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Elizaveta Romanov ([info]ladydevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-11 11:50:00

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Entry tags:lady devil, npc - black widow, team - avengers

Mother May I
Eliza was in the living room looking through some family pictures. This was one of the days she missed her family. She ran a finger along the edge of a picture frame before putting it back up. Then just started to flit about the living room with a nervous air. She wanted to see her father badly but had no idea how to do it.

So she flopped down with that dramatic teenage groan that was loud enough for anyone walking by to hear. She was not sulking. She was just merely letting the ceiling know that she didn't know what to do. And also testing the durability of the rug by flopping on it like a long annoyed lump of teenager.

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2009-12-11 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Eliza balances herself near her mother. She is so used to performing acrobatic feats that balancing anywhere to sit is easy. Then again she spends so much time working at keeping in top form.

"Anya just has to stick to her plans. I think she thinks everyone needs one too. But she's a very driven person compared to me and I could never keep up with a plan like that even if I'm sure I could stand the crazy work if I tried."

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2009-12-11 11:52 pm UTC (link)
"It's the Stark side," Natasha told her. "Your sister gets it from Tony. The two could make a regular workaholic look like a slacker." Natasha loved her husband and her other daughter, but even she had trouble keeping up to them. "You just take things at your own pace and in your own way and no one will say anything. If your sister bugs you too much about it, let me know. Sometimes she doesn't know when to quit."

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2009-12-12 12:04 am UTC (link)
She laughs softly. "I'm sure that I get that bad when it comes to gymnastics. I go at it often. It's just my thing."

Eliza's face twitches in amusement. "I won't let her cow me into going ahead of my own pace Mom. I might let myself get talked into things but that's only because I had been talking myself into them already."

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2009-12-12 12:26 am UTC (link)
It was so reassuring to hear that from Eliza. It made her worry a little less. Natasha gave her a warm smile. "Good."

"Is there anything else? I have a few things for you, but I want to let you have the chance to talk first."

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2009-12-12 12:37 am UTC (link)
"No. I'm better now," Eliza says with a smile. She was better after talking things over with her Mom. It was interesting how Dad used to make things better but here it was all Mom.

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2009-12-12 12:40 am UTC (link)
"I wanted to talk about the holidays too. I'm not sure how your Mom celebrated, but we usually two celebrations here. Christmas and a traditional Russian New Year. So basically two occasions for gifts and family stuff. If it's too much to deal with, we'll understand."

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2009-12-12 12:48 am UTC (link)
Eliza wrinkles her nose remembering arguments between Mom and Dad they thought she hadn't heard when she was little. Nothing was ever perfect after all even though things were good.

"I was pretty Americanized despite the languages I picked up," she says with a shake of her head. "I don't mind though. It's not like I have a boyfriend to sneak off to. I like being around the family."

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2009-12-12 01:01 am UTC (link)
"I...am not too surprised." Matt was Catholic to the core and obstinate to boot.

"I never gave up being a Russian and I believe in keeping traditions. Tony is right when he says I love being a Russian, but don't tell him I said that." She smiled. "So we have two holiday celebrations. Christmas and a Russian New Years. It doesn't mean you have to get more gifts, just don't give them all on Christmas. Save one for New Years."

"It can be a bit much for someone not used to it. If you are seeing someone or dating someone, they are always welcome. The more the merrier."

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2009-12-12 01:23 am UTC (link)
"I shouldn't be either. Mom compromised with him a lot," Eliza admits. "He thought I should just learn one language besides English since he didn't want me to get distracted from my other school work. Mom talked him into letting me do what I wanted to when it came to lots of stuff. Except when I wanted to join YA."

Oh they had fought each other on that. It has Eliza grinning.

"Hm. That's easy. I have plenty." She giggles suddenly. "I can't wait to see Misha's face."

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2009-12-12 01:32 am UTC (link)
"I would ask, but I'll let it be a surprise," she said with a smile. "Speaking of gifts, is there anything specific you would like?" Natasha had a few ideas of what to get Eliza, but if there was something specific the girl wanted Natasha would get it for her.

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2009-12-12 02:24 am UTC (link)
Eliza's eyes twinkle. "You'll see."

Then she shrugs. "I can't think of anything. I'm good on most fronts and the ones I'm not I don't think I notice."

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2009-12-12 02:30 am UTC (link)
"Well if there's anything you think of, let me know. Do you need a dress for the charity ball? We could go shopping."

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2009-12-12 02:36 am UTC (link)
"Well there is that. I'm having trouble finding one," she admits sheepishly.

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2009-12-12 02:41 am UTC (link)
Natasha smiled. "You and I could go, or if you want we could ask Anya to go with us."

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2009-12-12 04:47 am UTC (link)
"I think I'd enjoy going with Anya too," Eliza admits. "Our styles are just different enough that it might make it fun to discuss dresses."

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2009-12-12 04:49 am UTC (link)
Natasha smiled. A day out shopping with the girls. It sounded perfect. "We'll invite her along then. We could hit the spa while we're at it."

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2009-12-12 05:02 am UTC (link)
Eliza smiles and nods. "That'll be good too Mom."

She thinks about it then smiles to herself. "I need to pick some things up tomorrow. When do you think we can go?"

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2009-12-12 05:03 am UTC (link)
"We can go tomorrow if that works. We just need to drag your sister away from either Steve or the computer."

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2009-12-12 05:10 am UTC (link)
She nods looking pleased. "That works."

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2009-12-12 05:12 am UTC (link)
Natasha smiled. "It's a plan. Us girls are going out and we'll leave the boys to fend for themselves."

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