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Ohu Amane ([info]ohu_amane) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-11-26 20:20:00

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Entry tags:argo, aridis, asleif, inactive - ohu amane, marlow, npc - wonder man, plot-"wayward son", svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

Halloween was incredible, of course, but Ohu is having a hard time thinking of a better holiday than Thanksgiving. There is food! And there's more food! And then dessert... and all kinds of more food.

Ohu has been very careful not to eat all the food as he helped cook dinner and dessert for the Defenders, and worked hard to make certain everything was ready. This would be a feast fit for gods and their favored friends. After everything that Sydney did for the main course, it was the least he could do to make certain dessert was taken care of.

"Dessert is served!" he declares to the base as he places the last pie on the table.

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2009-12-03 02:39 am UTC (link)
"This ist Ohu's father," Aridis says simply, There is no other way to explain it.

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2009-12-03 03:04 am UTC (link)
While everyone else was getting settled in, Halbjorn was on his way up. In passing through the kitchen, he grabbed the first thing that came to hand, and follows everyone in, munching on one of the drumsticks. "Greetings again." he calls to the African god around his mouthful.

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2009-12-03 04:16 am UTC (link)
"I am, obviously, here for my son. And I have decidedly tired of the same games over again."

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2009-12-03 04:22 am UTC (link)
Svalin too stuck her head out of the kitchen to see what was going on. "'Tis an honor to see thee again, most honored Anansi," she said with a bow. Always a stickler for formalities.

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2009-12-03 06:23 am UTC (link)
Time to play the one card he has with gods. "You're son signed a contact, Mr Anansi. It's all here. Payroll, Damage Control contact. Even a Y card."

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2009-12-03 07:15 am UTC (link)
Marlow poked her head out to see what the fuss was about, but it was the Elder Spider. No demon. Demons would have been a worry.

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2009-12-03 08:44 pm UTC (link)
Asleif kept her expression carefully schooled and neutral. A small part of her yearned to intervene, if only to save the small mortal the distress this was sure to cause, but she knew that in a contest against a god like Anansi, she was but a babe in the woods in power and experience.

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2009-12-03 08:47 pm UTC (link)
Argo was trying to catch up to what was going on here. He was clever, in a particular and specific sort of way, but he knew well his gifts lay in strength of arms, not strength of brain.

"Thou wishest to take Ohu from us?"

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2009-12-04 02:59 am UTC (link)
Ohu nods politely to the greetings, and looks at Simon's suggested paperwork with a raised eyebrow. "Not quite enough," he answers. But oh, Simon, he is impressed that you tried.

"My son, little Olympian, was never supposed to come here in the first place. Hes bought himself a little time, but I do not intend to humor those tricks again."

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2009-12-04 03:02 am UTC (link)
There was one way to settled this. Zoey had learned it from the Defenders.

"We'll fight you! We win Ohu stays!" Zoey piped up.

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2009-12-04 04:01 am UTC (link)
Ohu's mind has been stuck on one point: they are lacking yams. How can he trick his father without yams?!

But then Zoey says something which stirs an idea within him.

"Yes! That's it, Zoey! A challenge!"

Of course, a challenge needs something wagered on both sides.

"And if you win, you can take all of the Defenders back home."

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2009-12-04 05:00 am UTC (link)
Anansi raises an eyebrow. "I suppose that seems fair."

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2009-12-04 05:50 am UTC (link)
Ooooo, boy. "So now what...sir?"

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2009-12-04 08:27 am UTC (link)
Marlow's mysterious passenger roused to full awareness at the mention of a wager. It was sure that service to the elder spider was not on Ikonn's agenda for the girl. Her expression was now very much un-angelic.

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2009-12-04 11:07 am UTC (link)
"Hold on a minute," Syd said. "You can't take all of us if you win."

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2009-12-04 09:05 pm UTC (link)
Halbjorn growls. "Aye, he can. It mayst come to war o'er the children of Asgard and Olympus, but mortal lives hath often been trifles in the hands of their betters. Ohu hast placed thee in a difficult situation, and now we shalt be forced to strive to see this wager through to our victory. The gods amongst us could not be bartered so easily, but I wilt fight for the mortals present."

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2009-12-04 09:29 pm UTC (link)
"Aye. I wouldst also fight for the Lady Sydney and Zoey," Svalin said.

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2009-12-04 10:02 pm UTC (link)
Asleif first gave Ohu a glare which would have likely caused paint to peel off walls.

"I shall fight for the small mortal," she said. She stopped, blinked. Who had said that? She was surprised when she realized it was her.

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2009-12-04 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Argo laughed loudly and boastfully.

"A challenge? The Second Lion of Olympus does not shrink from challenges! T'will be a fine test!"

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2009-12-04 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Sorry, Sydney. If he heard you, it didn't really process in a way he's going to acknowledge.

"There is the matter of setting the appropriate terms," he explains pleasantly to Simon. "I have not set a challenge in a while; I am feeling a little nostalgic."

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2009-12-06 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"What terms doth thou propose" Svalin asked.

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2009-12-06 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Aye. We would hear them," Aridis speaks up. She is ready to help Ohu... and they must make sure to protect their mortal allies from becoming pawns.

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2009-12-07 06:06 am UTC (link)
"Name thy terms, thou halt not find the sons and daughters of Asgard and Olympus wanting."

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