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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-12 19:43:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"eve of destruction", team - alpha flight

The Great White North
A blizzard covered northern Canada in white, but it wasn't the only thing causing problems. Alpha Flight was correct when they mentioned that the Great Beasts were in fact more than one and usually showed up at the same time.

Tanaraq left a path of destruction in his wake as he made his way toward the more populous areas.

Not too far from Taranaq, Kolomaq left a similar path of destruction in his wake.

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2013-01-23 08:31 pm UTC (link)
The more Kolomaq is distracted, the more and more bold Lucas is in communing with the spirits, trying to draw the spirits of snow and ice away and deny the Beast control of the element, bit by bit.

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2013-01-24 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Fire didn't hurt Alex in this form and he followed Kolomaq into the pit. He kept attacking despite the wounds he was taking.

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2013-01-24 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Not being able to get close without succumbing to the flames herself, Nim grabbed a huge boulder and threw it at Kolomaq.

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2013-01-27 02:35 pm UTC (link)
Mason moves in closer, making the existing pitfalls deeper and deeper, consuming the beast in flame and sticky tar.

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2013-01-27 06:21 pm UTC (link)
Kolomaq tried to summon more ice and snow to counter Alex's flame, but found himself stymied. To add to his frustrations the pit continued to deepen. He roared in frustration and rage..and that's when the boulder hit him in the face. Even more of the Beast's concentration was lost as the storm waned in intensity.

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2013-01-27 06:58 pm UTC (link)
Feeling the loss of concentration and resistance, Lucas begins the ritual, trying to draw spiritual power away from Kolomaq himself, beginning the ritual effort to decrease his power, and eventually, return him to sleep.

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2013-01-28 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Alex dived for the tar. If he could just make it catch fire.

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2013-01-28 10:55 pm UTC (link)
Nim readied another boulder for when she had an opening.

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2013-01-29 02:06 am UTC (link)
Mason couldn't help himself, he actually let out a bark of laughter as the beast got hit in the face with a rock. Headshots were just that satisfying. Seeing Alex's approach, he adds kerosene to the mix again.

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2013-01-29 02:17 am UTC (link)
"What..what is this treachery!?" The storms did not obey his will, and his limbs felt..heavier. The mortals' attacks were proving more effective. "No..can't..be," but it was. The Great Beast's eyes drooped shut as he fell back and collided with the ground, a huge thud echoing.

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2013-01-29 09:30 pm UTC (link)
"Well that went well," Alex said as he touched down and turned human.

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2013-01-30 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Did we... did we win?"

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2013-01-30 05:20 pm UTC (link)
"I think so," Alex said. "I guess we just need to get them back to where they belong."

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2013-01-30 05:24 pm UTC (link)
That, meanwhile, is Lucas' next step. With the beasts no longer fighting him, or Alpha Flight, the young shaman begins calling to the earth spirits, asking them to take the beasts back into the stone embrace and sleep, trying to convince the forces of nature to slumber until the next disturbance - and treating them with all the respect the Great Beasts are due, no recrimination or judgement, simply quietly assuring them that this is not their time.

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