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nextgen_deviant ([info]nextgen_deviant) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-05 04:38:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, iason, inactive - artemis, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - nightingale, npc team - deviants, npc team - serpent society, sammy fury, team - avengers, toni rhodes

When Monsters Attack in Memphis!
The citizens of Memphis, TN were trying to stay cool on a hot summer's day. The temperature reached 90 degrees with about 85% humidity. It was a hot sticky day and the citizens sought relief from the heat wherever they could. Some sought it in the air conditioned buildings while other sought it in water.

Tourists to the city took in the local sights. Some wandered through Graceland and others walked along Beale Street in the heat. Some took a cruise on the Tunica Queen Riverboat. These poor unfortunate souls would be the first to discover the impending doom that was about to strike the city.

The waters of the mighty Mississippi churned and foamed formed. A few moments later a shape emerged from the muddy waters. The riverboat was tossed about and slowly the monster emerged from the water and climbed up the east bank. It slowly pulled itself up to its full 300' height and looked at the city below. It let out a mighty roar and started destroying buildings.

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2009-08-14 03:13 am UTC (link)
"Good... Toni, when you're ready, hit me with everything you've got." he calls into coms, stopping firing at the monster to conserve energy, turning to look towards the Quinjet, preparing to light the fuel with heat beams.

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2009-08-14 03:19 am UTC (link)
"Ready to go," Toni began, mentally rewiring and rerouting pieces of the Quinjet's internal workings, "three-two--one... Now!"

The fire suppression nozzles, originally designed to carry fire-suppressing foam, now sprayed high-octane jet fuel.

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2009-08-14 03:23 am UTC (link)
His clothes catch fire as he lights the spray, then, the fire begins to curl about him, the jets of fire disappearing into the Eternal as he draws on the energy. Not as efficient as cosmic rays, but it'll do. Not long before he's glowing, ringed with a flickering nimbus.

"Up to you guys... keep him painted, and hang on. Back in a few minutes." he called, before rocketing into the upper atmosphere and away from the battle.

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2009-08-14 03:37 am UTC (link)
"You got it. But whatever you're doing, hurry," Anya said as she twisted the flagpole around in his eye.

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2009-08-14 04:20 am UTC (link)
Toni brought the the quinnjet in for a landing, since she was running low on fuel after her little stunt. Instead, she focused on other weapons, repulsor blasters and missiles, taking care to aim away from Anya.

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2009-08-14 05:45 am UTC (link)
Anya pulled the flagpole out of the thing's eye and rammed it right back in.

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