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designergene ([info]designergene) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-06 21:01:00

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Current location:New Orleans, LA
Entry tags:inactive - alisa lebeau, inactive - entienne lebeau

You don't believe it, Let me demonstrate

The shopping mart, a small mom and pop grocer that was lucky enough to survive in a neighborhood that only got minimal water damage, was quiet. Not in the sense that there weren't many people there, but that it was just... quiet. No music was playing over the intercom, customers shuffled along in a hush and even the checkers seemed to have caught the bug, murmuring as they scanned items.

This made Enteinne more that a little nervous. It felt like the place was just waiting for something. And considering that he had a good five pounds of soon to be shoplifted food tucked inside his coat, his paranoia probably wasn't too far misplaced. He stood a few feet from his sister, hands tucked in his pockets and keeping his head low so hair would obscure his eyes. No need to set a random, fellow customer into a panic at the sight of them. Alisa had a basket and was, as always, his foil. They'd buy a small amount on the up and up while he pocketed the rest.

Not that they couldn't afford to buy it all, but a good sixteen years on the street bred habits that were hard to break. He titled his head and nodded at a brightly colored box of cereal, "Let's get de one wit' honey dis' time. I like de honey." He was pretty sure the box said 'honey' on it.

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2010-01-07 01:20 am UTC (link)
Alisa was not good with crowds. She was more timid than her fun loving and brave brother, Enteinne. She bit her bottom lip, holding a small shopping basket in both her arms as she followed behind him. There was a man standing too close to her, and it made her visibly nervous, to the point she was shaking. Thankfully, Enteinne gained her attention, holding up a box of cereal with a smile on his face. She looked at the box, and then back at his face.

"Ennie... dat one is vanilla frosted... de red box ed one wit' de honey." Her voice was shaking a little as she moved one of her arms from the basket, and pointed up to the red box. her arm was very skinny looking, enough to get stares from other people and to gain whispers from the other customers. God, she hated being out in public like this. "Ennie... are we almost done? Ah wanna go home... people be lookin' at mah."

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2010-01-07 01:26 am UTC (link)
"Dey lookin' cause ya so belle, tres belle ma petite seour," he replied with a chipper smile, putting the box back and taking the red one, then stepping around behind her so he was between the man and her. He didn't know why, but she was feeling more scared of him than the rest of the place. Fear practically rolled off her.

"And almost... We still got ta get de milk and," Enteinne set his chin on her shoulder, looking down at the list sitting in the middle of the basket, "...dat say? De... de-tar... Detar..."

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2010-01-07 01:38 am UTC (link)
"Detergent..." She gave him a small, weak smile as she walked with Enteinne behind her. he was her guardian, her Rook in a sea of knights and pawns. He was always trying to protect her, and she felt safe around him. She trusted him, and no one else.

As they walked down the grocery isles, Alisa took whatever they needed and placed it in the basket. She managed to get the detergent Enteinne enjoyed, the milk with the smiley cow face on the jug, and a bag of potato chips with a hint of tabasco. Despite being grown adults, they almost seemed like two children on a shopping trip.

"Okay... we got everyt'ing on de list, Ennie.."

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2010-01-07 01:46 am UTC (link)
Well, his tagging behind her seemed to help as the fear lessened. He still didn't know why that guy had made her so nervous. All he could get from the man was boredom. But that no longer mattered as they were just about done anyway.

He slipped back around her, taking the basket in one hand and her wrist in the other as he guided her to the check out. There was an older woman, had to be in her fifties, behind the counter. She gave off a feeling of mild irritation joined by disgust as she looked over Alisa.

Enteinne could do little about that save distract her with a smile and a grand presentation of their honorably acquired goods. His actions broke the silence hanging over the place and he could feel curiosity in the place grow. With as much pompt and grandeur as he could produce (which was quite a bit) he started pulling items from the basket and handing them to the checker. His smile and sillyness was ultimately infectious, as the older woman soon forgot her irritation and was laughing along.

When the bill was paid, he took the bags and waited for Alisa to lead the way back to the bike. She always did feel better when he was watching her back.

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2010-01-07 02:00 am UTC (link)
Alisa felt hurt by the woman's look. It was the same look that most people gave her. She was too thin, sickly looking, a freak. Enteinne would always tell her they were jealous, that she was his "Belle", that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes upon. But she knew it was not true, he was just trying to comfort her.

He allowed her to walk in front of him, towards his beloved motorcycle. She tried to smile, to seem like the words did not bother her one bit. As she was helping him load the groceries into the saddle bags of his bike, Alisa looked up and spoke.

"Ennie, what's wrong wit' mah? People don' stare at you... why do dey stare at mah?"

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2010-01-07 02:08 am UTC (link)
He grinned and shrugged, pulling the additional items he had pocketed and putting them along side legitimately bought ones. He kept his back to the store window so what he was doing wasn't obvious and in short order he was pulling their helmets out.

"Been t'ru dis before... Ya so belle de jelous," Enteinne put hers on her head, patting it before resting his arms on her shoulders, the bike between them. "Dats all it is."

Truth was, they'd probably stare less if she wore baggier clothing or heavier coats. But that made it harder for her to work with the little toys and electronics she liked to play with. Extra cloth would just get in the way, right?

He kissed the helmet where it hung over her forehead, then swung himself onto the machine. "Ya want ta see a movie tonight? I was t'inkin' maybe dat new Disney one. It be set in Nawlins, so I hear."

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2010-01-07 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Ah don' know... ah t'ink ah been out enough today." She didn't feel comfortable being in a large dark room with so many people. "Why don' we jus' watch a movie we already got?"

Where Enteinne was an extrovert, Alisa was an introvert. The twins were of vastly different personalities, but they still held a tight bond, that most twins have. Almost to the point where it was creepy to outsiders.

Alisa clung to Enteinne's waist, as she got on the bike, resting her head on the back of his shoulder. She felt bad, like she was holding him back. But she could not tell her the reasons for her actions, for her fear. It was something she tried to pretend never happened.

"M'sorry, Ennie..."

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2010-01-07 02:25 am UTC (link)
And still that sadness was rolling off her, now tinged with guilt. She had nothing to feel guilty for and now he was starting to feel the same because he just couldn't figure out why she was feeling that way. Nothing he said lately did anything to help.

Giving a small sigh and squeezing her hands where they joined across his stomach he shrugged and replied, "Sure. We can stay in tonight. Nothin' ta apologize for. Ya tired, is all. Been a long day."

He made excuses for her, like always, and drove them off toward home. It was a relatively short drive... normally. But he always took the scenic route. Enteinne loved being on his bike and watching out for his sister sometimes cut into his time on it. But that was okay, too. Because she needed protecting. And that was what he did.

So he took the long way. Besides, it would bring a smile to her face, however briefly.

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2010-01-07 02:39 am UTC (link)
Alisa did enjoy taking the scenic route home. She enjoyed looking at all the trees, the flowers... everything in nature that seemed so strong and able to defy Katrina. She only wished she could be as strong one day. You could not wipe the smile off her face, even if you tried.

She continued to cling to her brother, watching everything just pass by them. It was almost like the world was slowly moving past them, and nothing could ruin such a peaceful, serene moment. If only such peace could last forever.

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2010-01-07 02:54 am UTC (link)
Enteinne smiled and chuckled a little as he purposely veered even farther from home. Pleasant feelings of peace and happiness were starting to emanate from Alisa. No sense in shortening the ride when it made her feel so much better.

But end it must. Milk was in the saddle bags. It could go bad and he could still remember how sick he'd been the last time he'd drunk bad milk. He really hated to waste food.

The winding road gave way to the small, quiet neighborhood they lived in. A decent one, not too rich, not too poor. Good two bedroom house with only one story. Most of their 'inheritance' had gone toward it, but it had been worth it. Even had a garage for his bike.

He stopped outside the door made for a single car and turned the engine off. After Alisa pulled away and dismounted, he followed suit and went to open the door. They'd unload the groceries inside.

"Ya sure ya don't want ta see dat movie? Dancing frog..."

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2010-01-07 03:03 am UTC (link)
He really wanted to go see this movie. As she walked inside, carrying groceries, Alisa gave off a small sigh and smiled back at Enteinne. She started to put the cereal away in a cupboard as she spoke to him.

"Alright... we'll go. Jus'... can we sit by de exit sign, away from everyone? Please?" She continued to smile, looking back at him as he was putting things away in the fridge. "You seem excited about dis movie. Any special reason why?"

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2010-01-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
"But petite," he whined, helping with the stuff that need to be put in the fridge, "de best view is in de center o' de theater..."

He knew he wasn't going to get to sit where he wanted if they actually went, but that didn't keep him from trying to coerce his sister into giving in.

"Its de first all animated by hand movie Disney done in what? Ten years? I like Disney drawings. All de fairy tales and de princesses and de glorifyin' o' theives and vagabonds. It makes me feel good about our lot in life."

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2010-01-07 03:20 am UTC (link)
"Well... ah suppose you right, about everyt'ing." She always gave in when he acted so cute and whined. Not only that, he had sacrificed so much in his young life for her, it was only right to let him have his way. "Okay, we sit in de middle, an' we go see it. It'll be fun..."

She bit her bottom lip, turning back to the cupboard and fixing the boxes around in a way so that Enteinne could tell what each box was for. Part of her wanted to say no, she was scared of dark places, or crowed places... but he really wanted this. How could she deny him when he gave her so much already. Perhaps it would not be as bad as she thought... perhaps he was right and fun was to be had.

"Ah don' know what comin' over maht o act like dis... ah'm sorry, Ennie. We'll 'ave so much fun tonight, we be talkin' about it for days, ah promise!"

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2010-01-07 03:29 am UTC (link)
His grin widened and he came up behind her to give her a hug, "You gonna like dis. I know it."

The weren't going to sit in the middle, despite what she said. And he knew it. If they sat there, she'd be too scared to enjoy the show. But it was nice of her to agree.

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