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tooth_n_claw ([info]tooth_n_claw) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-25 05:22:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood

Happy Birthday To You!
There had been a conspiracy within Alpha Flight. It wasn't to topple the government, get revenge for being framed or anything like that, but Mel and Alex had been planning. Those plans involved the birthday of one Jordan Bochs. Their team leader was turning a year older and the passing of such an even would not go unnoticed or uncelebrated.

Alex had done the running and fetching for needed items and then had helped Mel wherever she needed help with the baked goods and decorations. He could provide a pair of human hands for two hours and was always eager to taste test anything Mel made. The arrangement worked out rather well.

In the end the 'Temple' had been festively decorated and there was plenty to eat.

They left it up to Mason to distract Jordan until they were ready.

With everything done and in place and Alpha Flight assembled, they let Mason know that they were ready for the birthday boy to see it all.

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2010-08-25 10:58 pm UTC (link)
"Totally not my fault. Apparently someone circulated the rumor that I'm back on the market. Wasn't me." Which was true. The break-up due to overly-protective sorceress mom still stung. But if he has to go back on the market, seventeen lingerie models' phone numbers was not a bad way to recover.
"Already got them loaded into my phone, so lead on and we'll see who schools who." Though he had to admit, Mason was getting better at the video games.

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2010-08-25 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Mel nods to Marrina solemnly.

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2010-08-26 02:16 am UTC (link)
Mason looked awkwardly at the number one of the models had managed to write on his own hand when he wasn't paying attention. He'd managed to politely divert any of them after that.

"Wasn't me either, but I figured you wouldn't mind some eyecandy at least..." He opens the door to the Temple.

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2010-08-26 02:43 am UTC (link)
As Jordan walks in, the decorations are predominately white and silver, but the way 'Joyeux Anniversaire!' is written across the wall -- Mel's leaning against the wall, sunk in just at the edge -- is entirely purple.

And she'll even be vocally audible in the chorus of shouting! Will wonders never cease?

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2010-08-26 02:47 am UTC (link)
Marrina joined in the celebratory shouts.

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2010-08-26 02:53 am UTC (link)
"Happy birthday!" Alex shouted along with the girls.

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2010-08-26 03:12 am UTC (link)
He can't help but grin. The fact that they'd written it in French is also just pure awesome.

"Ok, you guys rock. And Mel... is that cookies I smell? If so, you rock double."

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2010-08-26 03:15 am UTC (link)
"Yes, my cunning plan to keep you occupied worked brilliantly." Mason smirks, punching Jordie in the arm.

"Now somebody put on some music and fire up the games!"

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2010-08-26 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Cake first," Alex said with a grin. "It's really good." He had played official taste tester for Mel.

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2010-08-26 03:28 am UTC (link)
"When is it not, with Mel around?"

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2010-08-26 04:43 am UTC (link)
Mel blushed a deep burgundy at what everyone said, and added for Jordan. "And yes, there are cookies. Butterscotch oatmeal."

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2010-08-26 04:46 am UTC (link)
"My favorite. Ok, sorry Mason, cake and cookies first. then games. So declares the birthday boy. Then, probably, more cookies."

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2010-08-26 05:03 am UTC (link)
Mason points both index fingers at Mel. "Never a bad time with Mel's cookies, so declare away, Jordie." He grins.

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2010-08-26 04:53 pm UTC (link)
"What is that all over your arms, Jordan?"

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2010-08-30 02:58 am UTC (link)
"Ink, phone numbers... a few measurements, I think."

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2010-08-30 06:53 am UTC (link)
"Where did you guys go?" Alex asked.

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2010-08-31 03:02 am UTC (link)
Mel is puzzled. And burgundy. "Why would anyone write....?"

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2010-08-31 03:38 am UTC (link)
Mason coughs into his hand, trying to smudge out the lone phone number left there.

"I... took Jordie to a show as his present. He was popular."

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2010-08-31 03:24 pm UTC (link)
"A... show?" Marrina asked, trying to put what Jordan said together with what Mason was saying. Something... wasn't adding up.

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2010-08-31 06:25 pm UTC (link)
"He took me to the Victoria's Secret fashion show that was in town. These are models' phone numbers... and measurements for the ones who wanted to make sure I kept track of who was who, I suppose."

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2010-08-31 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Alex grinned, but he didn't say anything. He was glad Jordan got out and had a good time. "There's a delicious cake waiting," he said. He got a book of matches and started to light the candles.

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2010-08-31 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Mel just doesn't know what to say about Victoria's Secret, so attention will return to the cake. And she'll smile a little at Alex's handling of the matches and other hand-requiring issues. He's gotten so good at staying this way.

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2010-08-31 11:11 pm UTC (link)
Mason blushes. "He's hard to shop for."

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2010-08-31 11:28 pm UTC (link)
"Well," she said. "I think you did a... great job, I'm sure. Sounds like you had fun."

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2010-08-31 11:33 pm UTC (link)
Mason immediately moves into relationship triage mode. "You're much prettier, and smarter, than any of them." He beams at her, meaning every word.

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2010-09-01 05:49 am UTC (link)
"Definitely smarter." Jordan agrees. "Had a good time though. I ought to take him skiing again sometime though, see if he does any better with it this time than last."

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2010-09-01 04:18 pm UTC (link)
Marrina brightened up a bit.

"Dang right I am," she told Mason.

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2010-09-02 02:23 am UTC (link)
The candles were lit and it was time to sing happy birthday.

"Okay. Time to sing and all of you better help me sing," he said.

"One, two, three...Happy Birthday..."

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