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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-02-03 23:21:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, buck rogers, crosshairs, frances barton, mason jeffries

Post-Game (open to anyone who wanted to go)
"Well it was a good game," Anya said to Buck as the clock wound down to zero. The Ravens won the game, though she had been rooting for San Francisco. Her team, the Giants, didn't make it and she wasn't a fan of either game, but she was a fan of a good game and it had been one. They had watched the game from a luxury box with a very large spread of food and a wide variety of foods.

She had invited Buck of course, but also anyone from the Avengers, Big Hero 6, Champions, Thunderbolts, Alpha Flight, Nightstalkers, Defenders, Future Foundation, X-Men, anyone else who wanted to go and she even extended an invitation to the Genoshan embassy. After saving the world on almost daily basis, they could all use some fun and a chance to kick back and relax.

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2013-02-04 03:30 am UTC (link)
"Oh yeah, definitely an amazing game." Likewise a Giants fan, he liked San fran a bit more coming in, if only due to his support of the city's baseball team, but isn't too upset. "Great coaching at the end."

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2013-02-04 04:25 pm UTC (link)
"Stop throwing to the guy if he doesn't catch the first two!" Frances pleaded with the screen. "Sneaky run, bulldoze the D, something, God!" She slumped into her seat and groaned. Damn but was that close. Reaching for her wallet, she sighed "Alright, who do I owe?"

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2013-02-04 05:17 pm UTC (link)
Kelly, honestly, could care less about football. She doesn't dislike it, sports other than boxing or MMA are mostly interesting purely for gambling purposes. But Anya was there, Frances was there - and she'd bet contrary to Frances pretty much just to be contrary.

"That'd be me, but I'm sure we could work out a payment plan." she answers with a wink.

"Thanks for the game tickets, boss-lady."

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2013-02-04 06:36 pm UTC (link)
"Not me," Anya said. "Anyime. Now I got us all rooms for the night here in New Orleans so we can have some fun. Just...don't destroy the city or cause any causalities while you're here."

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2013-02-05 01:51 pm UTC (link)
"Are the commercials back yet?" Mason inquires, his back to the tv as he's enjoying the available food. Football just isn't really his thing, but he loves the Superbowl as a social event.

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2013-02-05 07:11 pm UTC (link)
"Dude, you... you came to the game. Why are you watching the commercials?"

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2013-02-05 10:41 pm UTC (link)
"You can watch them online when you get home," Anya said.

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2013-02-05 10:57 pm UTC (link)
Frances was shelling out the cash when her ears perked up with Anya's comments. "Hey fun. Fun sounds good. Post-game drink discounts sound good. New Orleans and the night's still young...." Granted, would Anya agree to post bail was the next big question.

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2013-02-05 10:59 pm UTC (link)
Kelly accepts her money, a little grumpy initially her attempts at flirting are mostly ignored - probably being in front of the kid and all. Ah well. Its money.

"Damn straight, night on the town. Head to Bourbon Street and try a hurricane run?"

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2013-02-05 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Buck puts an arm around Anya's waist. "I'm certainly up for a little bit of celebration. What's your pleasure, Beautiful?"

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2013-02-06 12:29 am UTC (link)
Anya slipped an arm around him. "Some fun on Bourbon St. and then more fun in our hotel room?"

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2013-02-06 01:52 am UTC (link)
"No arguments here. Been ages since I was in New Orleans."

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2013-02-06 09:20 am UTC (link)
"You guys have fun. I'm going to take my almost-cousin out for a bite somewhere a little less crowded. If you're up for it, Mason?"

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2013-02-06 02:28 pm UTC (link)
"If those two are going to go off and be cute, they're off to eat," Frances grinned conspiratorially and leaned over to Kelly. "Shall we go get drunk and into trouble?"

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2013-02-06 04:25 pm UTC (link)
"Baby, I like the way you think. Good luck getting me drunk..." healing factor and all. "But happy to let you try. And I'm perfectly content to go cause trouble sober."

She pauses, looking between Frances and Anya. "Hey boss-lady, we're going to go find non-explosive, non-murderous trouble and scandal, can we get a room key and address to stumble back to?"

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2013-02-06 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"No trouble," Anya said and handed Kelly a key card. "Good luck finding a place less crowded," she said to Mac.

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