Jimmy Brancaccio
10 April 2009 @ 03:45 pm
Read through my emails. Talked with Louise about how she could go about implementing forms, PDFs, and web forms and possibly using FileMaker Server to do so. Talked with Francesca about her computer and it locking up and in turn making an Excel file she was working on Read-Only. We ended up doing a hard reboot on her laptop and then replacing the Excel file on the SHARED drive with a local copy. Fixed the issue.

Added Cristal to the TRIPSCY analytics account so she can pull the numbers. Made sure the Analytics code was in place. Talked a bit more with Louise about having her use web forms with FileMaker as the backend, would make her life a lot easier. It's just a matter of implementing it.

Learned how the SharePoint wiki works and how to edit pages and such. Uploaded the spreadsheet of the CDCI computer inventory to the Tech Team Wiki.

Updated the Continence website with some changes.

Added a link to the Emergency Plan page on CDCI.

Responded to emails to clean out my Inbox.
Jimmy Brancaccio
09 April 2009 @ 09:18 am
Read through emails, responded to a user having some trouble viewing the discussion boards on one of our online courses. Spent the morning editing and working with TRIPSCY web files, adding new people to their list of providers. Finished up one of the web forms for them. Collected a list of development pages and sent that to Marie. Worked on getting the RAM ready to return to DMS, all that needs to happen now is shipping it back. Finished up the module 101 section in the binder.
Jimmy Brancaccio
08 April 2009 @ 04:40 pm
Got in a bit late because the bus was late, decided to drive in, there was an accident making me even more late. Didn't have normal UDL meeting, spent a lot of time rewriting the code Nick had sent me so it wasn't so bloated. Worked on making the PNG file of the PDF for the About Grant @ UVM page, but had some trouble with that. Talked with Nick about putting an image up on the main UDL site, it's almost there, but the image is just a bit too big. Will get him to resize it properly and then I can add it.

Also spent some time looking at other UDL websites and documenting them in my UDL Site list spreadsheet.

Spent 30 minutes working on work logs. I've noticed that my last one was from 3.11.2009. I'll have to try harder on keeping up with them.
Jimmy Brancaccio
07 April 2009 @ 04:33 pm
Worked on updating some web pages. Spent a bunch of time reviewing my emails and adding new tasks into Things. Spent some time learning how to better write accessible code. Talked a bit with Susan Edelman about Adobe Connect Pro and then spent the afternoon looking more into it.
Jimmy Brancaccio
12 March 2009 @ 04:32 pm
Worked on some emails, and replied to those that needed it. Got Louise another projector since the one she had didn't seem to be working. Spent the morning working on putting together a binder for the Moodle modules. Had a good fight with the printer, finally gave up and requested the TRIPSCY/AIM key code from Marie so I could use those printers instead.
Jimmy Brancaccio
11 March 2009 @ 08:53 am
Had a quick Skype meeting with Cristal and Nick. Added the Testimonials under About UDL, although they could definitely be moved or changed (the name) at any point. Had to just get some content up there. Worked on"profiling" various UDL websites and putting the information into a spreadsheet. Uploaded it to the Sharepoint for now.

Printed out some flyers for Nick's presentation tomorrow at MTM. Worked some more on reviewing UDL websites. Will definitely need more content for next week.
Jimmy Brancaccio
10 March 2009 @ 04:33 pm
Updated work log from last week. Read through emails and responded to those that need it. Did a bit of work for the Research Team, setting up folder on the SHARED drive and moved some files into there. Added a resource to one of Michael's pages. Cleaned up my desk a bit and filed some papers. Made a new March 2009 calendar for outside my door. Checked something in and out (projectors, etc...) also found the Logitech speakers, I guess Renee had turned them in.

Worked getting everyone onto Oracle Calendar for the rest of the morning. Worked on finding a cabinet so we can move the computers and other devices in there. Worked on putting together a task list, will then pass it off to Michaella so she can put in her tasks. Looked for other cabinets. Read some emails. Worked some more on Oracle make sure it was right.

Talked with Marie about some Moodle things and modules.
Jimmy Brancaccio
06 March 2009 @ 12:04 pm
Had the CDCI retreat until 12pm, worked a bit at the office.
Jimmy Brancaccio
05 March 2009 @ 12:04 pm
Finished up the tab code and implementing it. I figure we can safely have 4 profiles there, and what’s there now can definitely be changed but at least it’s some content for the moment. Added in Javascript code for rotating text and started styling it. Added the new images to the staff page. Added some styling to the testimonial page. Had the morning meeting. Worked with Nick to get a quotes graphic for the home page and then worked some more on getting it styled properly.
Jimmy Brancaccio
04 March 2009 @ 12:04 pm
Had missed the bus in the morning. Drove myself up and then had to visit the transportation/parking services to get a day pass. Also got some information on a normal parking pass. Seems like it would be worth it to me.

Finished up the AIM 101 Moodle Module and requested some more tasks from Marie. Did some basic web work on the TRIPSCY UVM website. Started looking into the process of form development and getting it nicely sent in an email too Marie and also possibly displaying it to the end-user before it's submitted.

Helped Louise get one of her users online...apparently the computer is either too old to work with the wireless network or the WiFi does not reach to this end of the building. Got that all fixed, she's hard-lined into the network now.

Added a link to the The View article on the UDL resources website.
Jimmy Brancaccio
03 March 2009 @ 12:04 pm
Had a morning meeting with Susan, Laurie and Michaella. Spent much of the day finishing up the HTML newsletter. Sent it out to a few people and webmail services to see how it would displays. It seems to be okay! :)
Jimmy Brancaccio
27 February 2009 @ 12:04 pm
Worked on my work log for the past week. Sent UDLs log to Cristal also. Read through emails and logged any tasks that there might have been.

Spent a few hours working on the HTML newsletter. It's actually almost done except for some graphics that I will need to have Michaella do.

Actually spent much of the day working on the HTML newsletter.
Jimmy Brancaccio
26 February 2009 @ 09:00 am
Worked on a few TRIPSCY things, posting and adding a few things to the website. Met with Marie. Moved the 24" iMac from my office into hers. Got it hooked up and briefly showed her VMWare. Then we did some iPhone stuff, got her email accounts setup on there and told her how to get it all synced up. Got VMWare Fusion installed on Tammy Loomis' MacBook along with Windows XP. Did a data migration from my Macbook onto the new MacBook Pro. Installed software updates. Spent pretty much the rest of the day working on the AIM 101 Moodle module. It's pretty much done. Printed out the module site and also the module document and stuck them in a binder for Marie.
Jimmy Brancaccio
25 February 2009 @ 09:00 am
Did some web edits to the UDL pages. Started drafting/drawing up how the testimonials, "where we came from" page. Met with Cristal just to go over a few things about the daily tasks. Worked on how the page should look some more. Met with Nick and discussed it with him. We ended up using tabs, and will probably pick the 4-5 best ones and put them in there. Also figured out a rotating text script and implemented that. Then I started working on the tabs and the design of the other page and got a basic bit of that up so at least people can see what it'll look like. Will work on adding in copy/content and also the coloring of it next week hopefully.
Jimmy Brancaccio
24 February 2009 @ 09:00 am
Helped Susan Ryan get her laptop connected to the new HP printer. Made sure it worked (printed a few test pages). Setup her laptop in the conference room, connected it to the projector and made sure it was also connected to the Internet.

Updated my work log from the past week or so. Read emails and logged some new tasks into Things. Started putting together an order form so we can order that new laptop for myself ASAP. I can't/shouldn't really be using a personal machine here.

Did some work on the HTML newsletter. Continued learning about the best ways to make one through various articles and videos.