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zach ([info]zloper) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-06-20 18:30:00

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Zach was not sure what he had done (except he was sure that he hadn't DONE anything so maybe he'd forgotten something but that didn't seem the case) but he headed over to Brianna's as soon as he could find his other shoe. Which wasn't exactly needed, but now that he was a model Zach felt like he needed to look like one most of the time. Zach arrived in Brianna's flat with a pop, looking around carefully so he wouldn't be taken off guard by a smack or something.

He wouldn't put it past her to do something like that - it was times like this that Zach thought she was more Slytherin than he was.

"Hello? Am I still in trouble?"

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2009-06-22 05:29 am UTC (link)
She couldn't believe this. She could not believe how well ('well' being a debatable term) he was taking this. What man (BOY HE WAS STILL A BOY) his age just thought it was cool to be having a kid, totally unplanned, with someone he wasn't even married to? Kids derailed your life! They weren't---she didn't dislike kids at all, but they weren't anywhere near ready to have them! They were barely out of school, really!

"Zach!" Brianna had to step away from him, and threw her hands up in the air in--confusion, she was so lost! This was not what she had been expecting, and by all means she should be happy that he was so happy, but... he couldn't be so happy when she was so scared! Scared to death of what she was going to do with a kid, of what this meant for their lives for the next seventeen years.

Oh god, seventeen years.

"It's not just that easy! Babies take responsibility and--and constant commitment and---you have to raise them and be there for them for the rest of their lives and---We're not Fiona and Tom! Or Bertram! I just---get real, this is not just like playing some stupid game of house!"

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2009-06-22 06:01 am UTC (link)
Zach looked shocked at Brianna's outrage and was starting to get a little mad himself. Why was she angry? He wasn't running away or scared (he was sure that would come later) and she wanted him to...what? What did she want him to do? Flip out like she was? "I didn't say it would be easy! Did the word easy come out of my mouth? Just shut up for a second okay? You're freaking out and that's not going to help anything."

He rubbed his forehead for a moment and sighed. "Do you not want to? Have it. Because, that's up to you. But just, just keep in mind that I'm still standing here. Would I have picked right now to do all of this? No, considering I thought you wanted to have a sandwich ten minutes ago. I don't think it's some game of house but doesn't it mean anything that we've been together for two years and I'm still standing here as you freak out?"

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2009-06-22 06:19 am UTC (link)
She was pretty sure he had just told her to shut up. He'd told her to shut up, because.. why? Because she was being the rational one here? Because if he thought that the whole not freaking out at all thing made him a better boyfriend, he was wrong. Some situations called for freaking out, and he didn't have to freak out on the level that she was, but the fact that he was downright calm wasn't okay.

"You're here right now, but in nine months, will you still be here?" she challenged him. This was ridiculous. Brianna knew that there was no way that he realized everything that this meant. She loved him, but she knew Zach wasn't always the most mature person in the world. As far as he'd come, she was convinced that right now he had no idea what he was saying. "I'm glad that you're here, don't get me wrong, but when it gets into your head the magnitude of what's coming out of your mouth."

She ran a hand back through her hair for the millionth time in about five minutes and sighed heavily. "Just because we've been together two years, that doesn't mean---that's not the same thing as being married, as being ready for something like this. At least not with a snap of the finger. I'm not asking you to totally freak out, but be realistic Zach, the way you're acting right now is giving me just as little reassurance as you running away would."

She leaned against the opposite counter and crossed her arms over her chest, frowning across the room at him. "And don't even start on the 'don't want to have it' thing, because you should know full well I'm not going to do... that."

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2009-06-22 07:13 am UTC (link)
Was she serious? Was Brianna actually telling him that she doubted his commitment? That really made Zach hurt. She doubted that he could make his own decisions or didn't know what he was saying. "Right. Yeah, it's not realistic and it doesn't mean anything at all. Because I am not smart enough or understand the words that are coming out of my own mouth?"

Zach shook his head, he couldn't believe her. Why was she pissed off he was okay with this? It seemed completely contradictory to what someone would actually want in this situation. Did she want him to be pissed off and run away? Zach mimicked her posture, except that he was much more sad than Brianna's pissed off stance. "I don't know what you want from me then. If I'm not realistic enough to be standing here and saying what I just said, then what?"

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2009-06-23 03:51 am UTC (link)
Just when she thought that he couldn't get her worked up any more, there he went again. She didn't even fight the urge to roll her eyes at the 'I'm not smart enough' comments, because---what was he, five? That's what a kid said to their parents to make them guilt them when they were being scolded. Which was yet another indicator that Zach was still more of a child himself than he believed he was. Not ready to have one.

She couldn't do this anymore. Brianna was pretty sure that she was going to end up screaming and pulling her hair out, and she was pretty sure that getting this worked up wasn't something pregnant women were supposed to do. Bloody hell, she needed to get away from him right now.

"You know what, we're not---later, we can talk about this later," she said, her hands going up into the air as if in defeat, before throwing one in the direction of the door. "Go to Italy. Just--go, because I can't do this with you any more tonight. I think a week away from each other is the best thing at the moment."

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2009-06-23 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Oh, right and kicking me out is so mature." Zach rolled his eyes as well but stood his ground. He wasn't leaving now. She had started this fight which really shouldn't have been a fight in Zach's eyes and she wasn't going to just kick him out because she was tired of arguing. No, this needed to be finished and well, there wasn't anywhere for Zach to go.

"You demanded me to come over here and I'm not leaving until we have this settled. I'm not just going to leave. I'm in this too and just because you 'can't do this' right now doesn't mean you get to stop listening to me," Zach stood up a little straighter and frowned at Brianna, "Actually, I don't think you've heard anything I've actually said, you just hear what you think I'm saying which is not what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm fuckin' kind of happy you're pregnant. I didn't ever think I wanted to be a dad and now you - we're having a kid and that's cool. Like I said, I didn't say it would be easy, but it's still cool. A little person to raise and do stuff with, to be a dad to. So, no I'm not going anywhere until you realise what I'm saying to you."

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2009-06-23 05:02 am UTC (link)
She was losing it. She was about to lose it. Brianna could feel her blood pumping through her veins, harder at every word that came out of his mouth. He couldn't just--he couldn't just go, of course not, that would be too EASY! No, he was going to insist on staying and continuing to argue with her and fuck, she had a headache, and she put her head in her hands and sunk to the ground but it wouldn't go away because all she could hear were his words.

HAPPY SHE WAS PREGNANT! He was---it was cool? No, it wasn't cool, they were ninteen fucking years old, it wasn't cool and why couldn't he for one second realize that he was only making this worse! She needed understanding support, not someone standing there telling her that this situation was cool. It was if anything making her feel sicker and sicker about the whole thing because the more he talked the more upset she got.

"GET OUT, ZACH! GET OUT!" she yelled at him, sounding frantic because she felt trapped in this kitchen, like she was trapped in a box and all she could hear in between her own heavy breathing were his words bouncing off the sides and smashing into her head. Over and over and---okay, now she was really freaking out; if he had thought she was freaked out before, he didn't know what freaked out was. "GET OUT!"

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