Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Ginger and OPEN
Setting: Lalaurie common room
Content: SFW at least at the moment?
Summary: Ginger's painting her toe nails, contemplating the rest of her schemes against the would-be she devils.

Sometimes Ginger just felt a little vintage revival was in need with everyone's modern style. After all, most of the school gave a whole new meaning to the term 'tramp chic'. Only it was a little heavy on 'tramp' and light on the 'chic'; assuming it ever hedged an inch toward 'chic' to start with. Honestly, some of these girls really needed to pay more attention to her weekly article about how to turn drab to fab! She was trying to help them, and yet they all seemed so resistant to change.

It was sad.

Still, she didn't let that bother her as she went about painting her toe nails a adorable pink that matched her proper manicured nails. That was another thing these poor souls needed to educate themselves on- a proper mani and pedi. Maybe she would take Michi out for one before the destroyed her in public, which was hard considering the woman had destroyed herself just fine all on her own. Ah well, there was always a weak spot. Ginger just needed to find it.

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From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: February 26th, 2011 09:39 am (UTC) (Link)
Avery was feeling a touch more casual than Ginger today. He'd spent a good two hours in the library finishing off a couple of assignments due for the following week and was rather looking forwards to doing nothing beyond spending the rest of the night in Ginger and Amber's room, watching films and trading gossip.

Not that he was really meant to, but obviously that rule didn't apply to Avery. Unless Ginger and Amber already had a few other boys in there then it wasn't as though he was going to get up to any mischief with them.

But Ginger wasn't in her room. He'd knocked and no one had answered; had she forgotten their arrangment for the evening? Avery decided to check downstairs in the common room. If she wasn't there, he could always text her to find out where she'd gone.

"We're looking very Mad Men today," he commented as he approached the sofa where Ginger was painting her toes. Avery took a seat beside her and rested his head on her shoulder. "This isn't another rebellion against the indie-bohemian look, is it?"
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: February 27th, 2011 06:02 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ginger looked up and beamed at Avery when he popped into the common room. "Mad Men was clearly taking advice from me." She said smartly, before laughing a little. "I don't rebel, I set trends."

Putting the cap back on her bottle, she kicked hr felt out to dry as she picked a piece of stray lent off Avery's sleeve. "How was your day, baby?" She asked, resting her head against his. Somewhere in her room she had homework to do. It shouldn't have been a surprise, though, that she was trying so very hard to hide from it.
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 6th, 2011 11:29 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Which is why you should set the trend for all of those poorly dressed plebian wizards that bother you. You'd crush their pathetic notions about style and then they'd all want to dress like you. Lead by example, Gingie."

Avery patted her arm. Frankly, he didn't care how the rest of the school dressed. If they chose to look like they'd slept in a gutter then that was completely up to them; it just gave him more ammunition. Ginger, however, was something like a religious fanatic. She was convinced that she could save everyone from going to fashion hell if only they listened to her, and if only they atoned for their sins by dressing stylishly. It was all about beautifying the human race from the outside.

Poor little Ginger could be a touch too optimistic at times.

"Oh, you know," Avery sighed. "Same essay, different day. Although Leon Shaw did call me a fag earlier; he's so terribly easy to wind up." He smiled a little at that. "What about you?"

mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 10th, 2011 11:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Oh, I know." She said it as if Avery was making the dumbest statement in the world. She was, without a doubt, the best dressed in the school. She loved Avery and Amber both, but they couldn't even touch her. "But it wouldn't have to be so obvious if they'd only care about how they look."

Sighing though, she combed a hand through his hair before smiling. "I'm doing alright. But I have a favor to ask you." She leaned in, dropping her voice low. "You know that Sonnier twin, Leon? He's totally dating our Quodpot captain. Which I think is a conflict of interest. I mean, his twin is like the Captain of their team. So that is a total conflict."

She paused, sitting up a little straighter. "We should totally break them up."
From: [info]iliketokissboys Date: March 15th, 2011 07:44 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I think they do care about the way they look, and that's the problem," he replied. "They're going about it all the wrong way. That's why you need to be so obvious about it, otherwise they're never going to learn."

Avery looked up. A favour?

"This isn't "just about a conflict of interests, is it, Ginger? Leon Shaw and his boyfriend in disguise have never bothered you before." Not that their neutrality was a reason against breaking them up. Adelaide Legaux hated homosexuals as much as Leon Shaw pretended to hate homosexuals. As for the irascible Mr Shaw himself? He just needed a shag.

A good, gay shag.

"Anyway, what's your plan? I think I already have an idea of where this is going, but flesh out the details for me anyway."
mylollipop From: [info]mylollipop Date: March 20th, 2011 07:40 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I hate having to save people from themselves. They call me all sorts of mean, hurtful things, and even though they profit, I never get a thank you. Not a one!" She supposed it was one of those things that she'd have to feel good about for the whole selflessness of the act, instead of the gratitude of others. Still, it hurt a bit.

But that didn't matter all that much at the moment. "Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" She lied, before pouting just a bit. "Well, maybe it is because that slag was talking shit about me, but I can forgive that. She's totally a loose canon right now, we're losing games because of her." Which...might or might not have been true. Keeping up with the season wins wasn't really her thing. "And don't you think he's cute or something? You always like to get his pissy with you."

As for her plan, she just grinned. "It is pretty simple, really. I just need you to seduce him, and then while you two get a bit hot and heavy with the kissing and whatever else, I get a quick snap and then go show our would be Captain, and whoever else might be interested in seeing the school homophobe getting his 'freak' on."
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