User: | create (10785) |
Name: | create |
Location: | Canada |
Birthdate: | 1991-06-06 |
Bio: |
Memories | 1 entry |
Friends: |  | 11: | ashly, create, ecoute, highfidelity, hoistthecolors, itsnoteasygreen, jacoblack, lostgirl, news, sunkyung, tentacleattack |  | 3: | bookworm, equations, harmonize |
Friend of: | 12: ashly, create, ecoute, highfidelity, hoistthecolors, itsnoteasygreen, jacoblack, lostgirl, solar, speak, sunkyung, tentacleattack |
Member of: | 4: bookworm, community_promo, equations, harmonize |
Account type: | Early Adopter |
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