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no default userpic
Journal:もういちど: しけん、しゅくだい
Updated 585 weeks ago
rezista userpic
Name:Rezi Ta
Journal:Remove myself from this world...
Updated 671 weeks ago
inkoflemon userpic
Name:Ink of Lemon
Journal:Ink of Lemon
Updated 678 weeks ago
dailyjapanese userpic
Updated 690 weeks ago
sacred userpic
Updated 735 weeks ago
toki__wartooth userpic
Name:child of earth & of starry heaven
Journal:She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME
Updated 749 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:Kira O'Hara
Journal:Just what am I doing here?
Updated 750 weeks ago
no default userpic
Updated 791 weeks ago
no default userpic
Name:ヽ(≧∀≦)〳 ☆ Maxwell ☆ ヽ(≧∀≦)〳 素晴らしい破滅
Updated 809 weeks ago
neuraesthete userpic
Journal:Ecce mundi gaudium
Updated 860 weeks ago
laughing userpic
Name:Thirsty and Miserable
Updated 861 weeks ago
autumncrescent userpic
Journal:Autumn Crescent
Updated 863 weeks ago

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