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Mason Jeffries ([info]got_the_touch) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-14 21:25:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, inactive - kassia frost, jordan bochs, mac rider, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"mason jeffries vs atlantis"

Atlantis - The Last Stand
Mason was wearing two parkas as he and Marrina waited at the set coordinates on the Nova Scotia shoreline. An official envoy from Atlantis was supposed to pick them up here. He was holding her hand, and what of his face could be seen between his scarf and his hat looked worried. He nodded to her.

"Just in case I get killed..." He squeezed her hand. "I love you. And you were worth it."

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2010-12-24 09:27 am UTC (link)
Namor looks to the Captain of the Guard, Amrael Shahrazain.

"Captain, suit the prisoners, bind them and then take a squad of men and escort Agent Bochs and his people back to the surface. Once they have Draconia and Vishin in custody, return to Atlantis. I expect a full accounting of who was responsible for the Jeffries' kidnapping and who else was a part of this plot with Draconia and Vishin." Namor says.

The captain nods briskly, then orders that his men see it done.

"Your fair dealings with our people will be remembered, Agent Bochs. Atlantis seeks a relationship with the surface that is based on tolerance and respect, rather than distrust and rancor." Namor says.

"Princess Marrina, Princess Kassia and Prince MacKenzie: we have much to discuss. You will all meet with me again in two weeks' time to discuss matters of state." Namor says.

He turns to leave the room before he stops and regards Mason Jeffries.

"I have met many humans in the course of my life and my relations with them have not always been cordial. In fact, many of them have been antagonistic on both sides. I recognize, however, that it took great personal courage to come among a country of people who did not have the well-being of you and yours at heart." Namor says.

He takes a deep breath.

"The fact that you did so for the right to be with my daughter also does credit upon you and the people who raised you, Mason Jeffries, as well as your country and humanity as a whole. I cannot undo the wrongs done to your family and the disruptions of the lives of you and your friends...but for the sake of my people, my daughter foremost among them, I can attempt to forge an understanding borne of mutual respect. You are the standard by which I shall just future suitors of those in my family." Namor says.

"To that end, we will dine together, Mason Jeffries, once you are healed from your injuries. You, Princess Marrina, myself and the rest of Alpha Flight." Namor says.

"You have passed the first test, Mason Jeffries. I hope that you excel at the others in the manner you did at this one." Namor smiles enigmatically.

"You are all free to go." Namor says, once Draconia and Vishin are led back to the chamber, suited and clapped in sinew that will hold them.

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2010-12-24 09:36 am UTC (link)
Vishin seemed as if he was about to make an appeal to Namor, but the guards and restraints are already upon him.

"No! I was only trying to protect our people! Don't you all see?!" He jerks his chin in Namor and family's direction.

"The royal family's FETISH for the surface dwellers will destroy us all! How often has he betrayed our ways for Susan Richards?! We must stop it!" He'll continue ad nauseum until he's stopped.

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2010-12-24 09:40 am UTC (link)
Mac glances his sovereign cousin quickly. And if ever asked, he would mutter that his hand had slipped. And that jaw Vishin was using to do all that? It's going to just happen to get a nice firm, if somewhat pulled considering relative forces, punch.

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2010-12-24 09:49 am UTC (link)
Mason had been just about ready to set off some sort of chain reaction headed in the creep's direction, medics fussing over him be damned, when Marrina's cousin beats him to the... well, punch.

He manages to push them aside enough to look squarely at Namor with his one good eye remaining at the moment.

"Your Majesty,--" oh god oh god oh god don't say anything stupid don't say anything stupid "-- what I did... was the only thing to be done in the situation. It is my honor to have fought for Princess Marrina."

He manages to nod his head before the blood loss and fatigue catch up again and he lays down again.

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2010-12-24 08:01 pm UTC (link)
Mac, remind me to high five you when we're not on official duty.

Kassia, for her part, was so angry that she was starting to take on a blue cast.

"And your fetish with subterfuge and treason strengthens Atlantis none itself."

Kassia moved to stand by her sister. Marrina would need the support.

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2010-12-25 03:05 am UTC (link)
Marrina really hoped her jaw wasn't hanging open, because right now, she couldn't have been for surprised.

First, there was Jordan's sudden arrival and his announcements. Then there was the revelation of who was behind everything. And then there was... Father was being... nice to Mason? Wanted to have dinner?

Also, she needed to definitely do something nice for Mac in the near future.

Right now, though, she just let out a breath of relief.

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