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User:victoriously (10540)
Name:[vicky] FROBISHER
master debaters, on your marks.
Interests:48: beckham's sweaty hottness, being owed biscuits, besting everyone, british brewing industry, business, business managment, celtic, chocolate biscuits, chronic doorknob kleptomania, cookie monster, david bowie, david bradley equals git, debate, eastenders, elephants, field hockey, flaming christmas puddings, football, fuzzy moles (the animal), goalkeeping, gryffindork, gryffs do it better, jimmy choo's, katie bell's amazing, kiwi birds name goosey, light brite, man u, missy grunnion is fab, nearly purple blood, not blackmail (honest), not firsties, not jack sloper (honestly), offhanded remarks, poor bob paisley, queen of debate, rem, ruling the world, silver-tongued sorceress, strategy, that means you sloper, three cups of coffee, travelling, u2, uni of edinburgh, women not my mum, wonder woman, world in a vice, year thirteen gryffs
Schools:None listed
People87:ajohnson, amicability, architect, badinerie, balls, bitchy, blaise, bogart, caitriona, canaries, cho, clagg, cormac, crab, creepy, daftne, dicktator, dthomas, dunstan, english, ernest, eugenie, explosives, farmed, filmography, flamethrower, fletwock, foulmouthflint, freddy, gould, gunther, hagrid, hairjordans, harried, heavens_cloths, hooper, ireland, ironyinherent, katies, keenan, kirke, lackey, lysol, macbeth, mchammer, meditation, melinda, moragwrites, muffins, naches, neuro, noraptors, notwilly_thanks, obnoxious, orange, peakes, pensioner, peta, philosopher, physicsgeek, poisonous, ppatil, prayer, propriety, punish, quiet_artist, redtresses, residentabyss, ritchie, salesman, science, shirley, sluts92, sonotperiwinkle, staid, stebbins, sunshine, tattle, toke, toldstein, torture, tramontane, victoriously, vpmods, vpnpc, wangsta, waynehopkins
Communities2:politik_vip, vox_politik
Friend of:82: amicability, architect, badinerie, balls, bitchy, blaise, bogart, caitriona, canaries, cho, clagg, cormac, crab, creepy, daftne, dicktator, dthomas, dunstan, english, ernest, eugenie, explosives, farmed, filmography, flamethrower, fletwock, foulmouthflint, freddy, gems, gunther, hagrid, harried, heavens_cloths, hooper, ireland, ironyinherent, katies, keenan, kirke, lackey, lysol, macbeth, mchammer, moragwrites, muffins, naches, neuro, noraptors, notwilly_thanks, obnoxious, orange, peakes, pensioner, peta, philosopher, physicsgeek, poisonous, ppatil, prayer, propriety, punish, quiet_artist, residentabyss, ritchie, salesman, science, shirley, sluts92, sonotperiwinkle, staid, stebbins, sunshine, tattle, teacherofrock, toke, toldstein, torture, tramontane, victoriously, vpmods, wangsta, waynehopkins
Member of:1: politik_vip
Account type:Early Adopter
Date created:2008-01-07 11:01:53
Date updated:2008-01-18 20:44:41, 891 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:2
Comments:Posted: 2 - Received: 2
Posting Access:1: politik_vip

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