23 May 2009 @ 02:45 pm
Hey gang!  
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]gravesmod)

Made a little headway on the new archives site today.

In some ways it's better, in other it's just a pain, but as I'm learning how to navigate it I really like it.

I'd like to make a separate site to upload our chat transcripts to. The great thing is that I can make it visible only to people I want. The downside is that you'd need a gmail account (and I know some of you don't like to share your gmails). I have a compromise in that I have like 50 invites on my account and I can send an invite to you if you'd like to make a gmail specifically for this purpose (this also goes for those of you who don't have gmail).

This would protect our aim screen names and keep our transcripts to ourselves We can also do other things, like comment on pages, share attachments, and we could all use googledocs together (which is what we did between GJ and Inksome) if we run into a rough spot on the web, or if we want to do a two day chat thing (instead of real time, we could comment to each other over the course of two days so all time zones are covered; kind of a random idea, but it might work for us).

I'll make comments screened and you can tell me what you think, or let me know if it's ok to share with your current gmail on file at modthings (and if you're not sure let me know which gmail is ok).