09 September 2010 @ 11:13 pm
Plot Check In  
The second part of our check ins from Inksome.

Check In 9
Oharu and Isabella had a chat about their incompatible lifestyles

Hamlin invited Puck over to dinner

Samra and Tearlag talked about recent visions.

Ohana and Cress got married. A lot of my characters attended. I think the only thing worth mentioning on that front is that Ganymede had a nice moment with Emelie.

Gideon confronts his sister one last time before poisoning her. Her obit.

At the wedding:
Hamlin chatted briefly with Aldrich.

Ganymede asked Agatha if it would get any easier She danced with Hamlin and later met the illusionist Ajax (while accompanied by Garage).

Circe confronts Ohana about some vaguely ominous things. Ohana dances with Bethany after a little prompting by Ajax.

Tearlag gets creeped out by Elliot, though she's been collecting evidence. Elliot makes small talk with Samra who's watching Enki dance. Enki was later kidnapped when Samra turned away for a moment.

Puck was invited to dinner with Hamlin and his family. Enki participated as well.

Every body went to the wedding reception. Evie and Oz were introduced to Morgan by Professor Titus, Enki and Tully danced their booties off. Puck will eventually make an entrance, my b.

Everyone also went to the wedding. Evie and Oz sat with Hamlin, Samra, and Enki. Titus and Juno sat with Morgan and Puck was almost late.

Enki had a play date with Samra and Taerlag.

Oz spoke to Jesse about Grey and fixity magic.

Enki and Chai were meeting in the Hall about daemon magic and MAGIC they found the Book of Daemonica!

Emelie attends Ohana and Cressida's wedding; she and Ganymede have a little chat.

Several of my characters attend Ohana and Cressida's reception and party, including:
Aldrich, who chats with Hamlin.
Agatha, who talks with Ganymede.
Sera, who meets Puck.
And finally Elliot, who has an interesting run-in with Teàrlag before he dismisses her. Then he finds his way into a conversation with Samra.

Deirdre secretly follows Draven until he outs her and they have an interesting conversation about the past, before an unexpected person butts in just in time to save Draven's life.

Ajax attends Ohana and Cressida's wedding reception for something to do on All Hallow's Eve. He meets Garage and Ganymede. (I evilly never finished this one. D:) He also brings the brides together on the dance floor with the help of his mythical friends (who also happen to be illusions ;).

Check In 10
Deirdre drops off a letter to Samra revealing the whereabouts of Elliot, whom kidnapped Enki. Sam arrives with Ham and they take Enki back from Elliot (who slips away just in time). (Nov. 9th)

Agatha finds out about Gwen's death and, blaming herself, makes the decision that she must step down from her prophet position. (Nov. 10th)

Elliot meets with Aries, one of Circe's faces. (Nov. 18th)

Deirdre and Elliot show up at Agatha's home in the middle of the night and murder her and her grandson, Draven. (Nov. 23rd)

Elliot finds Emelie while she's walking home from work and winds up shooting her for reasons unknown. (Dec. 13th)

Many of my characters (Amon, Anjelique, Ryu, and Vic) attend/are attending the Solstice Feast and make new friends. (Dec. 21st)

News of Enki's disappearance and subsequently being found.

Strange tidings about Hamlin follow the return of his adopted son which he later confirms in a press conference.

Agatha Ambrose's obiturary.

Hamlin reacts to Agatha's death, Ganymede comforts him.

Kiri invites her new friends down to the farm in Salem.

Trix, Kiri, Tearlag, Ganymede, and Garage head to Isla Partei for the Solstice Party.

Riona writes to Oharu about looking up a spell so she can show him Aylasia from space.

All Morgan has done in the meantime is have lunch with Miles and Isabelle and Ajax. She thinks they're all thinking about each other naked. (It makes sense in the thread, just.. don't ask).

Enki was found

Evie and faerie and elf farm fun

Evie gets lost and meets Ryu at the Solstice Party on Isla Partei and Imma dances

Puck opened a thread for Calais

Enter Imma and Petera.

Ajax meets Morgan, Miles and Isabelle after doing a street performance and joins them for lunch. He likes making this Miles character annoyed.

Check In 11
Oharu has a difficult Bon Festival. Later he shares a lunch with Riona on Snow Day.

Hamlin and Ganymede have their own Bon Festival tradition. Later he has a quiet Abe's Feast with his family.

Sam takes a walk with Enki where they talk about the memory of his parents.

The recently deceased Gwen has a conversation about Verdad Ocultada with Isabella. Later Gwen begins to haunt her brother, Gideon.

Ganymede, Garage, and Enki have a lovely Snow Day.

Garage and Hamlin go last minute shopping for a present for Ganymede.

Samra, Hamlin, and Enki exchange presents on Yuletide.

Candlement Wishes and Yuletide Presents

Ganymede and Garage talk about old scars and children. A few days later, Corvus lands in their backyard.

Garage and Evie have an important conversation about werewolves and ritual magic.

The Lossehelin's have their annual Twelfth Night Party

Garage, Ganymede take Enki to the Twelfth Night Festivities in Salem Park. Tearlag chats it up with Esther.

Morgan plays in the river with Isabelle and meets some new friends - Unfold.

Titus invites Morgan to spend Snow Day with the family. Fun is had by all!

Candlement wishes and Yuletide haul, as mentioned above.

Morgan and Titus are going out for Twelfth Night (maybe).

Amon briefly attends the Solstice Festival. Anjelique makes nice with Trix at the Solstice Festival. Ryu almost makes a new friend, Evie, at the Solstice Festival but Iris kills the moment right before Kiri, then, steals Evie away. Vic has far too much fun dancing with Imma and Teàrlag.

Séreméla comforts Emelie whom awakens, startled, after recovering from wounds that she's convinced her brother, Elliot, is reponsible for - he apparently having tried to kill her unborn child.

Ajax finally corners Elliot down and the two meet face to face for the first time.

Corvus falls from the sky and is found by Ganymede, a fellow star.

Esther brings a ton of king cakes for the people at the Twelfth Night celebrations at Salem Park. She meets - Unfold Garage (outside of school) and Enki (a shifter too!), as well as Teàrlag - Unfold (a faerie, omg).

Ajax follows Elliot and decides to have a chat with his BEF (best enemy forever, OH YES).

Check In 12
Some of this was linked in the last plot check in - but not all.
Isabelle experiments with help from Garage.

She spends time at the lakes with Miles and things get a bit much for the commitment wary Isabelle - which mean she immediately goes to the city where unfortunately she runs into Ajax in a bad mood and is violently attacked.

She goes to Miles for healing and ends up staying there surprised she feels safe around him (she's in so much denial.)

Shortly after that she goes home but is freaked out by the fact that Ajax has tidied his tracks so she heads back to Miles.

She's abducted by Ajax a little while after this. After he lets her go - she goes to visit someone from her past - Havan to warn him about Ajax even if Havan does not deserve a warning.

Then home to Miles who is worried about her after she's been missing.

A couple of weeks later. Havan and Ajax have a confrontation which goes badly for Havan and his partner Valev.

Ajax then goes to Miles for healing - mainly so he can upset Isabelle and inform her that her warning failed. Isabelle reacts badly to this but also has other things on her mind. She suspects she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is. She tells Miles of her suspicions and a test confirms it.

Titus asked Morgan to marry him, she said yes!

Enki and Evie go to Tea's changeover

Pete goes on a date with Oharu

Titus, Morgan, Juno, and Noah beach it up and make plans for parties

Titus and Puck discuss Juno

Titus, Puck, Evie, and Oz go to the engagement party

I finally finished Teàrlag's changeover!

Amaterasu (pretending to be Amanda) met Aislin and helped her find her classroom.

Isadore and Gideon hear the good news about Morgan's engagement.

Ohana seeks out her brother hoping for some sympathy about her up and down marriage, but Oharu isn't in a very sympathetic mood.

Hector teases Trix about her infatuation with Andrew Mast.

Gwen continues to haunt Gideon, though the new baby Kat seems to be helping him.

Circe taunts Cressida about her wife's disappearance.

Esther attends Tearlag's Changeover and has a chat with Enki.

Aislin manages to lose her class at school, but a nice older girl called Amanda helps her to find them.

Ajax has his work cut out for him when he goes to eliminate Havan ..and Valev. He succeeds, but is injured.

Ajax heads to Miles' for healing. While there he torments Isabelle who reacts by making him feel sore and sick and dizzy. He leaves to return to his crime scene.

I fail at making Ajax/Aden/Butterfly Brother's at the crime scene interesting to even myself. ;)

Ajax attends Morgan and Titus' Engagement Party - he arrives appropriately late and congratulates the happy couple. Later in the party he finds that he can't help but approach Isabelle - much drama ensues

Haneul meets his new roommate, Nix, at Salem Academy. Unfinished.

Séreméla meets with Gunnar to inform him that she's pregnant with his child (so she thinks); Gunnar shrugs a shoulder and Séreméla ultimately decides that she's better off raising the child on her own.

Emelie runs into a fellow expecting mother, Isadore, at a cafe where they chat the afternoon away.

A moody Corvus spends time with Ganymede and Enki. Unfinished?

Séreméla writes a letter to Puck confessing her feelings for him and how she'd like to spend more time with him.

More of Elliot's devious plans are revealed with a flashback.

Séreméla and Emelie both give birth to healthy baby boys. Emelie, soon after giving birth, abandons her son, Alexzander, in the care of her older brother, Aldrich.

Ludovic sleeps with his favorite employee, Iris, and pays her for her "services".

Emelie, having run off to Isla Partei, spends most of her time in bars. Trix strikes up a conversation with her as Emelie begins to drink the afternoon away.

fter the engagement party confrontation, Isabelle worries when Miles is late home and her worry is proved to be not unfounded when he comes home hurt by Ajax, she tries to fuss over him and do her best to heal him given it is not one of her talents.

She decides to deal with Ajax and informs him of her pregnancy before rendering him unconscious and taking a sample of his blood for a bit of experimental magic.

Then Isabelle meets up with Morgan and they discuss babies and weddings.

Once her binding is done Isabelle decides having dealt with Ajax that she is ready to put him behind her properly by showing Miles how she feels about him and sharing some
of her past.

Ajax reacts badly to finding out about the binding and creates a medical emergency for Miles to deal with. (Isabelle is only mentioned in this thread.)

Isabelle attends Morgan and Titus' wedding.(Unfinished)

She makes a new friend unaware of the identity of Vivian's son.

When Aden shows up at Mile's house Isabelle gives her some herbal advice before jumping to conclusions and leaving.

Immediately after this Aden's visit, Miles finds Isabelle in the lake and assures her that is is not sleeping with Aden - or anyone else but her.

Mile's reassurance does not not stop Isabelle checking that Aden is not sleeping with Miles when she bumps into her. She also learns that Vivian is Ajax's mum and Ajax is surprised to see Aden and Isabelle together.

Isabelle reacts badly to finding Aden on their couch and Miles realises that being honest about the fact that Aden showed up drunk would really have been better for everyone.

On a break between lessons Isabelle meets young Aislin, doesn't quite master child appropriate conversation and then offers to take Aislin to the lake.

Isabelle and Aislin go to the Lake!

Check In 13
Ohana met her old friend, Amon on Isla Partei. Later, Cressida begs Garage to find her wife for her. Once on the Isla he runs into his old friend Trix.

Ganymede had a bad dream and went out for coffee, meeting Aden. (I think I stalled out on this one, hopefully we can finish it quickly (and I'm very sorry for stalling)).

Tearlag gets the crazy idea that she should take Enki to meet his shifter kin. Later, Tea's idea comes to fruition and she and Enki travel to the shifter's summer camp.

Hamlin discusses October first and business from the other mainland with his old friend Hayward.

Haneul meets his new roommate, Nix, at Salem Academy. Still unfinished.

Emelie, having run off to Isla Partei and abandoning her child, finds herself in a bar conversing with a vampire. Still unfinished (My bad... where were we going with that one?).

Amon runs into his old friend Ohana. Unfinished...?

Séreméla brings her new born baby, Maeglin, to meet with Puck. Unfinished (what direction did we want to go in with this one?)

Deirdre kidnaps Haneul and brings him to Elliot. Later Elliot switches bodies with Haneul, against Haneul's will, and he and Deirdre then drag Haneul in front of the Parliament building and shoot him in the middle of the night.

Atlanta receives a warning of betrayal when casting runes aboard the Vicious Barnacle. She warns the Captain and Navigator about what she saw.

Later she attempts to scry for more information and is attacked by a mutineer. This prompts the mutiny to start early.

Following the little.. upset at Morgan and Titus' engagement party, Ajax has Miles understand that keeping his mouth shut on what he's learned about the illusionist is really the best for everyone. He pushes Miles one step too far though.

Aden is awake after a crazy night and in need of coffee. She finds it, though ends up sharing a table and some conversation. (Unfinished?)

Ajax returns to his crime scene after leaving it in the capable hands of the Butterfly Brothers. They've recruited another (Aden) who has some history with the illusionist. They get the job done despite the tense working environment. (Backdated.)

Aden tries and fails to prove some points to Ajax. At least she gets to knock him out and tie him up. (Also backdated.)

Isabelle has some big news for Ajax. For once he finds himself at a loss.. and eventually unconcious in an alley. (Probably backdated a little too.)

Ajax is emo and decides that the baby issue has to be taken care of. He knows exactly how to deal with that, so he heads off to Isabelle's where he is thwarted by her ward of pwning. Angry at this, Ajax decides that the next best thing for him to do is piss Miles off.. which he can do by giving him a nasty emergency to attend. And who better to be that emergency than Aden? He can prove some things himself that way. Ajax manages to secure his Aden emergency, to which Miles tends.

Miki goes to check on Aden and winds up helping her escape from the New Meridian Clinic.

Ajax turns up early - Unfold to Morgan and Titus' wedding to run an illusion 'gift' idea past Morgan before her big day. (Unfinished.)

Vivian acquires a new customer after Isabelle decides to check on the address Ajax gave her when she told him she was pregnant. Isabelle and Vivian get on quite well.

Aden turns up at Miles' house instead of the clinic for advice on her sleeping issues. Miles is not home yet, so Isabelle deals with her until he is.

Aden visits the market where she encounters Isabelle. They have an awkward sort of conversation about Miles, Vivian and Ajax. Ajax makes a brief appearance, noticing the two before clearing out because of Isabelle's ward.

It's Aden's Birthday! She turns up drunk at Miles' and winds up telling him just why it's the sort of occasion you want to get completely smashed for.. and gets completely smashed. She is awoken the next morning by an angry Isabelle, who is understandably suspicious about her presence in their house once more.

Rabiah is in attendance when Atty tells the Captain of her latest, worrying readings. The navigator then works out the best course for them to avoid land.

MUTINY. Rabiah winds up helping Atty after she is thrown overboard by an unhappy member of the crew. Swashbuckling ensues.

Aislin meets Isabelle during her break time at the academy. She learns a lot, even if she (thankfully?) doesn't understand half of it.

Puck and Sera meet in the park and he is introduced to Maeglin.

Titus and Morgan got married! Puck invited Sera to the wedding.

Enki and Tea start on their journey to the shifter community.

Isabelle and Morgan talk babies and weddings.

Check In 14
A bunch of the kids went out to the Inaugural Ball but nothing particularly exciting happened.

Garage found Ohana in a hotel on Isla Partei crying and not making much sense. Since then she's been hiding at Garage and Ganymede's house; the girls have a heart to heart chat about her situation.

Isadore does what any good wife would do and banishes the ghost of Gwen Wells from their house so that her husband can get a good night sleep.

After the engagement party confrontation, Isabelle worries when Miles is late home and her worry is proved to be not unfounded when he comes home hurt by Ajax, she tries to fuss over him and do her best to heal him given it is not one of her talents.

She decides to deal with Ajax and informs him of her pregnancy before rendering him unconscious and taking a sample of his blood for a bit of experimental magic.

Then Isabelle meets up with Morgan and they discuss babies and weddings.

Once her binding is done Isabelle decides having dealt with Ajax that she is ready to put him behind her properly by showing Miles how she feels about him and sharing some
of her past.

Ajax reacts badly to finding out about the binding and creates a medical emergency for Miles to deal with. (Isabelle is only mentioned in this thread.)

Isabelle attends Morgan and Titus' wedding.(Unfinished)

She makes a new friend unaware of the identity of Vivian's son.

When Aden shows up at Mile's house Isabelle gives her some herbal advice before jumping to conclusions and leaving.

Immediately after this Aden's visit, Miles finds Isabelle in the lake and assures her that is is not sleeping with Aden - or anyone else but her.

Mile's reassurance does not not stop Isabelle checking that Aden is not sleeping with Miles when she bumps into her. She also learns that Vivian is Ajax's mum and Ajax is surprised to see Aden and Isabelle together.

Isabelle reacts badly to finding Aden on their couch and Miles realises that being honest about the fact that Aden showed up drunk would really have been better for everyone.

On a break between lessons Isabelle meets young Aislin, doesn't quite master child appropriate conversation and then offers to take Aislin to the lake.

Isabelle and Aislin go to the Lake!

Isabelle runs into Ajax and her ward fails due to her magic being affected by late pregnancy. Before Ajax can have any fun threatening her she spoils his fun by going into labour. Then Miles shows up and is not pleased to see Ajax who eventually leaves so Miles can get Isabelle home and she gives birth to a daughter - Kendra.

A Yule visit to Miles' family goes horribly wrong when they do not approve of Isabelle - further complications arise when Isabelle and Miles realise they each have assumed Kendra will have their last name. Marriages comes up in a round about way but Isabelle leaves in a huff saying he can't get his own way by suggestion marriage, she waits up for Miles but then gives in to go to sleep not knowing he is out drinking but also planning on further discussion.

Ajax receives an unexpected letter from Cressida Wolff, leading to them meeting and him acquiring a job (finding her wife) to keep him occupied.

In all of his wisdom, Ajax takes advantage of the fact that a heavily-pregnant-Isabelle's ward appears to be down and approaches her. Things tend to go downhill from there - with her going into labour (with what he presumes is his child) and Miles turning up trying to be intimidating. He handles the situation as best as he can, but finds himself left in the lurch as the couple departs - Miles having given him the impression that the child may not actually be his..

..which will lead to him not dealing with the situation at all. (Placeholder I will fill soon, omg.)

A ton of backdated crap I promise I will get to will lead to Ajax spending his Yule in a grimy old bar instead of at his mother's. After a few drinks he is joined by Imma and then, through some bizarre twist of fate, by Miles. Further awkwardness and drinking ensues.

Isabelle takes Aislin to the lake/river (I think I keep changing it. XD) ..for the cute! I mean.. for an educational, yet enjoyable, outing.

Evie, Imma, Puck, Oz, and Pete went to the inaugural ball. Unfinished for the most part.

Evie and Oz have a little fight.

After an evening Yule with Trix and Uncle she spent the rest of her night at a bar with Ajax and Miles.

I made Loki and Icarus and Isolde.

Icarus moves in to his new place near his cousins Titus and Puck and Isolde visits.

Check In 15
Morgan and Titus got married!

Presents abound for the Yuletide haul.

For candlement, Morgan wishes for a giant brownie pan.

Morgan, Juno, Noah, Icarus and Isolde have a lovely picnic in the park.

Evie and Oz have an engagement party and Morgan PARENTS. Everyone is shocked, I assume.

I never linked to Yuletide Haul and Candlement Wishes in which some people gave and received gifts and some other people made goofy and revealing wishes.

Bonne informs Aries that he has to finish the job (which involves killing Nix Rathsas). He gets to it but doesn't realize that Amaterasu was weaving for him while he was dying and she lost a part of herself in his dying mind. The incident becomes an unsolved mystery on the front page and rattles Teàrlag who insists that Oz and Evie come stay with her while the school is closed.

Ohana finally comes home to Cressida.

Evie and Oz go to Tea's house after the murder at Salem rattles them all.

Oz meet Istaqua in Salem while he goes back to get some things.

Picnic! with Icarus, Isolde, Morgan, and the familiars.

Engagement party for Evie and Oz.

Isolde sets up shop in New Meridian.

Ajax decided to fool his way into Ganymede's home in an effort to have Ohana return to her wife. He was - for the most part - successful. He was also successful in making enemies. (Backdated)

Vivian received some unpleasant information regarding her son via her correspondance with Isabelle.. who she then visited for the whole story. With her fears confirmed, Vivian collected her son and confronted him with what she'd found out. Things didn't really go too wellfor either of them. (I got sick of it.. but will finish it eventually!)

Istaqa - not wanting to spend his life alone in the woods - finally gets up the courage to try his luck in town.. and hopefully find himself some pants. He's lucky enough to come across Oz - who seems to understand his predicament somewhat.. and is wonderfully helpful. (Unfinished 'cause I fail.)

Aislin gets herself in all sorts of trouble.. but it'll be okay!