastered, eh? Ah'll jus' take one. None for Corey... he ain' old enough an' ah doubt he can handle it. But... t'anks Nick. It's great you showed up. Ah wasn' expectin' so many people."

Alisa placed her gift card on the table, and took a few plates in hand, starting to serve the fish to the guests of her party.

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2010-04-26 06:58 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think whether I can handle it is ever going to be an issue, thanks," Corey says, just ever-so-slightly affronted. "But you barbarians enjoy your beer." And Corey will assist in ensuring that everyone gets food and Eating Will Commence!

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2010-04-26 06:59 pm UTC (link)
Nick raises an eyebrow. "You, plastered on a couple beers? Yeah right. And Corey... well, ain't like the cops are going to bust in here. He can have one if he wants. Not like its Jack or nothing... that's out in the garage. Glad I could make it, and happy birthday."

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2010-04-26 07:56 pm UTC (link)
"Alcohol doesn't hold any illicit thrill for me. I have three-to-one wine with nearly every meal at Grandfather Lucius's."

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2010-04-26 09:19 pm UTC (link)
Argo hoisted and drank from a beer.

He offered up his gift to Alisa next. It was a thick book, billing itself as the "Complete Guide to Greek Mythology."

"Thou hadst expressed interest in the tales of mine people before," he told her. "This... be the closest to accurate I couldst find, and wouldst enjoy discussing where it didst go wrong."

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2010-04-26 09:31 pm UTC (link)
"Still Corey, ah worry about you like de lil' broder ah ain' nevah 'ad." She smiled at him. "Ah jus' don' wan'cha to ever 'ave to go t'rough anyt'ing bad is all."

Alisa then turned her attention to Argo, putting down her plate and looking at the large book Argo had given her. She chuckled happily,l flipping through it. "T'ank you, Argo! Now ah don' 'ave to go to de library an' read it dere! Ah can take mah time an' read all de stories o' your people in de comfort o' mah own room!" She carefully placed the book down on a table and wrapped her arms around Argo, giving him a great big hug.

Once she thanked Argo for her gift, Alisa turned back to her plate of food, and her bottle of beer. She took a few sips of the beer, before taking a few bites of fish. If anything, Corey knew how to make a good southern meal, now!

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2010-04-27 04:14 pm UTC (link)
Irina nodded and created a portal. In a moment she disappeared through it.

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2010-05-03 08:20 pm UTC (link)
Nick works on one of the beers. "No present from me at the moment, but we do have reservations to go for dinner tonight, so dress nice."

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2010-05-03 08:24 pm UTC (link)
"Oh? We do?" She could not help but smirk after finishing a bite of catfish, and a sip of beer. "You spoil me, Nick. An' ah bet de aftah party gonna be a blast, non?" She gave him a sly wink after that comment.

"Well... it'll be a blast if ah don' get mahself plastered at dinner, right? Den again... ah can hold mah liquor." She giggles more, taking a bite of rice, now.

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2010-05-03 08:27 pm UTC (link)
"You know what's extra help with holding your liquor? Eating all of your food." Corey smiles, knowing that yes, he belabors the point occasionally, but it's clearly meant good-naturedly.

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2010-05-03 08:32 pm UTC (link)
"Oui, an' ah got you to t'ank for keepin' me well fed, an' non lookin' like a zombie dat came out o' de cemetery!" Alisa smiled as she peered over at Corey. "An' ah mus' say... you gotta your southern food nailed down good! Dis tastes like sumt'ing Ennie would make! 'course if he was here, he'd be tellin' you dat you needed more hot sauce or sumt'ing. Me, I t'ink it jus' right!"

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2010-05-03 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"Yep, we do. That steak place you liked so much. But they only have beer, mostly. I somehow doubt yer gonna get wasted on beer."

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2010-05-03 09:20 pm UTC (link)
Argo smiled as he returned Alisa's hug.

"Corey art the most wondrous cook," he agreed. "The threat of zombies hath been well pushed back, so long as he doth provide us with food."

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