20 January 2009 @ 10:26 am
Where We Go From Here: Plot Check in 10.5  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

I posted something similar in the Beyond OOC. This is our leaping off point from here on out. I'm labeling this as a plot check in, because in a way, it is.

We're pretty good on the incomplete threads front, but some got dropped completely because of Elle, Ai, and Shell's departure. For the remaining players, you can wrap those threads up by yourself or you can leave them where they're at. We're still working on figuring out where to go from here; we've already adjusted some longstanding story lines with new characters.

As a result, we should probably fill each other in on things that have changed (like all those weddings we had in October). If you need to supersede story lines you can do it here, or post some sort of "memory" log (like this) that helps explain how things are different from our established canon.

I'm still debating about labeling "non-canon" posts in some way so that if new players come into the game they won't be confused when what happened in the game last year doesn't match up with what's current in game. This ended up a lot longer than I thought. Anyway. Post away.