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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-02 18:33:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, andrew summers, anya stark, brad hill, bram harker, buck rogers, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, franklin richards, gabriel worthington, giovanna bennet, gregory price, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, jordan bochs, kalypso, lyta worthington, marlow, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - x-men, tyler morbius, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

A Gathering of Heroes
Once the Champions returned to their headquarters and destroyed the Quantum Mirror returning all the heroes to normal. Once that was done they called a meeting of the superhero teams. Irina transported the Champions to the Avengers Mansion and volunteered to provide transportation for the other teams.

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Re: The quickest way to the cookie jar (Anya)
2013-01-07 05:15 pm UTC (link)
No one could ever say they weren't their fathers' daughters. One asked for something, one found a way to do it, and no one would ever know until it didn't matter anymore.

Hopefully. Sammy was fully prepared to defend her decision to the UN president if she had to, and remind him they saved his ass and the rest of the world.

"That's what I like to hear. Thanks."

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Re: The quickest way to the cookie jar (Anya)
2013-01-07 05:20 pm UTC (link)
"No need to thank me. I get to have fun." There was a twinkle in Anya's eyes. She did love hacking into SHIELD.

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Re: The quickest way to the cookie jar (Anya)
2013-01-07 05:47 pm UTC (link)
Sammy smiled and opened her phone for her next call to the deputy director's office. "Ten minutes, then."

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Re: The quickest way to the cookie jar (Anya)
2013-01-07 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Anya headed for the nearest computer with a smile on her face. It had been awhile since she had hacked into SHIELD's computers.

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