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under_the_skin ([info]under_the_skin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-16 14:42:00

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Entry tags:tsunami, vlad rasputin

Mini Golf (minus the destruction of Manors)

Vlad looks into the mouth of the dragon and steels himself for the confrontation. He'd fought bigger opponents before, this would be nothing. No dragon would come between him and his goal. 
Taking a moment to aim, with a mighty swing he lets his shot fly straight into the beast's mouth. And out the other side, where it sped past the hole and bounced against one boundary, then another and another until it finally lost momentum and came to a stop.
As far from the hole as it could be it seems.
"..." Yeah, he'd put way too much power into it again.

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2012-07-16 04:38 pm UTC (link)
He laughed good naturedly as she did much better than him. "You're right again. Might as well give it another shot," he agreed while spinning his club casually. Vlad jogs over to his ball and gets ready to try and gently tap it. With superstrength that was always difficult. "What are my odds of ever getting par today?"

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2012-07-16 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"I think you can manage it. Anything's possible." It was good to get away from the Mansion for a bit. Cait had started to feel as if the walls were starting to close in. This was a fun thing to do and Vlad was a great guy.

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2012-07-16 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you for the vote of confidence," he chuckles. "But I'd bet against me." The mansion could easily seem cramped to him, especially with all these students running around. At least they'd managed to find their way out.

Vlad gives what looks like a gentle tap but the ball still goes faster than it should. At least it was only about two feet off. "Well some improvement is better than nothing."

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2012-07-16 07:51 pm UTC (link)
"That's better," she said. "Of course all this reminds me of Happy Gilmore. I loved that movie." Cait lined up to take her shot, but she hit it a bit too hard and it went right over the hole.

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2012-07-16 08:07 pm UTC (link)
"I could always try to yell the ball into the hole like he did," he jokes and watches her take her shot. "You almost got it. We definitely need more practice." As if to prove it, the ball decides to go over the hole during his shot too. "We should watch that movie after this. Get tips for next time?"

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2012-07-16 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Cait laughed. "We should watch it," she agreed. "When we get back. I think the DVD is around the mansion somewhere." Cait lined up for the next shot and managed to sink her ball.

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2012-07-16 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"Deal, but it's impossible to find some stuff there sometimes. Everyone moves stuff around!" When she gets the ball in he cheers and offers her a high five. "Nice! No pressure on me huh?"

His next few attempts are a series of near misses as the ball rolls over the hole again and again. And again. At least each time it was slightly closer. By his last shot he's half groaning in frustration and half laughing hard at just how bad he is.

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2012-07-17 12:17 am UTC (link)
"No, no pressure at all. Just go to your happy place," she joked. "Okay, that's a six for you. Lucky for you we still have eleven holes to go. You still have time to make a comeback."

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2012-07-17 12:25 am UTC (link)
"Comeback? Oh man that's going to be hard. If there were some of those long distance shots I would totally have a chance against you," he laughs and gives her a playful nudge.

As they walk to the next hole he puts his club over his shoulder and shuts his eyes tight for a bit while smiling, "Happy place, happy place, happy place." When he opens his eyes he sees the next hole doesn't have a dragon but a twisting mini river through it. Advantage Cait. So much for a comeback.

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2012-07-17 10:47 am UTC (link)
"Next time we'll go to a driving range," she suggested. Oooh! Water! But Cait would so not use her powers to cheat. Though she may use them to help him a bit.

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2012-07-17 11:28 am UTC (link)
Vlad jokingly made an 'I'm watching you' sign although he didn't think she'd use her advantage to get ahead. "I'm taking you up on that suggestion," he smiles as he lines up his shot and tries to do the gentle tap again, quietly hoping his ball didn't fall in the water, which would be a tad embarrassing in front of her. He was trying to preserve at least a tiny bit of dignity here.

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2012-07-17 01:29 pm UTC (link)
Cait smiled at Vlad and water may have come up out of the stream to keep the ball from falling into it.

She gave him an innocent look.

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2012-07-17 01:39 pm UTC (link)
He shoots back an 'I saw that' look but soon after smiles his thanks. While she takes her shot he stands with his back to the stream and casually swings his club, which not-so-accidentally sprays a bit of water at her.

Vlad stands there with a very innocent 'Who, me?' look on his face.

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2012-07-17 02:56 pm UTC (link)
Cait smiled when the water hit her and she took her shot. The surprise caught her off guard and her ball went down the green and way past the hole.

"Do you really want to go /there/?" she turned and asked.

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2012-07-17 03:09 pm UTC (link)
"I don't know what you're talking about, it must be a secondary mutation manifesting. Totally not my fault," he says while looking as innocent as possible in the beginning, but he can't hold that long and is grinning by the end.

He fully expects to be sprayed back with water now. Just a lot more than he'd sprayed her with.

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2012-07-17 03:19 pm UTC (link)
Cait blinked and then started laughing. It felt good to laugh so much. Life in the mansion could be pretty stressful at times and sometimes on just needed to get away.

"That's it. No mercy now. You're going down."

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2012-07-17 03:26 pm UTC (link)
Vlad bursts into laughter too. It was great to see other people being happy and he knew that the life of an Xman was crazy and stressful, so he made the effort to get out of the place and have fun. He was very glad Cait had agreed to mini golf. Even if he knew he sucked at it.

"Oh a challenge! I like it. You're free to try bringing me down!" With a laugh he ducks to scoop up some of the water and fling it at her before dancing away from the stream's edge.

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2012-07-17 08:23 pm UTC (link)
"Oh I so will," she promised. The water never reached her. It stopped in mid-air and then went flying back toward him.

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2012-07-17 08:55 pm UTC (link)
Vlad makes a half-hearted attempt to block the water coming his way, but knows it's really no use and the water hits him in the face. Laughing, he goes for another tactic and charges forward, aiming to 'tackle' her by slinging her over his shoulder. Actually tackling might hurt and he doesn't want that. He reminds himself to try and move away from the water, he knows that's the only way he has a chance against her.

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2012-07-17 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Cait hadn't been expecting to be rushed and tossed over his shoulder. She hit his back a few times, but was laughing too hard to have any force behind the punches. Not that they would have hurt him anyway.

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2012-07-17 09:21 pm UTC (link)
If he'd been completely normal he may have dropped her from laughing so hard he nearly lost his balance. Luckily he wasn't. "I've captured the water sprite! Victory!"

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2012-07-17 10:10 pm UTC (link)
Cait laughed harder. "Put me down you fiend!" she said and pounded on his back.

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2012-07-17 10:19 pm UTC (link)
"Not so easily! I need a reason to release the water sprite. They're rare I'll have you know," he laughs and spins around on the spot.

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2012-07-17 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Cait laughed harder. "No spinning!!" she cried when he started spinning them.

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2012-07-17 10:40 pm UTC (link)
He might lose his balance eventually, not from the spinning, but because he's laughing so hard. "Too late! You'll need to do better than that!"

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(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-17 10:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-17 11:03 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-17 11:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-17 11:15 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-17 11:19 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-17 11:23 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-17 11:36 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-17 11:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-17 11:45 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-17 11:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 12:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 12:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 12:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 12:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 12:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 12:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 12:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 12:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 05:00 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 05:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 06:16 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 06:23 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 07:27 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 07:41 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 07:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 07:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 11:41 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-18 11:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-18 11:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-19 12:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-19 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-19 12:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-19 02:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-19 02:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-19 03:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-19 03:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-19 04:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-19 04:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-19 08:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-20 12:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-20 12:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-20 12:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-20 03:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-21 01:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-21 07:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-21 09:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 09:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 01:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 10:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 10:52 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 11:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 11:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 04:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-23 07:36 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 07:57 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-23 08:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 11:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-24 12:07 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-24 09:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-24 11:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 09:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 10:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 10:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 10:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 11:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 11:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 11:25 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 11:28 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-26 03:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-27 12:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 09:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 09:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 11:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 11:26 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 11:39 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 11:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 12:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 12:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 12:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 03:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 03:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 04:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 04:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 05:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 05:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:14 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:18 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 08:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 09:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 09:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 10:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 10:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 10:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 10:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 11:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 12:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 12:26 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 05:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 09:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 09:54 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 10:25 pm UTC

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