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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-29 08:18:00

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*The last mini-Seeker will step in with Stars a bit later*

Mech: They’re in here.

Stars: *steps in, looking for a moment like he’ll pull everyone away from his third, then relents and moves in to stand by TC* //How’re things going?//

TC: .....Skywarp. My name is Thundercracker, and our trine leader is Starscream. *these people might recognize the names of a champion trine of gladiators - when Stars comes in* //Too soon to tell, but they seem to know what they're doing.// *shrugs* //They apparently repaired me themselves, and I was pretty bad off.//

Song: *once Stars is there* I’m Shadowsong.  This is Dreamcatcher, my second, and Stromfront, our third.  And this is Wing, a good friend of ours.

Wing: You’ll have to be careful.  The three of you would be very recognizable. *he hadn’t needed their names to know them, but wasn’t going to...frighten them by calling any of them by name before they introduced themselves.*

TC: *scowls, arms crossed* Why do you think I was trying to get /out/ of here?

Wing: I knew why you were trying to leave.  It doesn’t change that you are welcome, and would be safe here.

TC:  So long as we stay hidden and caged up here in the house?  What's the benefit to you?

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2014-04-29 02:38 pm UTC (link)
TC: */definitely/ irritating, and Stars will feel that, promises to teach Stars the next time it becomes an issue...NOT THAT IT WILL he's determined that it won't ever again...*
Warp: *a bit annoyed at the comforting - he's a hardened gladiator, he doesn't need comforting! - but...he /is/ comforted...and a bit annoyed at /himself/ for...for /wanting/ it...just makes himself relax as best he can, at least they're not /hurting/ him while they work, not unnecessarily*

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2014-04-29 03:01 pm UTC (link)
Song: *and she’ll warn him if something she’s about to do will possibly hurt. Half the time it doesn’t, and the other half it does, but is over as quickly as she can manage. She’s quick and efficient with her work, and does a quality job. She’s actually rather good with...um...taking a mech apart with as little pain as possible. She never once brings up putting him out, just does what she can to ease his pain and does what she needs to. Like TC, even the old stuff will be repaired when she’s finally done with him* *she’ll wipe Warp’s fluids from her hands and leave Storm to help clean him up as she moves over to start on Stars*
Wing: *has started repairs, but again, he’s no medic. He’s at least able to dampen the pain receptors and thus allow Stars to relax a bit more.*
Song: ...Slag. All of this damage... how’d you ever manage to become champions?

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2014-04-29 03:06 pm UTC (link)
TC: *is /frowning/ at the sight, he's never /seen/ how bad they are (were) on the inside, snorts at her comment* By not being given a choice.
Warp: *low, caustic chuckle* We're stubborn fraggers.

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2014-04-29 03:28 pm UTC (link)
Song: *smirks a glance at TC* Bet you’d shock the pit out of everyone if you showed up in top shape. If people thought you were great before.... *not that she’s actually suggesting it.*
Wing: *doesn’t really approve of fighting for sport...but it is something they’re good at* If they wanted to, things could be arranged so they could. You three could be rather well off rather quickly, so long as you entered as free mechs.

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2014-04-29 03:44 pm UTC (link)
TC: *if Stars doesn't speak up first, he'll scoff* We'd be /fools/ to step back into an arena. That'd just be /asking/ for people to catch on to us, even if we changed our designations and paint jobs.
Warp: It'd be /fun/ ta get to fight for ourselves . . . but yeah, TC's right.

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2014-04-29 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Wing: If you’re legally registered as free, then you could do as you wished. I know someone that can do this for you, might be worth your time to meet with him.
Stars: *knows....TC “can’t” be free, but if all the records can show him and Warp as free......hmmm....* And he’d not betray us?
Wing: He’d only risk himself if he did. He won’t betray you.

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2014-04-29 04:09 pm UTC (link)
TC: ................... *very VERY carefully /not/ thinking /anything/, gazing at some spot on the berth next to Stars without really seeing it - will go with whatever his trine leader decides, he won't deny his trinemates their freedom even though he himself can never be*
Warp: .......... *watching TC*

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2014-04-29 04:13 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *had backed off to let Song work on Stars, he’s also watching TC* ....You’re a convict. *a guess, though there is a /mild/ question there.* He may still be able to help you, perhaps not to free you, but to set things up so you’re free in every way but on file.
Dream: *has kind of snuggled to Warp, still half comforting him, and otherwise just kind of being there.*

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2014-04-29 04:50 pm UTC (link)
TC: */scowls/, looking away*
Warp: *watching him, sad for his wingmate, voice quiet* We both are. His is way worse, though.
TC: *fist /clench/, voice /tight/ and /angry/* I. Didn't. Do. It.

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2014-04-29 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Stars: .......And what does this mech charge for these services, Wing? I don’t like owing people, it’s dangerous. *He owe these four too much already*
Wing: Usually? Nothing. You’ll have to discuss that with him, though.

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2014-04-29 05:10 pm UTC (link)
TC: ......he just blithely risks himself for unfortunate strangers like you guys do? *this is getting harder and harder to accept...*
Warp: *isn't aware that he's kind of wrapped an arm around Dream, loosely cuddling her to his side, engine droning with hers while he watches his trinemates*

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2014-04-29 05:20 pm UTC (link)
Dream: *has a small, contented smile on her face. No, she doesn’t know Warp really, but he’s a Seeker, and even if he’s not her trine, being close with other Seekers just feels natural.*
Wing: *wry* It’s his job. I can’t promise he’ll help, I can’t promise that, if he puts a price to his services, that it’ll be one you’re willing to pay, but you don’t know until you ask.
Stars: *scowling, he glances at TC, tone sarcastic* Are we sure we’re not dead somewhere?

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2014-04-29 06:07 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *feels the same, plus right now just...could really use the comfort*
TC: *looks down at him, small wry grin* No. Either dead or dreaming. A lot of wishful thinking, either way.

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2014-04-29 06:25 pm UTC (link)
((Warp and Dream. ~<3))

Stars: *snorts* If that’s the case, I’ll kill you if you wake me up.
Song: All right. You’re all done. *will start cleaning up the med room*
Wing: *will offer Stars a hand to help him back upright.*
Stars: *was starting to get up, pauses to study Wing a moment....and accepts the hand up* So now what?
Wing: Now you decide if you want to meet with that friend of mine or not about getting your datafiles updated.
Stars: *optics stay locked on Wing, but his wingmates will feel him kind of reach to them. Not really /asking/ their permission/opinion, but he is wanting to know their thoughts on this.*

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2014-04-29 06:28 pm UTC (link)
((lol yes. <3 also LOL so he /is/ asking their opinion... XD))

Warp: *mentally shrugs, what have they got to lose, right?*
TC: *figures the worst that can happen is they're betrayed, recaptured, and have to escape again . . . the worst that can happen if they /don't/ is they're eventually found and recaptured, and have to escape again. Or they're killed, again in either scenario . . . *

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2014-04-29 06:38 pm UTC (link)
((NO! *snerks* More like just feeling for it. He'll deny forever that he's actually wanting their thoughts on this. XD He's only trying to get an idea of their mindset because it means trusting yet another mech, and Stars is paranoid (for good reason). So yes, technically he wants their opinion, but if you present it like that he'll punch you in the face for it. Isn't he friendly? XD;;))

Stars: *will shift to his feet so he can (loom) be standing when he speaks* All right. We’ll see this mech you’ve mentioned. But know this, if you, or /he/ betrays us, I do not care /what/ you’ve done for us so far, I /will/ kill you.
Wing: *completely unfazed, despite being loomed over by a likely-for-the-first-time-fully-repaired gladiatorial champion.* That won’t be a problem, Starscream. I’ll give him a call, see if he’s in today.

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2014-04-29 07:20 pm UTC (link)
((Ever so. XD))

TC: *a silent, rock-steady support at his trine leader's flank - part of him wants to chide Stars over the bond for the demands (it /is/ technically REALLY RUDE to those who have already done and risked so much) but he also fully agrees about /why/, so he doesn't actually "say" anything*
Warp: *reluctantly pulls himself upright, shifting Dream up with him*

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2014-04-29 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *doesn’t give a frag how rude it is, this is his life, and /his trine/ he’s trusting yet another stranger with....*
Dream: *moves easily with Warp....she feels mildly awkward “standing with” three mechs who are “threatening” her friends, trine...and in a sense /her/, but she just snugs him and continues to drone softly to him*
Song: We’re not going to betray you, Starscream, you or your trine. You’ll never meet a better mech than Wing, he’ll take good care of you because he truly cares.
Wing: *little grin* I won’t betray you, and if you feel I do, talk to me first? It’s likely a misunderstanding.

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2014-04-29 07:57 pm UTC (link)
TC: //Let's just meet this friend of theirs, Starscream. We can worry about who's killing who later.//
Warp: //I wanna be free again where I don't have to worry about the cops after me when I haven't even done anything wrong.// *escaping from a master isn't "wrong" in his mind*

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2014-04-29 08:10 pm UTC (link)
Wing: *he can’t help but look mildly amused, perhaps even a /little/ pleased, that this recent slaves is already taking to giving orders. He just nods and turns for the door, motioning for them to follow*
Dream: *will give Warp a HUG* Take care. I wish you all the best.

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2014-04-29 08:14 pm UTC (link)
Warp: *flinches and looks down at her, only now /really/ realizing she's been cuddled to his side this whole time* Uh...thanks. You too.
*Warp and TC will shift and fall into line to follow Stars*

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2014-04-29 08:16 pm UTC (link)
Dream: *will give him a sweet grin, and will wave if any of them glance back in*
Wing: *will head out and....well, he’ll actually take to the air. He’ll stay low, no need risking being spotted, but he /knows/ these three will /want/ to fly, even if it’s not for very long or far at all.*

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2014-04-29 08:26 pm UTC (link)
*They glance back if only to keep track of those /behind/ them, what they're doing - none of them like having anyone behind them but their own wingmates. Once outside, they...DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOTTED...but yes, they REALLY REALLY DO want to be in the air, so they'll follow with only an instant's hesitation.*

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2014-04-29 08:30 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *BURIES his disappointment when Wing shifts and lands again. Stars transforms and lands beside the mech, exuding a confidence that completely hides his nervousness from everyone but his wingmates.*
Wing: *steps to the door of the place he’s landed outside of. It’s a big place, impressive. He knocks and when the door opens he smiles* Subzero, just the mech I wanted to see. *motions at the Seekers* These three are hoping to benefit from your services.
Zero: *gives them a friendly smile* I see. Come in, we’ll talk.

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2014-04-29 08:42 pm UTC (link)
TC: *also stuffs his disappointment, his outward expression stoic . . . inwardly he's BRACING - a nice home like this canNOT mean anything good for them*
Warp: *pouts a little as they land, but then is half-/gaping/ at the impressive house and half-/scowling/ at it, already judging the "haughty" mech that's got to live here*

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2014-04-29 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *will lead them in to a large sitting area, and will personally serve them a cube from a dispenser.* Please don’t take this wrong, but I think I know why you’re here. You want your freedom...?
Stars: *scowls, but then /smiles/, putting on the charm* What makes you say that?
Zero: You’re the Seekers so well known in the arenas, aren’t you?
Stars: ....The same. *he gives a deep, mock-bow* So good to be known. *he’s /this/ close to retreating with his trine before this fragger can betray them*
Zero: *nods* Thought so. I’ll have to look at each of your datafiles to know for sure if I can do anything for you, but if I can, I will.
Stars: And what will that aid cost us?
Zero: I don’t charge slaves for my work.

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2014-04-29 08:56 pm UTC (link)
TC: *accepts his cube with a nod but subtly does /not/ drink from it yet, just holding it - silently suggests the others do the same . . . /stiff/ but stoic at the recognition, frowns at the last* Get your return on our kind in other ways?
Warp: *ON EDGE, also /this/ close to just...oh! his warp engines are unlocked now, aren't they!?...he runs a quick diagnostic on them, runs calculations...he can get himself and his wingmates out of there if he has to, relaxes at that...marginally*

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2014-04-29 09:11 pm UTC (link)
Stars: *relaxes when he senses Warp’s realization about that....and ventures to take a drink of the fuel, just to “show” he’s not afraid of this mech, and aware that if he does suddenly pass out his third will warp them out....and then he’ll come back and murder these fraggers.*
Zero: If they pay me back for my help it’s because they choose to. I get money from those who can pay, or from making things to patent and sell. I don’t /need/ money, especially from those who don’t have it to give.

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