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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-02 18:33:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, andrew summers, anya stark, brad hill, bram harker, buck rogers, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, franklin richards, gabriel worthington, giovanna bennet, gregory price, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, jordan bochs, kalypso, lyta worthington, marlow, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - x-men, tyler morbius, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

A Gathering of Heroes
Once the Champions returned to their headquarters and destroyed the Quantum Mirror returning all the heroes to normal. Once that was done they called a meeting of the superhero teams. Irina transported the Champions to the Avengers Mansion and volunteered to provide transportation for the other teams.

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Telepathic Interference
2013-01-04 11:59 pm UTC (link)
After the big meeting was over and Franklin and Kalypso were assigned their roles, they wound up leaving the mansion and going to Xavier's with Rachel Summers. Once they'd arrived, Franklin let Rachel take the lead. After all, she was the most experienced with Cerebro out of the three of them.

"So, how do both of you want to approach this?" He had an idea, but he wanted to hear what Kalypso and Rachel thought before he spoke.

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 12:03 am UTC (link)
"I'm not really good at finding people using telepathy or shielding, but I can make some pretty damn convincing illusions. I could make the mansion appear as something else right now. Though since every bad guy on the planet knows exactly where it is, I'd have put an illusion over the whole block."

A brief pause.

"Or I can boost one of your powers if needed."

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 12:11 am UTC (link)
"I can ramp up my powers pretty significantly if I need to," Rachel said. "I think between the three of us we cab take it off everybody's radar."

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 12:27 am UTC (link)
Franklin nodded to each of them. He'd been pretty much thinking along those lines.

"If we have one person take point on Cerebro, we can lend power to that person in whatever way needed. Rachel, would you be fine with taking the lead on Cerebro? You're more experienced with it than I am."

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 01:12 am UTC (link)
Rachel nodded. "I can do that."

She slid into the chair and brought the helmet down over her head.

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Let me know when you're ready for me," Kal said. "This will feel weird in the beginning." At least that's how Iason described it the first time she gave him a power boost.

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 08:15 pm UTC (link)
"Same, minus the weird feeling," Franklin said. "When you're ready, I'll let you through my blocks."

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-05 10:21 pm UTC (link)
Rachel took in a deep breath and concentrated on calling up her powers, a small Phoenix flare appearing in front of her eye.


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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-07 12:21 am UTC (link)
Kal slowly started channeling cosmic energy into Rachel. It would boost her powers by a few factors.

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-08 05:07 pm UTC (link)
Franklin gave Rachel the clearance, all she needed to do was take it. With his telepathy to boost her own, in addition to Kalypso's power boost, Rachel had more than enough power to do what needed to be done.

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Re: Telepathic Interference
2013-01-10 01:11 am UTC (link)
Right now, Rachel was fairly convinced if she wanted to, she could read Starbridge's mother's mind. And that was several galaxies away.

It was hard not to get lost in the drowning, thunderous noise of so many minds, even with her training.

She began to glow with a yellow, fiery psychic light.

"Got.. it... got it..."

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