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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-02 18:33:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, andrew summers, anya stark, brad hill, bram harker, buck rogers, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, franklin richards, gabriel worthington, giovanna bennet, gregory price, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, jordan bochs, kalypso, lyta worthington, marlow, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - x-men, tyler morbius, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

A Gathering of Heroes
Once the Champions returned to their headquarters and destroyed the Quantum Mirror returning all the heroes to normal. Once that was done they called a meeting of the superhero teams. Irina transported the Champions to the Avengers Mansion and volunteered to provide transportation for the other teams.

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2013-01-03 01:35 am UTC (link)
"You'll have to forgive us. We typically deal with the unholy terrors of the world. We don't usually have the opportunity to chat with gods," Tyler said through clenched teeth. Were his eyes going black? Just a tad.

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2013-01-03 01:39 am UTC (link)
She winces slightly. "Look. For all I know while they could call Asgard so to speak, what about the others? Like the Greeks? Let's not split hairs, Miss. Let's focus on what we know and don't know, okay?"

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2013-01-03 01:47 am UTC (link)
Buck stands up, glancing at all present. At least things seem to be more on track. He'll have some words with Kal later - but not in front of everyone. Not how he works as Avengers' leader.

He also doesn't address the insults or squbbling. Not in so many words. The Avengers already have a disaster where that's concerned. Instead, he addresses it like his dad would - the guy who somehow always ended up leader of these sorts of things, sometimes despite himself. He just gives a few people a brief glance, and gets down to business.

"Alright, so some gods went missing too. Which means that this is probably a small conspiracy within various pantheons. Tezcatlipoca is a huge power, and huge problem though... as a sometime head of a pantheon.

Corey also brings up a good point. There's situations which may not be entirely dealt with... plus the possibility there's things we're missing entirely.

Vincent, no disrespect, I know what you can do... and I'd like you to do it. But if people present don't mind the suggestion, I'd like you to work with some of our other magical resources present... work your spell, but get their help. Because some of those gods we heard have means to hide themselves too. Marlow's skills should be good for helping detect misdirection, and others can lend their expertise.

Meanwhile, do any of our present teams feel up for some fast-moving disaster relief and scouting? Figuring out the little things and threats we might be missing could be every bit as key as figuring out who goes and punches some gods. We've all heard the Loki stories and others enough to know that just hitting the problem probably isn't the solution."

Its a start, while he works on figuring out the next step in the plan... and if people will follow him.

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2013-01-03 01:50 am UTC (link)
"The Champions are the fastest moving," Irina said. "We can help wherever needed and hit multiple spots in a short amount of time."

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2013-01-03 01:50 am UTC (link)
"Mine team ist best equipped to handle the gods," Svalin said. "Howe'er we wilt not object to extra help."

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2013-01-03 01:54 am UTC (link)
"We're not as fast, but we can get the job done. We'll go where we're needed, and we will work with any team."

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2013-01-03 01:56 am UTC (link)
Greg looked over at Tyler with a questioning look.

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2013-01-03 01:57 am UTC (link)
"The Future Foundation can help deal with the Gods," Franklin said. "If Vincent is going to help in locating them, then our mobility is limited and we've got quite a bit of power to lend to the Defenders."

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2013-01-03 01:59 am UTC (link)
"My team is mobile enough, although a teleporter would be helpful. We have some talent for the kaboom."

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2013-01-03 02:01 am UTC (link)
"While we took down a Totem Eater once, I'm willing to admit we probably wouldn't be much help against gods. However, if you think we can help in other ways then we'll contribute in any way we can," Tyler offered.

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2013-01-03 02:01 am UTC (link)

"...Can the gods even be handled as a group? Won't they be attacking on different fronts if their next goal is to assassinate the heads of pantheons?"

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2013-01-03 02:02 am UTC (link)
"Nay. It wilt take all to take down a godhead," Svalin said. "They wilt most likely attack one at a time." A pause. "It ist how I wouldst do it."

Svalin smiled at Franklin. "We wouldst be honored to fight alongside the Fantastic Four."

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2013-01-03 02:05 am UTC (link)
"I'm an experienced alchemist," Rita offers. "If you need anything you need only ask. I can see what I can turn out. Otherwise I'm not sure what we can do outside of providing more back up to any fight."

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2013-01-03 02:13 am UTC (link)
Buck remains standing, but looks around the room.
So far, there's been insults, overreaction, argument, mind control of a limited sort from one of his own and... division.

And there's a big threat looming. He sighs, looking out at everyone present.

"Alright, I think I have a plan... but before that, I have an apology. We asked you all here, and then tried to lord over the meeting." It may have been Kal's reaction, and very Eternal of her... but she's an Avenger. He'll take the hit for it.

"And then I started giving orders out after that. You all have your own team leaders. Everyone here has their own specialties.
The Nightstalkers - you have nothing to apologize for in dealing with the world's nightmares. None of us is as suited to the job, and it needs to be done. Everyone in this room, in one way or another, is a hero, of their own volition, and that deserves respect. We don't do things the same way, we have our issues - but I appreciate both that when the world was in danger, you all responded. You're here. I respect what you do, what you've done.

And now we need to pull together. We need to focus on the big picture, and stay that way. I think I have a plan, but before I go any further... I'm sorry for being a poor host, and any bad impressions made - I need your help. The world needs all our help.

So rather than assume, I'll ask, at least the reps from each team - if I say I think I have a plan that utilizes everyone's resources... will you follow me?"

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2013-01-03 02:15 am UTC (link)
"The Defenders follow," Svalin said.

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2013-01-03 02:15 am UTC (link)
"The Thunderbolts will follow," Anya said. She really wished Bea were here.

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2013-01-03 02:16 am UTC (link)
"My team is in."

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2013-01-03 02:16 am UTC (link)
"The Champions follow," Irina said.

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2013-01-03 02:16 am UTC (link)
"You have the X-Men." Lyta said.

"And I'm sorry. I was rude," she said to Rita.

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2013-01-03 02:18 am UTC (link)
Before Buck's sentiment, Franklin nodded to Svalin and smiled in return. "And we would be honored to fight alongside the Defenders."

Then, after Buck's sentiment:

"So does the Future Foundation," Franklin replied.

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2013-01-03 02:19 am UTC (link)
"I'll go wherever you need me."

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2013-01-03 02:26 am UTC (link)
"The rest of us too," Rita adds speaking for the team. She makes a note to restock a few of her specialty bombs.

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2013-01-03 02:29 am UTC (link)
"I'm in," Greg said. "May be best to keep me away from black magic if possible, unless of course you need a mindless killing machine somewhere."

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2013-01-03 02:32 am UTC (link)
"If it's just a matter of putting boot to ass, I'm totally with you. Don't suppose anyone could fix up a violin bow while we're at it though..."

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2013-01-03 09:49 am UTC (link)
Tyler nods once, the apologies are appreciated. "We'll do what we can."

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