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Harmony Watkins ([info]a_blessing) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-29 18:20:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - harmony watkins, lady devil, npc - sin, perenawska, team - champions

Heaven Can't Wait (open to Champions)
Harmony always opted to go to St. Vincent's for mass on Sunday mornings.  They were one of the rare Catholic churches that still did sunrise services once a month, services that had been Harmony's favorite since she was a little girl back in Kansas.  Nowadays they were more than just favored; now they were practical, given how nocturnal Sin generally was.  He'd been very honest from the beginning--he didn't do the "God thing."  Much to her surprise this hadn't put her off.  Harmony chose to accept it and not to press.  He never stopped her from worship and she appreciated that.  It was just an item of life they could not share but had found a middle ground.  This was, she thought, how relationships were supposed to work.  It didn't mean that she had to completely leave Sin out of the little things that made her sunrise mass so important to her.  Coffee and pastries were also part of the routine for her and sunrise services played to her advantage: this early in the morning there were now crowds, only the devoted slipping from the cathedral and onto the morning-lit streets.

Smiling to herself, she paid for breakfast before slowly walking up the street and back to Sin's.  Her mind was already on surprising him, thoughts far from anything more than that.  Distracted, she misses the way the shadows pull from the corners of buildings and that the birds have stopped singing.   She misses everything until she hears a rustle of wings and then a blood-curdling screech-like noise right behind her as a dark, winged creature descends from the sky and heads right for her sending the other people on the street scattering.  And the winged beast is not the only one, just the largest in what appears to be a small army of gargoyles come to life.

Harmony screams.

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2010-05-01 02:23 pm UTC (link)
The beast passed over her in its first pass and Harmony hit the ground. It's cry was deafening and she could feel the force of its vibrations. For a moment she was dazed by it but then she pulled the energy of its sounds into herself, using the energy to hurl the outdoor furniture from a nearby cafe at it. It gave her a bit of time; she was able to turn and run sending her literally running into Corey. He was the only person she saw not fleeing the scene.
defy destiny

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2010-05-01 03:41 pm UTC (link)
"Fuck me..." muttered Sin as the gargoyles started to make a mess of things. He had hoped he could try and diffuse the situation before it escalated... well, it had escalated already.

That didn't quite hold a candle to the big black critter that had just landed in the street as well. That made Sin's blood run cold and his heart want to stop. Something like that didn't make it's way out of Heaven or Hell too often, and without some weapon other than his claws, Sin would have a very hard time combating that thing alone. Needless to say, he was starting to see that he had a very long and bloody fight ahead of him.

Two flaps of feathered wings later, he saw that Harmony was running to a face that he recognized, and so he had to trust that she would be okay. There was more going on than just Harmony in the streets, and right now.. The danger posed by the gargoyles and that monstrosity down the street outweighed his physically getting to Harmony right now.

The nearest Gargoyle is dived upon, Sin's attack all sharp hooves and claws. He tries to destroy the stone thing, to rip it apart and leave the stone in ribbons.

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2010-05-01 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"Mmph!" Corey is run into, and clings for just an instant as he tries to steady himself.
"Scuse me, Miss," he says as he kicks off his stands and squares his feet. "Got work to do." And his hands go up, and his power reach for the stone, and the genuine stone gargoyles start being diverted from their targets by force and coming toward the ground together.

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2010-05-01 07:32 pm UTC (link)
Knives against stone. Not going to be very effective, but it wasn't Irina's only way of fighting.

Irina sees Corey moving the gargoyles and she got an idea. "Corey! Send them this way!" she yelled.

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2010-05-01 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Now this? This was a battle worthy of the Son of Hercules! Monsters to be slain, a damsel to be rescued, why, it was practically Olympian!

"Prepare, foul beasts," he shouted, "prepare to face Argo, the All-Mighty Son of Hercules!"

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2010-05-02 03:38 am UTC (link)
Not just clothes, body armor. Eliza doesn't cackle or anything ridiculous like that. She grins instead and twirls each baton on her hands and gets ready to tumble out of the way of the stone beast that is out to get her.

She waits until the last moment then tumbles and strikes out at the creature all at once.

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2010-05-02 04:12 am UTC (link)
Corey hears Irina and complies, using the fact that they were already in motion as much to his advantage as possible as he quickly draws the struggling stones--whatever else they are, they're stones -- toward her.

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2010-05-02 04:15 am UTC (link)
Irina was patient and waited. She had to time this just right. The gargoyles headed right for her and at the last second she opened a portal to a hellish dimension.

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2010-05-02 11:24 pm UTC (link)
The gargoyle that Sin chose to dive upon fought back, swinging stoney clawed fists at him, eyes glowing red. Sin's efforts are enough to shatter the monster's wings, but it isn't backing down...and Sin may notice that the black figure in the street is taking keen interest in Sin's battle with his stone minion.

The gargoyle that attacks Eliza is surprisingly nimble, leaping up as Eliza tumbles and strikes out, narrowly evading a direct attack, though his heavy left foot is struck and a chunk of stone clatters to the ground, crumbling. The beast flies up and then, turns swooping down again at Eliza in an attempt at a divebomb.

Corey and Irina fare best of all: the gargoyles Corey had directed towards Irina all tumble into the dimensional portal, defeated with quick wit. This act gets the attention of the black beast in the center of the street to rip from Sin. Now, glowing eyes that seem just almost unholy turn and focus on Corey and Irina.

"Oh how clever you must think you are." The figure steps forward and as it does, massive wings unfold, the feathers glittering in the light. Each one seems to have a razor's edge. "But clever won't make heroes of you. Prepare to fight."

And as he speaks, the two remaining gargoyles begin to weaken.

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2010-05-02 11:27 pm UTC (link)
The flurry of activity from the others generates a great deal of noise and as it does, Harmony can feel the power of that coursing through her. Noise doesn't always feed her quite this way, but the adrenaline rush and the fact that she's already used her ability was enough to rev her up. As a host of gargoyles vanished, Harmony turned her attention to loose items on the street: furniture, newspaper stands, heavy flower pots. She subtly starts to build a blast wall of sorts. There are other gargoyles, she reasons, still on buildings on that very street.

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2010-05-02 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Argo charged at one of the remaining gargoyles, swinging a punch. "PREPARE, BEAST! PREPARE TO RECEIVE THE GIFT!"

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2010-05-03 02:12 am UTC (link)
"Really? Who says prepare to fight these days? Usually people get right to the punching and whatnot," Irina said as she tried to open a portal under the thing.

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2010-05-03 04:24 am UTC (link)
Corey decides it's not the best time to agree that yes, he's clever.

He tries to reach out for some of the remaining stone ones, or any stone at all, to put between himself and that thing.

If that doesn't work, he figures he can always take solace in his god. That is, he'll hide behind Argo.

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2010-05-03 07:30 am UTC (link)
Living things were a different story. Irina pulled two knives from their hiding places and threw them at the beast aiming for the thing's eyes.

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2010-05-03 01:13 pm UTC (link)
Well, stone is a lot stronger when it's brought to life, and claws work better against flesh than stone. Rather frustrated with his gargoyle, Sin casts a glance towards the big critter in the back of the street, keeping an eye on it.

It wasn't good that it had focused on someone else, but for right now, that person wasn't Harmony and that was all he cared about. Still, that thing had to go. So he redoubled his efforts in at least neutralizing the gargoyle. If it couldn't crawl away, he could kill it once the big fucker was dead.

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2010-05-04 02:17 am UTC (link)
This time Eliza is clipped as she is dodging. Clipped in a bad way that is. From left to right the stone claws rake from her shoulder to hip as she tries to get out of the way fast enough. She winces as some of the damage goes through her uniform.

She really felt that.

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2010-05-04 04:43 am UTC (link)
The gargoyle after Eliza swoops back around in a wide arc, hoping to slam into her again, hoping to collide hard enough to shatter bones.

The large black-winged beast looks at them all. "You should have fled when you had the chance. I have slaughtered far worse than you." It slams a fist into the ground, and fire erupts in a wave around the point of impact like a growing shockwave of heat, a rippling wall of pure-white flame growing higher even as it expands outward, buckling concrete, exploding technology as it goes.

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2010-05-04 04:47 am UTC (link)
Harm was glad she'd started composing the blast shield and when the white flame spread out, it hit her makeshift shield with force. She could feel it buckling and she herself screamed, the sonic force of her own cry the only thing that protected her as the wall crashed down onto her. She fell to the ground but was, mostly, unscathed.

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2010-05-04 04:50 am UTC (link)
Corey had spent this time focusing on his goal, redirecting what was left of the stone gargoyles, and gathering more rocks and dirt and rock-and-dirty-based-material -- including some of the falling wall parts -- to shield himself.

When he says That Thing going for Eliza again, that hard, he throws everything he's got between it and her.

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2010-05-04 04:55 am UTC (link)
Apparently the portal she tried to open under the thing failed. Which was strange. Her knives did nothing.

She saw the wave of white hot flame coming at her and Irina dived behind the closest parked car.

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2010-05-04 05:17 am UTC (link)
Eliza was reeling in pain. She saw what was coming for her again and tried to move. With Corey trying to protect her though it helped because it gave her cover to duck right behind.

She wasn't too happy about her back,. She should have moved faster. This meant she needed to train harder latter on.

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2010-05-04 06:23 pm UTC (link)
The fire spreads past Sin, leaving him singed but... strangely unscathed by the way he moves.

"Oh yea, you're such a big badass, you stupid fucker. Now you're going to die just like every other stupid imbecile that decides to fuck with me." snarls the demon as he starts heading for the black feathered thing. As he moves that way, his flesh heals over, going from black to pale white once more.

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2010-05-04 09:15 pm UTC (link)
Against all odds, Argo stood against the shockwave, barely moved at all.

He started moving determinedly toward the creature. "A mighty show," he said, "but not mighty enough. The Son of Hercules shalt prove more than a match for thee."

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2010-05-04 11:39 pm UTC (link)
The gargoyle collides with Corey, hard... and shatters on his body like a snowball hitting a stone wall.

"Pagan deity," the black-winged creature sneers at Argo. "You face an assassin of the Heavenly Host!" It points to Irina. "You think your paltry portals can affect me? None of you can harm me. I am here to do my divine duty, and none shall stop me!"

Smoke forms in his hand, solidifying into a hilt, and flame pours out of it, forming a massive fiery blade. The beast approaches Harm, murderous intent gleaming in its eyes.

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2010-05-05 12:42 am UTC (link)
Time for a new tactic. Irina formed a portal under the thing's right rear foot. As soon as the foot and part of the leg sank into the portal, she'd close it off taking that part of the beast with it.

If she couldn't take the whole beast, she could take parts of it.

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(no subject) - [info]a_blessing, 2010-05-05 03:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sandcastlegod, 2010-05-05 03:39 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]son_of_hercules, 2010-05-05 10:08 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]ladydevil, 2010-05-06 04:42 pm UTC

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