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User:akio (45984)
Name:Akio Katayama
Website:Crescent City Institute of Magic
Location:New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Interests:16: arithmancy, books, cats, charms, fantasy movies, ferrets, fish and chips, foxes, healing, japanese culture, languages, learning, muggle sports, reading, teaching, writing
Schools:None listed
People42:867_5309, aliensexist, alittlevague, almost_famous, anastas, atotheb, babalon, cabotine, cantspell, ccimods, che_bel_viso, crescentcitynpc, drummerboy, formaldehyde, gaybee, gimmeskittles, gregoire, hardluckwoman, howemuchtrouble, imperfectly, itsnotjessica, jools, learntofly, littleredd, londonloves, meandmyuke, mightbeclever, mustbecharming, mylollipop, petitechou, porcelinaofvast, redwritinghood, samtheman, sim, smella, soleada, thatmachineboy, walktheline, wantsthesky, whodoo, xanvanren, yevgeni
Communities2:crescentcity, crescentcityooc
Friend of:35: 867_5309, aliensexist, alittlevague, almost_famous, babalon, cabotine, cantspell, che_bel_viso, crescentcitynpc, drummerboy, dungeonmaster, formaldehyde, gaybee, gimmeskittles, gregoire, hardluckwoman, hollyj, imperfectly, itsnotjessica, learntofly, londonloves, meandmyuke, mightbeclever, mylollipop, notonyourteam, petitechou, porcelinaofvast, samtheman, sim, smella, soleada, studiesallnight, thatmachineboy, walktheline, yevgeni
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2011-04-12 06:24:26
Date updated:2011-04-12 07:13:21, 721 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:1
Comments:Posted: 43 - Received: 0

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