Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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voodoo_maman From: [info]voodoo_maman Date: January 19th, 2011 10:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
Lisette looked utterly confused. This kid in front of her was a completely different person than the one she'd caught sneaking around her home on New Year's Eve. Then he'd been falling all over himself to get her to show him some of her practices and now he seemed to be scared shitless.

She laughed when he started talking about leaving instructions on his computer. "Have you completely lost it? I was smoking. I haven't touched any of these animals. See for yourself." She spoke the word lumos to light the tip of her wand so she could cast the beam around at the rustling owls. They were starting to wake up, nocturnal animals that they were, and not a single one of them seemed to be harmed.

"Believe me, if I wanted to find an animal to sacrifice, I'd just catch a squirrel in the woods. I would never purposely hurt any of the school's owls, or anyone's familiar. What kind of person do you take me for? We've met once and you've already painted me as a demon summoner? Classy, Jakob." The tip of her wand went out as she recrossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes on him again.

Considering it had taken her weeks to learn that single word, Jake's rendition was a totally butchered version and she laughed softly again. "Listen to yourself, you sound nuts. Do you really think that Pendragon is going to believe that I was doing anything up here? There's not even any proof that I was smoking. What are you going to tell her? That I was talking to myself in a foreign language? I know a few words of French and a couple in Spanish and Italian, but that's about it. I bet she'll really punish me for getting some fresh air." She nodded matter of factly and raised a brow at him, letting him know it was his move.
jake_frost From: [info]jake_frost Date: January 20th, 2011 12:45 am (UTC) (Link)
Lisette played the innocent victim well, but he wasn’t fooled one bit. She probably used that confused kitten look on her victims in town, when she lured them into the bayou! Note to self: search net for disappearances around New Orleans since Lisette started working at Cavalier Voodo…and find out when she started working at Cavalier Voodoo.

“Just because you were smoking doesn’t mean you weren’t doing anything else!”, Jake accused. Then he gasped and jumped back, raising his wand, as Lisette lit the room with her wand tip. His face flushed a bit when he realized she was just using the lumos command. “Maybe they are all unharmed because I caught you before you could butcher the poor creatures!”, he reasoned.

He listened to her line of reasoning and then recoiled, “A squirrel?!, he grimaced, “So you do sacrifice animals in some sort of dark rituals!” He crossed his arms and demanded of her, “Why shouldn’t I think you summon demons and stuff?” He walked closer to her, but not too close, “Don’t act disappointed in me! You think I want to think these things?” He clenched his fist, “I need to make sure people are safe.”

Jake cocked an eyebrow, “I would think if you wanted fresh air, you’d go outside for it and not up into the owlry! Who sounds nuts now, Lisette?!” Pointing his finger again, he accused, “That was no French or Spanish and you know it! No human language sounds like that! You tell me what you were up to or I will go to Pendragon!” Jake didn’t actually like doing this; at one time he actually thought Lisette was a nice, sweet girl, if a bit solitary. He would hate to be wrong about her…but, the Voodoo stuff and now that hissing, sigh of a word coming from her lips.
voodoo_maman From: [info]voodoo_maman Date: January 22nd, 2011 02:20 am (UTC) (Link)
She sighed and rolled her shoulders. His accusations were starting to get old. "Are you listening to yourself. I have a clean record here, no one in their right mind would believe anything you said. Not for a second. "What exactly is it you think I was doing?"

She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. "Listen, Jakob... I am a voodoo practitioner. I use animals to trap evil spirits. Yes, sometimes they're sacrificed, but I have never tried to summon a demon. You're tempting me, though. I'm really starting to get irritated."

She listened to him. "You're taking shots in the dark. I haven't done anything and I don't plan to do anything. People are safe from me! What do I have to do to convince you? Fuck." She narrowed her gaze at him once more. "Do you not see the open windows? Air rushes through here pretty regularly. I'd say getting fresh air up here is pretty believable, actually."

She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself before she stunned the kid and made a run for it. "Go get her, then. Tell her everything. I'll wait here."
jake_frost From: [info]jake_frost Date: January 22nd, 2011 04:24 am (UTC) (Link)
Jake rolled his eyes at Lisette’s statement, “Jeesh, Lisette, even Jack the Ripper had a clean record before he started his killing spree!” He spread his arms wide, “If I knew what you were doing, I wouldn’t have to ask you, would I?”

“Voodoo is dark and scary…”, he stated, “…zombies, voodoo dolls, curses…”, he sighed, “I’m Lutheran and our Pastor never did tell us to go out and butcher a chipmunk for the Lord!” Jake wasn’t a bigot or normally judgmental, being bisexual and a wizard, he knew what it was like to be different; it was just that he had no reference for Voodoo outside of scary movies. When Lisette threatened to summon a demon on him, Jake gripped his wand tightly, “Watch that talk, Lisette. You call a demon and it will end up with your soul!”

Jake listened to her words; she did sound convincing, but a practiced evildoer would. “I don’t know what you can do to convince me!”, he answered honestly, just coming to that realization himself. Suddenly, his mind raced, trying to decide what to do with her. “Yes, yes! I feel the air…but there is still more outside.”

Did she just tell me to go get Ms. Pendragon? Oh, shit! Jake realized that he couldn’t actually go get the Headmistress, because then he’d have to explain why he was in the House Lalaurie Owlry. “Ummmm…No…I’ll tell you what…I’ll let you go this time…but you have to promise to straighten up!”

As a show of faith, Jake put his wand back inside his hoodie, “You can be mad at me all you want, Lisette, but I’m only trying to protect the school”, he rambled, as he petted one of the owls. He cocked his eyes sideways at her and added, “I’m like a hungry wolf, darlin’, when I sink my teeth into somethin’, I don’t let go.”
voodoo_maman From: [info]voodoo_maman Date: January 22nd, 2011 04:44 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You know nothing about voodoo. Do your research before you start going on about how dark and scary it is. I am done with this conversation. Either leave me alone or go turn me in to Pendragon. I am tired of your accusations." She recrossed her arms over her chest and stared at him, waiting for him to leave.

She actually chuckled, though, when he said he would let her go. "Oh, that's so generous of you." The sarcasm was heavy in her tone and she rolled her eyes and shook her head once more.

"All you are, Jakob, is a pretender. You wouldn't know danger if it reared up and bit you on the ass. You don't know anything. And the next time you start making accusations like this, I'll go to the headmistress myself. I'm not going to be bullied or harassed. You got that?" She took a step forward. "Now get out of the Lalaurie dorm. Last I checked you belong to Rienzi."
jake_frost From: [info]jake_frost Date: January 22nd, 2011 07:38 pm (UTC) (Link)
“AHA! You’re wrong, Lisette! I’ve read about zombies and bokors and stuff! That is some dark shit, so don’t go looking all stricken!”, Jake replied, defensively.

Lisette’s sarcasm took Jake back a bit and he started to really consider the ramifications of his actions. What would his father say? Daddy had bought him out of trouble before. If Lisette went to Pendragon, would his dad take care of this mess? But, this was protecting the school. Surely they would all see this.

“I am NOT a pretender, smartass!”, Jake growled, pointing his finger, “I’ll have you know that I’ve actually saved three people’s lives before…”, he crossed his arms over his puffed out chest, “…it’s all in the police reports in Dallas!” His pride in his past deeds wavered a bit when Lisette called him a bully; surely she couldn’t seriously think of him as a bully. He was the nicest guy on campus, for goodness sake.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Jake spoke in an even tone, “I’m not a bully, Lisette. If I’ve offended you, I apologize. I always mean well.” He walked towards the exit door and stopped, “I’m going now and I won’t speak about what I've heard, but I know you weren’t speaking any human language. Until I find it’s actually harmful to others, I’ll keep it to myself.”
voodoo_maman From: [info]voodoo_maman Date: February 3rd, 2011 02:24 am (UTC) (Link)
"Oh really? Three whole people? Wow. Excuse me while I try to contain my awe." Lisette was beyond irritated and she was having a hard time biting back her comments. But she bit her lips to keep from saying anything more.

She watched him move toward the exit and felt relief that he was going. She didn't make any more remarks. Having him turn back to talk to her or make another comment was exactly what she didn't want. She'd just have to make sure that Jake never heard her speak Parseltongue ever again. It wasn't likely he'd be able to repeat the word she'd said with any clarity to anyone who would understand it, so she didn't worry about him telling others. All she wanted was for him to go.
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