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Wilhlemina "Mina" Wagner ([info]kidfuzzy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-07 21:50:00

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Entry tags:inactive - cassidy summers, inactive - match, inactive - mina wagner, sylvia mccoy, tsunami

Say a Prayer (open)
The chapel at Xaiver's was smallish, but functional.  And it was where Mina found herself now, kneeling in prayer.  She was still in shock, truthfully.  And her father was like the walking dead himself.  He barely spoke, barely seemed to acknowledge the rest of the world.  At least her mom was home now, trying her best to help them both.

"God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.

In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.

Amen. "

Her poor brother, who had never quite seemed comfortable in his own skin, who had seemed so frightened and skittish so much of the time.  Her brother.  She never thought of the fact that they hadn't shared the same mother.  He had been her brother and that was all that had mattered.  And now he was gone.

An accident, they said it was.  She wanted to believe that.  Wanted to believe it with all her heart.  But none of it changed the fact that her brother was dead. 

"Faultless Lord, enduring death for me,
You have consummated the debt of my sins:
Your sacrifice of forgiveness was absolute!
Grant me the strength to also forgive others,
To excuse their transgressions against me.
So I may truly reflect this spiritual fruit,
Obliterate any persistent feelings of malice.
Let each trespass end as a closing chapter,
My continuing on the road of righteousness.
Forgive my sins as I aspire to forgive others.
You are truly archetypical of forgiveness.
You are a most forgiving Lord! "

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2010-07-08 12:22 am UTC (link)
Mina looked up for a moment, opening her large, yellow eyes. The fur around her eyes was wet and matted with tears.

"Oh..., hi guys," she said, quietly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

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2010-07-08 12:44 am UTC (link)
Sylvie's upper arms wind around Mina as she rests on her elbows.

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2010-07-08 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Hey Mina. I'm real sorry about all of this." Joey says to her. The words sound just as empty coming from as they probably sound to her. He remembers a bunch of people saying the same things when Jenna died, and how meaningless they seemed then.

Only, Joey could blame cancer for losing his Aunt. That was chance. So was this, technically, but Cassidy was a person, and he was still alive.

"If you need somethin', let me know. Jake was a cool kid." Joey says.

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2010-07-08 01:22 am UTC (link)
The hurt inside was terrible; Mina wasn't sure it would ever go away. She leaned into Sylvie's hug.

"Thank-you," she said. "Both of you."

She wiped her eyes again. "How... how is Cassidy?"

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2010-07-08 01:38 am UTC (link)
Cait sat quietly a few rows back. She didn't know Jake that well, a regret on her part, but she would show her respects and support her team through this.

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2010-07-08 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Can't say I know. No one's seen him since just after everything happened." Joey says.

"He's got to be around here somewhere, though."

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2010-07-08 01:52 am UTC (link)
Sylvie exhaled. She didn't like hearing that. Cassidy needed to get checked out. calmed down, working to calibrate a treatment option to help him until he learned. They couldn't afford another accident. This was the third student death this year, and that was three too many.

At the moment, though, she just held on to Mina a little.

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2010-07-08 02:09 am UTC (link)
"We need to find him," Mina said. She sniffled.

"He needs to know it wasn't his fault."

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2010-07-08 03:46 am UTC (link)
"Uh, you sure you wanna do that, Mina?" Joey asks. "You don't have to do that right now. Maybe you could take some time and just process, and I'll let Cassidy know you wanna speak to him later."

Joey looks to Sylvie for a little help, as he thinks this is a Bad Idea.

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2010-07-08 04:47 am UTC (link)
"You're both right. Cassidy needs to be found so he can get help, but even if you're search-party ready right now, Mina, it's hard to say whether you'd be the best person for him to see first if we want to keep him from getting agitated."

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2010-07-08 04:36 pm UTC (link)
Mina frowned, wrestling with a combination of anger and sadness. "You're right, both of you."

Her eyes teared up again. "God, grant me the strength to forgive, because I don't know how I can."

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2010-07-08 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Several of Sylvie's arms are around her tight for a minute. But she doesn't say anything. Because sometimes that's the way you've got to do it; any words would just ring hollow.

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