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Harmony Watkins ([info]a_blessing) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-29 18:20:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - harmony watkins, lady devil, npc - sin, perenawska, team - champions

Heaven Can't Wait (open to Champions)
Harmony always opted to go to St. Vincent's for mass on Sunday mornings.  They were one of the rare Catholic churches that still did sunrise services once a month, services that had been Harmony's favorite since she was a little girl back in Kansas.  Nowadays they were more than just favored; now they were practical, given how nocturnal Sin generally was.  He'd been very honest from the beginning--he didn't do the "God thing."  Much to her surprise this hadn't put her off.  Harmony chose to accept it and not to press.  He never stopped her from worship and she appreciated that.  It was just an item of life they could not share but had found a middle ground.  This was, she thought, how relationships were supposed to work.  It didn't mean that she had to completely leave Sin out of the little things that made her sunrise mass so important to her.  Coffee and pastries were also part of the routine for her and sunrise services played to her advantage: this early in the morning there were now crowds, only the devoted slipping from the cathedral and onto the morning-lit streets.

Smiling to herself, she paid for breakfast before slowly walking up the street and back to Sin's.  Her mind was already on surprising him, thoughts far from anything more than that.  Distracted, she misses the way the shadows pull from the corners of buildings and that the birds have stopped singing.   She misses everything until she hears a rustle of wings and then a blood-curdling screech-like noise right behind her as a dark, winged creature descends from the sky and heads right for her sending the other people on the street scattering.  And the winged beast is not the only one, just the largest in what appears to be a small army of gargoyles come to life.

Harmony screams.

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2010-05-16 03:52 am UTC (link)
"I...didn't say there was anything wrong with your gods?" Harmony looks genuinely upset at the thought and frowns. "I'm grateful that you were here. Really. I owe you all dinner."

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2010-05-16 03:54 am UTC (link)
Irina gave Argo a smile. "Thank you. I'll be fine," she said to everyone. "It's just a bump to the head. Nothing a bottle of vodka won't cure."

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2010-05-16 04:00 am UTC (link)
"Not you, Miss, I just wasn't done being offended by the monster thing," Corey says hurriedly. "And you're welcome."

He looks over to Irina. "If you're sure..."

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2010-05-16 04:02 am UTC (link)
"Look." Eliza finally speaks up. "I think we can all agree that people getting attacked like this is bad."

She looks to Sin and Harmony. She figures she should ask this anyways. Someone will need to eventually. "Are you two going to need any help?"

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2010-05-16 04:04 am UTC (link)
"Aye," Argo added. "Thou didst fight by our side, any aide we may offer, but speak and it shall be done."

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2010-05-16 04:05 am UTC (link)
"I think I'm going to be okay. But," she looks at Sin, "I'm going to need one hell of an explanation." She sighs. "My name is Harmony Watkins. If this thing comes back, I'm pretty sure I'll be toast. It literally just came out of nowhere and started attacking."

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2010-05-16 04:08 am UTC (link)
"I'm sure," Irina told Corey. "If it comes back, we will deal with it again. I'm Irina Krylova. This is Argo, Lady Devil, and Anteaus. We're the Champions."

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2010-05-17 05:52 am UTC (link)
Sin just looked rather disgruntled. And nervous. Just standing around with his horns all out was disturbing enough, but none of these people (Harmony included) had run off screaming. Which was kind of screwing with his head a bit.

Raising a clawed hand to scratch at his temple, he rumbled "I go by Sin." he then huffed again and brought his hand away from the wounds on his chest, his expression grim as he said "If you got hurt, Harm, I could prolly take one more like the last one, but then I'd prolly not wake up for a month or something ridiculous like that."

He shook his head a bit, his voice low as he said "It didn't just attack you for no reason, Harmony. It was attacking you because of me." He looked around, then said "I.. can explain but I'd rather not do it in the middle of the street..."

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2010-05-17 12:02 pm UTC (link)
"Your place then?" Harmony hadn't freaked out. But the fact that her boyfriend had claws and hooves and horns was definitely more of a revelation than she'd expected. "Would you guys be comfortable with that? I don't think a nice breakfast place would be good for this sort of conversations. And I can make pancakes."

The Champions. She'd just collaborated with a team of heroes? Her thoughts were caught, though as she looked at Sin's chest.

"When we get home, I'll clean up your wounds, honey. Thank you, for taking them from me..."

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2010-05-17 04:46 pm UTC (link)
"Pancakes are admittedly a very difficult thing for a guy to say no to."

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2010-05-17 05:17 pm UTC (link)
"Or girl," Eliza says. She is trying not to grin.

"I use a lotta energy. So I tend to really pack it away when I eat," she says with a shrug. Constant training and activity will do that to a person. It can be pretty much expected to see Eliza eating all the time. Just in smaller portions unless she hasn't snacked in a few hours.

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2010-05-17 06:38 pm UTC (link)
"Why don't we go back to our place?" Irina suggested. "We have more space and the other Champions would want to hear this especially if it is going to be more attacks in the city."

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2010-05-17 06:55 pm UTC (link)
"Whatever works." replied Sin in a growl. He wasn't too keep on keeping a bunch of people in his tiny apartment, though the prospect of having to travel in his current form wasn't exactly attractive. Then again, his spells would take much longer to cast than he had, and he wasn't anywhere in a condition to do it either.

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2010-05-17 09:44 pm UTC (link)
"The Son of Hercules hath never turned down a meal," Ago agreed. "But I must agree with Irina. Our place be-th more suited to a large group and ist quite secure."

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2010-05-18 02:39 am UTC (link)
"If that's the way we're going to do it, don't worry. I run a very good kitchen, and I've got everything I need to make pancakes."

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2010-05-18 02:46 am UTC (link)
Irina opened a portal that opened into the Champions' HQ. "Alright boys and girls, time to go home."

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2010-05-18 02:50 am UTC (link)
Harmony looked at Sin for a moment as the portal opened and a few people moved to use it. She reached out her hand to her boyfriend.

"It's okay, Sin. I'm not afraid. Nice wings." A smile crossed her face and, following others' lead, she stepped into the portal.

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2010-05-18 02:56 am UTC (link)
Sin didn't say anything.. so much as grind his teeth and grimace. This was all really weird, and he was somewhere near a freak out. None the less, he was drawn through the portal by Harmony.

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2010-05-18 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Argo followed the others through the portal.

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2010-05-18 10:17 pm UTC (link)
Eliza would just go get her car latter. She steps through the portal.

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2010-05-18 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Irina was the last one through the portal. It closed behind her.

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