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Luna Maximoff ([info]i_feel_you) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-14 21:33:00

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Entry tags:inactive - eli paravich, luna maximoff, plot-"mothers day"

The road to recovery (Eli)
(Takes place after this post.)

Luna was getting antsy. She had been in the med-bay at WCA headquarters for a couple of days now, and while she was still weak from having a large portion of her blood drained, she was worried about Eli. She hadn't seen him since they had been attacked by the vampires. Her father hovering over her, telling her how she was never to see Eli again did not help things. Eventually, with some help from Aine along with telling him off herself, she was able to get rid of him.

Currently, Luna was watching reruns of General Hospital. She was still getting blood transfusions, and the rest of her team had been making sure that she had been getting lots of protein in her system.

There was something about daytime soap operas that were horrible but addicting at the same time.

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2011-07-15 12:10 am UTC (link)
Luna managed to give him a small smile when he first came in, happy to see him, even if he did look a little more haggard that she had recently seen him.

The smile faded when he told him that they needed to end things between them. A stern look crossed her face.

"You think that you are doing the 'noble thing' by ending things between us," she said. "That no matter what you feel, it is 'for the best'.

I would like to inform that I did not spend the past couple of days arguing with my father how I will see whomever I want, and that I did not blame you for what happened for you to come here and try and break up with because it's 'The noble thing to do.'"

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2011-07-15 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Noble or not, you cannot deny that you were harmed because of me, Luna. Colin Vale was sent by Thulsa Doom, a necromancer I helped defeat during my time trying keep reality from tearing itself apart." Eli says.

"For me, it was but a year ago, but for /him/...he had 10,000 years to plot his revenge against me, Luna. Millennia before I ever knew him, he attacked and dissected my people. Then, two years ago, he took my mother. He visited countless atrocities upon her and now..." Eli had to stop to collect himself. He could feel the tears coming again, welling up as they had been trying to over the last few days since....

"And then he came after you, Luna. He was going to make choose between saving you and saving my mother. I made my choice and for that, my mother paid with her life." Eli says.

"My father has exiled me from Polaria for the rest of my existence, Luna, but I say it was worth it to buy back your life. My mother would not have condoned her existence to go on if it meant an end to yours.

'I have lived more lifetimes than even most Eternals, Eliosha. Except for Sersi. None can match that woman in her fun.' she always told me.

But I did not fight to save you just to pay for a few months or a year until another enemy of mine tries to harm you again. I...care you for you too much to bury you, Luna Maximoff." Eli says.

Though, in the end, I would have to bury her someday anyway, wouldn't I?

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2011-07-15 05:55 pm UTC (link)
It hurt to sit up, or even move a lot, but Luna ignored the pain to sit up and lean forward so that she could take one of Eli's hands in hers.

"I am sorry for what he did to your mother, Eli," she said. "Truly, I am. And I'm sorry for what your father did to you. I'm sorry you had to go through that because of me.

But I am not going to let you just walk away, Eli. You've become too much of an important part of my life for me to just let you walk away."

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2011-07-16 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Luna, do you think I would do this if I saw any other choice available to me? You are too special, too rare a woman to simply be given up." Eli says, kneeling down so that he could look up at her.

"My thoughts are often filled with you, Luna. When you sleep, I think of you and I touch your mind often to make sure your dreams are pleasant. I enjoy being with you." Eli says quietly.

He knew what he felt for her and he could not help it, much as he wanted to. It was not right for him to feel this way after all he'd put her thought.

"I have fallen in love with you, Luna Maximoff, and it is because of that love that I would see you safe and happy with someone who can give that to you." Eli says.

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2011-07-16 04:59 am UTC (link)
"Don't you understand, Eli?" Luna asked, reaching out to place a hand on his cheek. "I don't want to be with anyone else...because I've fallen in love with you, Eliosha Paravich."

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2011-07-16 01:53 pm UTC (link)
Eli lays his head in Luna's lap silently, thinking upon what she has just said. She is in love with him. /Him/. He did not know what he expected the first time he and Luna met, but hearing those words had not ever come to mind. His father always said it was folly to love a human, to love something that would be gone in an eyeblink.

Mother always counted that love was /never/ folly; the only folly lay in not expressing such.

Kalypso had a relationship with Jack, didn't she? And Iason with Eliza? Why could he not do the same?

Because your enemies will come for her.

How could he stop that, short of never letting her out of his sight?

"Your father despises me." he says after awhile.

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2011-07-16 05:46 pm UTC (link)
"I do not care what my father thinks," Luna said, stroking his hair gently. "I told him that I love you and there's nothing he can do to change that."

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2011-07-16 08:58 pm UTC (link)
"You told him this?" Eli says, trying to hide a smile.

"You should hate me. You would be within your rights to." he says.

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2011-07-17 04:55 am UTC (link)
"I did," Luna said. "I am not a child. He does not get to tell me who to love."

"I will not hate you, but I will be very cross with you if you keep saying that."

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2011-07-17 05:04 am UTC (link)
"I have not seen you cross before, but I admit I think it would be a fearsome sight." Eli says quietly.

"I do not know how you happened to me, but I am glad that I'm doing something right." he says, looking up at her.

"How are you feeling just now, my Moon Princess?" Eli asks. "Is there anything I can bring to you?"

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2011-07-17 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"I am feeling fine, Eli," Luna said. "There's nothing I need right now. Just you."

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2011-07-17 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Eli is still not sold on the idea of staying together; he is in love with Luna, but he still worries over her safety.

"Perhaps I will just have to defend you myself, my love. You would tire of seeing my face before long, but perhaps I will sketch you while you sleep and consider what clothing I shall make for you." he teases.

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2011-07-17 11:38 pm UTC (link)
She smiled at him. "I could never tire of seeing your face."

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2011-07-18 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Nor I, yours." Eli says, leaning up to kiss her.

"How soon until you can leave the infirmary? I would like to to take you to my place for lunch sometime." he says.

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2011-07-18 12:04 am UTC (link)
"Soon, hopefully," Luna said, smiling. "I am growing rather tired of daytime television."

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2011-07-18 01:34 am UTC (link)
"Is there nothing else on? I thought you had many channels here?" he says, calling the remote to his hand. He turns the television to something he thinks is interesting.

"Ah, America's Next Top Model is on! Have you ever watched this?" Eli asks.

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2011-07-18 02:19 am UTC (link)
Luna laughed a little. "You watch America's Next Top Model, Eli? I've watched it a couple of times, with Aine, though I must marvel at how Tyra Banks does not have a meltdown every episode. Some of those girls are just downright divas."

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2011-07-18 02:24 am UTC (link)
"Well, I have to so that I may scout the competition. Eventually, I will have many models working for me and I will need to know how to deal with them." Eli says.

"This will not divert my attention from you, though...if you wish to model for me, I would have to decline you. I would rather not have thousands of men staring at you all the time, if I can help it. I might be tempted to steal you." he grins.

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2011-07-18 02:39 am UTC (link)
"That is very smart of you, Eli," Luna said. "That way, you have some idea what to expect."

She smiled at him. "You have nothing to worry about," she said. "I do not plan in going into the modeling business."

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2011-07-19 12:47 am UTC (link)
"Well, please do not rule it out completely. I would like it if you would model for me from time to time...in private." Eli suggests.

He offers her a mischievous grin.

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2011-07-19 01:39 am UTC (link)
Luna blushed a little. "Perhaps I will."

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2011-07-21 11:51 am UTC (link)
"I would very much like it if you do, my love. I have many things for you to try on." Eli smiles.

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2011-07-22 01:08 am UTC (link)
"Do you now?"

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2011-07-23 07:12 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, I do. When they are made, we shall do a private fashion show. How does that sound?" he asks.

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